Thursday, September 17, 2009

Oh the Thinks You Can Think... If Only You Try

Casting down arguments and . . . bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. —2 Corinthians 10:5

This morning I read a passage in the ODB about the "Thinking Christian." I think that the grad students might be interested in this topic, citing 2 Corinthians 10. Of course, it focused on thinking with clarity and dispelling arguments, making clear decisions. Today I am concerned with 2 kinds of thoughts that I want to be captive to the Lord. I want to obey His will for who I am and His will for who I will become.

Just yesterday I reached what was a huge huge step for me. I was walking back from my workspace and suddenly it occurred to me that I was no longer fighting a constant battle against my body. This worry, this concern that I'd had for so so long... it just suddenly wasn't there. It's really an indescribable thing... to feel free from something that so took over my thoughts. I praise the Lord for helping me to reach this point... for sending people into my life to help me, like Brad,... and I will not back down. I will remain obedient to You, Father. I lay my thoughts will remain captivated only by You not by the standards of the world. What a blessing, what an unbelievable blessing that I admit I doubted would ever come back again. Your power is amazing Lord... thank You for helping me to put You back into Your place.

As water reflects a face, so a man's heart reflects the man. -Proverbs 27:19

The second way I want my thoughts to be obedient to God is closely "reflected" in my heart. Last night I had the time to talk to my dear new friend Jennifer. It is so nice to have a good Christian friend who can talk about the joys and the challenges of being in a relationship with a wonderful Christian man. We talked about the challenges of long distance along with other considerations. And we prayed that God would show me clearly where He wants me and that I may know unmistakeably where I may go, so that I am be obedient to Him this year. I trust You, Lord... thank You for Your guidance... and for the blessing that Brad is in my life. Whatever You ask of me, that I will do.

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