Monday, January 11, 2010

What Kind of Man is This?

What Kind of Man is Jacob?

34 When Esau heard his father's words, he burst out with a loud and bitter cry and said to his father, "Bless me—me too, my father!"

35 But he said, "Your brother came deceitfully and took your blessing."

36 Esau said, "Isn't he rightly named Jacob [a] ? He has deceived me these two times: He took my birthright, and now he's taken my blessing!" Then he asked, "Haven't you reserved any blessing for me?" - Genesis 27:34-36

This is a story that I've never quite understood. Jacob, who deceived his brother Esau wsa blessed, even to the extent that God appeared to him in a dream and confirmed that blessing. But... it's not fair, our hearts seem to cry out. He didn't deserve it. In fact, didn't he deserve it less for his deceptive role in the story? As Esau rightly acknowledges, Jacob didn't deceive him once, but twice. And he deceived his father.

Of course, now with the coming of Jesus and the new covenant, there are enough blessings to go around for all of God's children: the first through the 17th born in the family (ad infinitum). And if we want to make the comparison, it's quite an interesting picture. Perhaps we could see ourselves as Jacob. Issac as our Lord, our Father. How many times have we attempted to 'deceive' our Father- making mistakes, sinning and doing what we shouldn't have. But, we still may have His blessing fall upon us... not because we are deserving... but because He is merciful. When we get angry at Jacob, perhaps it is best to realize that there is a bit of Jacob in all of us.

What Kind of Man is Esau?

41 Esau held a grudge against Jacob because of the blessing his father had given him. He said to himself, "The days of mourning for my father are near; then I will kill my brother Jacob." -Genesis 27:41

And Esau... we tend to want to defend Esau. Poor guy. He got duped not once by twice! And this time Rebekah had a hand in things. However, upon closer inspection it appears that not even Esau was quite innocent in the story. Perhaps the only innocent one was Isaac who didn't know which son was with him.

Here, we can see Esau's heart. In failing to forgive Jacob and accept the blessing that has been given to him, Esau vows to kill his brother. We know what God thinks of that from the previous chapter on Cain and Abel. Again, it seems that Esau needs to the learn the lesson that he doesn't "deserve" anything... a birthright or a blessing... but they are gifts.

What Kind of Man is Jesus?

27The men were amazed and asked, "What kind of man is this? Even the winds and the waves obey him!" -Matthew 8:27

34Then the whole town went out to meet Jesus. And when they saw him, they pleaded with him to leave their region. -Matthew 8:34

When people are coming to see the character of Jesus, they are amazed at his power... in today's reading this happens when He calms the sea and when he drives the demons from the demon-possessed man into a herd of pigs. But, people were amazed (and rightly so) but God's power... a power and authority that they didn't understand... and so they asked "What kind of man is this?" This is still a good question for us to ask today about ourselves... as we reflect on who we want to be this year. And we can ask this question about Jesus... as we reflect of how the greatness of our Lord and the intercession of the Holy Spirit may lead us to follow Him.

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