Thursday, December 25, 2008


...that's what God desires of me. The dictionary would define respect as a "special regard" for something. Especially on this day of the miracle of miracles... Jesus son who was born to save us from ourselves, we must be in awe and respect for the Lord who does such great and wonderful things. And let us show this respect in action, in soul, and in word.

In Action
Haggai 1:1-2:23 (New book!)

"Then Haggai the prophet spoke the word of the Lord: 'Is it right for you to be living in fancy houses while the Temple is still in ruins?'" (Haggai1:3-4)

This verse is so very poignant, and I'm glad that Haggai speaks up. We can walk around saying that we don't have enough money to give to World Hunger Relief or time to work in a soup kitchen. Yet it's hard to buy that when we spend money on 'fancy houses' or other such items and spend time shopping or watching tv or other even less gainful activities. (I personally was sad to see the parking lot full at several bars that we passed yesterday... on Christmas Eve.) Haggai seems to remind us... first things first. Whatever is first in our hearts must be first on our agenda, in our actions.

In Soul
Psalm 147:7-11

"He is not impressed with the strength of a horse or with human might. The Lord is pleased with those who respect him, with those who trust his love." (Psalm 147:10-11)

I am strong in some ways- strong-willed and my legs must be quite strong since I know that several people would find a 20 mile run quite challenging. However, it's very nice to know that's not the kind of measure God's using. To please God I don't need to be the best athlete... very good to know since I'm quite uncoordinated. (My XC friends at Juniata used to joke about how we were 'rejects' from other sports. Without superior coordination, that left us as runners with lots of will power and determination.) To please God, I need to only be able to commit my soul- my mind and heart to respecting Jesus' holiness. Trust and respect is the perfect Christmas gift for my Lord Jesus. And Lord, I give it all to You!

In Word
Revelation 15:1-8

"Everyone will respect you, Lord, and will honor you. Only you are holy. All the nations will come and worship you because the right things you have done are now made known." (Revelation 15:4)

The angels in Revelation have it right. (They must have earned their wings already.-"It's a Wonderful Life") When we respect Jesus in action and in spirit, we are also motivated to express our reverence for our Lord and Savior in Word. And what a beautiful day to express such as sentiment... with song and through our prayer and relationships with others... praising Jesus today and always with the respect He deserves! Now... to the piano. ;o)

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