Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Be doers of the Word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. —James 1:22

Many interesting parables and stories this morning... the parable of the wedding banquet where "many are invited and few are chosen". The curious passage of the golden calf, the bloodiness of the Levites killing the rest, and Moses seeing God's back. In fact, the part of the scripture that most stood out to me this morning... God promises, "I will go ahead of you, and I will give you rest."

But this morning more than reflecting on the many good things in the Bible, I call out to the Lord in prayer. Lord, I am anxious about many things, so I come to You this morning trusting that You will give me rest. I look to next year, and there are so many question marks, so many things I don't know. Give me patience and peace as I listen for Your guidance, Lord. My heart is turned towards You, waiting to hear Your will. Teach me to be a doer of Your word, wherever next year may find me.

I pray that You continue to watch over my Aunt Joan, and I thank You for being with her through the surgery. I pray for Doug's exams on Friday. I pray for Dad C and the rescheduled surgery coming up. And I ask that You be with Blake's grandfather, grandmother and his whole family. Lord please watch over them at this difficult time. And help Joseph as he prepares for his presentation. Watch over Marisa and Amelia as well, and help them get over their colds.

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