Monday, February 15, 2010

Morning Prayer


This morning I have no particular thoughts on my Bible reading. Looking at Leviticus 18, I'm reminded how uniquely you created sex...Phillip Yancey refers to its distinction amongst the purely physical act of sex in the animal kingdom in his book "Rumors of Another World." This chapter points out the signs in how we handle this and how we are made that point to its uniqueness, its special reliance on an intimate relationship, not just its physicality.

But I pray this morning for the Nunez family- help them to find work. And I also especially pray for Pat Scheuramann- for her eye and her next surgery. Help her to heal from this surgery, and make the next one successful as well. Lord, I also pray that You would help Brad and I. This is all new to me, and I so much want to reflect Your perfect love in our relationship, but I need You to teach me, to even be able to do this a little bit. Be everpresent in my mind and our relationship, and thank You for bringing him into my life, Father. May I show my appreciation for this beautiful gift in my everyday love for him.

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