Thursday, November 6, 2008


Ezekiel 3:1-4:17

"When I say to the wicked, 'You will surely die,' you must warn them so that they may live." (Ezekiel 3:18)

To me, God's compassionate nature is revealed here. Although doling out harsh remarks and comments, it is all really for the purpose that the people might change their ways and "so that they may live." He's sending Ezekiel to warn the people, not just to condemn them. God wants the world to change its ways. Lord, thank you for your grace... understanding that we are sinners, and sometimes not even aware of our sin. Please show me Your perfect ways always.

Psalm 119:161-168

"I obey your orders and rules, because you know everything I do." (Psalm 119:168)

Upon first reading, this Psalm may appear like the words of a 2nd grader. I'll do what I'm supposed to do, because the teacher is looking over my shoulder. Yet, I read it more like this: The almighty all-powerful Lord God has chosen to look upon me and my life. God knows me and everything I do. A personal relationship with my Lord and Savior! What an incredible unbelievable blessing! I am certainly not worthy of this attention... but that's what makes it grace. And in what little way can I please this Lord who does so much for me? Obey his orders and rules. Lord, thank you for watching over me (little insignificant me), understanding me by watching everything I do.

Hebrews 2:1-18

"And now he can help those who are tempted, because he himself suffered and was tempted." (Hebrews 2:18)

Jesus came to earth and experienced it all- the toughest pain, so that we know that He "knows how we feel" to use Max Lucado's words. Jesus lived with the people to whom he was reaching out. I feel that this is one of the greatest testimonies.

In Spanish and Portuguese there is a separate word that means "to live with [someone]." Convivir. To live (vivir) with someone is extremely different that "living with" (conviviendo/convivendo) with someone. The difference is community, closeness, shared experiences, compassion. Just as it's possible to live (vivir) with your roommates... completely separate experiences, it's also possible to live with (convivir) with your brothers and sisters in Christ from church, for example. If you're living in community, sharing and understanding each other, you are creating a "convivencia" despite different addresses.

Lord, You sent your Son not only to live among us but "to live with" us... to experience life as a human in solidarity with human suffering, so that You may help us through these experiences that Jesus has known. May I follow Your way, living with my brothers and sisters, understanding how it is that they feel, and hopefully learning how to help.

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