Monday, October 13, 2008

October 13

Obeying the Do's and Don'ts
Jeremiah 11:1-12:17

"Obey me and do everything I command you. Then you will be my people, and I will be your God." (Jeremiah 11:4)

Sounds easy enough at first to just obey what God has set before me, until I realize all that this includes. It's not just the don'ts but the do's. Following Jesus' example provides us with a radical example of love without boundaries, a love that doesn't get comfortable with our daily living but is constantly looking for new opportunities to express the grace given to us. Lord, please help me to obey You and all of your commands, the do's and the don'ts, in the way You would have me live.

The Gift of a Song
Psalm 118:10-14

"The Lord gives me strength and a song. He has saved me." (Psalm 118:14)

A Song! The Lord is so good, and God gives me so much... from just laws to one more day of beautiful life to another breath of fresh air. God has even given me the precious gift of a song. A song in a literal sense- as I love to sing praise songs, hymns, contemporary worship songs, whenever I get a chance- a lovely way to express this joy and praise that overwhelms my spirit. But the Lord also gives me a metaphorical song to sing- the song that I live, expressing God's love in everything I do, in my every interaction with people, in my daily walk. May I do justice to the song that you have given me, Lord.

Far From Home
Proverbs 27:8

"A person who leaves his home is like a bird that leaves its nest." (Proverbs 27:8)

I'm not sure what to make of this proverb. Does it mean that a person has to leave his/her home? Birds do have to leave their nest at sometime. But don't they return? I suppose it depends on the bird. They do need some place to rest. But, I feel a longing to learn about this right now- as I feel so far away from home, from family, from close friends.

After a little bit of research, it seems that some people take this to represent people who wander from their families and sometimes leave them exposed (like the eggs in the nest) as well as Christians who leave their spiritual lives (also harming their famlies). Lord, I pray that wherever I may go it may truly be in following your lead- not due to my own foolish ambition nor harming the family and friends I love so much as I leave them behind once again. (

Manner of Their Living
Colassions 4:2-18

"Be wise in the way you act with people who are not believers, making the most of every opportunity. When you talk, you should always be kind and pleasant so you will be able to answer everyone in the way you should." (Colassians 4:5-6)

The age-old familiar saying that you can recognize Brethren "by the manner of their living" is something I pray to realize in my own life. I need to constantly remember that I may be the only way someone knows Jesus and demonstrate this in my entire life- blessing my brothers and sisters in "the way I act"... making the most of every opportunity, no matter how small- a smile, a shared cup of coffee, a listening ear.

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