Sunday, December 14, 2008

God of Power, Protection and Holiness

Amos 4:1-5:27

"Try to do good, not evil, so that you will live, and the Lord God All-Powerful will be with you."

We don't have to look far in this world to see people actually getting ahead by doing "evil." To make themselves look better or smarter, people often undermine or undervalue their classmates' ideas, opinions or findings. Today's message in church was about Jesus' humility in his birth and throughout his life. Sometimes I feel that a lot of evil that goes around could be taken care of just by adding some more humility to our lives. It's kind of hard to do evil to someone evil when you're "considering them to be better than yourself." And the reward for this good-doing? Our awesome and powerful God will be with us!

Psalm 141:5-10

"God, I look to you for help. I trust in you, Lord." (Psalm 141:8)

So many times, I have gone to God for help... from little tiny things like something that I've lost to huge things that need to change or friends/family that are hurting. And I keep running to the Lord in prayers of petition and guidance, because I trust in the Lord. I know that God is my source of help, and I trust God to do His will in my life when that is what I earnestly pray for... not always my will, not always what I'd prefer, not always right away... but I believe in the power of prayer, and thank God for His protection and guidance in my life.

Revelation 4:1-11

"Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty. He was, he is and he is coming." (Revelation 4:8)

Similar to this verse, "Agnus Dei" goes "Holy, Holy are You Lord God Almighty." I love it so much. I feel so close to God when I hear this song... and I somehow feel that the repetition of the simple and true verse comes so close to my own heart's song of praise for my dear Lord's holy character. Praise be to God, who is the one who is perfect in goodness and righteousness and worthy of all praise. Oh Lord, You are my God.

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