Sunday, February 8, 2009


Given to God
Exodus 25:1-26:37

"The Lord said to Moses, 'Tell the Israelites to bring me gifts. Receive for me the gifts each person wants to give.'" (Exodus 25:1)

Not much of a gift-giver myself, at one point it was hard for me to receive things. But when in Brazil, I quickly learned that giving and receiving gifts was an important part of connecting with people. And gifts (physical or spiritual) are an important part of the way that we connect with God. The gift of time (in a quiet time of devotion, prayer, worship), the gift of song (in a hymn or praise music), the gift of service (to neighbors and those in need), the gift of offerings (tithes and donations), and the spiritual gifts that God has given us to use.

While home over break, my church called me to consider ministry... and since then (although really many times over before then), I've been seriously praying about how God is calling me and where God would use the gifts He has given me. These gifts that God has given me are to be used in His service, and Lord I pray that You guide me to where that may be. In the "Take My Life" Conference, as I prayed, I felt affirmed that God is calling me to ministry in some form... although I'm not sure how or where or when. Lord, I want to give You my life... every day and wherever You lead me, I will go.

Given to Us
Psalm 20:1-5

"May the Lord answer you in times of trouble. May the God of Jacob protect you. May he send you help from his Temple and support you from Mount Zion. May he remember all your offerings and accept all your sacrifices. May he give you what you want and make all your plans succeed and we will shout for joy when you succeed, and we will raise a flag in the name of our God. May the Lord give you all that you ask for." (Psalm 20:1-5)

My God has already been so faithful to me, blessing me with so much more than I could ever hope for- a loving family, wonderful opportunities to serve You, friends that I have met from so many places. So many beautiful days and people and settings and treasures. I thank You, Lord for so many uncountable gifts. I praise You for the wonderful gifts You continue to shower me with each day. Thank You, Lord... I cannot thank You enough. Oh, Lord... I know that I am encouraged to pray without ceasing and allowed to pray for all things. So, while I pray for many things, I also pray that You may grant me what I want, what I ask for. And Lord, You know the desires of my heart.

Given in Service
Matthew 24:36-51

"Who is the wise and loyal servant that the master trusts to give the other servants their food at the right time? When the master comes and finds the servant doing his work, the servant will be blessed. I tell you the truth, the master will choose that servant to take care of everything he owns." (Matthew 24:45-46)

Perhaps this verse seems quite crazy to someone who has never lived a life of service... working for others in some volunteer position or another. Yet, to others, it will make perfect sense. Just like the verse that tells us that we must lose our life in order to gain it. I have been blessed beyond belief by each of the times I have been living in "service" to others. I am convinced that others were really the ones serving me- teaching me more about how to live, how to love, how to share and what is really important. God, I want to learn more every day how to be like this wise and loyal servant.

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