Someone Else!
Exodus 3:1-4:31
"But Moses said to the Lord, 'Please, Lord, I have never been a skilled speaker. Even now, after talking to you, I cannot speak well. I speak slowly and can't find the best words.' Then the Lord said to him, 'Who made a person's mouth? And who makes someone deaf or not able to speak? Or who gives a person sight or blindness? It is I, the Lord. Now go! I will help you speak, and I will teach you what to say.' But Moses said, 'Please, Lord, send someone else.'" (Exodus 4:10-13)
Ah, Moses... God said He'd be with you, He'd help you to speak... why do you resist? Yet, many times I wonder whether I am even as open to God's calling as Moses. How many times have I (perhaps with my actions or inattention or apathy or lack of response) said, "Please, Lord, send someone else"? I'm really trying to change this- working on both listening to God's leading here this semester as well as listening for God's call for my life as I walk on. Right here, through more prayer, I have felt God empowering me to speak to others and invite them into conversations about the Lord. On my own I have no strength to do such things, for- as a quiet girl- I cannot speak well. Yet, the Lord helps me to speak- to new friends, to classmates, to the person in charge of maintenance here at La Aldea. Lord, please continue to lead me into these interactions with people that You desperately long to enter Your kingdom. I pray for each one of these who I've talked with this week- that you may enter their lives in a powerful way: Sei, Soomin, Paco. And please guide me, Lord, as I continue to discern Your will for my life, considering the calling of ministry from my local church and district.
Psalm 16:1-6
"No, the Lord is all I need. He takes care of me. My share in life has been pleasant; my part has been beautiful." (Psalm 16:5-6)
David is here stating that he doesn't need the false idols but only the Lord who is our true protector. Right now, it is difficult to talk about needs as "downsizing" (an unfortunate euphimism for lost jobs and heartbroken people without a place to turn for income) becomes a reality in our society... Sprint, Texas Instruments... more companies every day. It must be so difficult to trust in the Lord at this time, but I pray for these people, that God may provide for their basic needs still, that they may see that the Lord is all they need.
I have had a pleasant share in life, and I know I owe this all to God, as it's written, "Every good thing I have comes from you" (Psalm 16:2). When I went down to Brazil, to live in a favela, many Brazilians themselves couldn't believe it. They would never enter those areas. Crazy American! But, God was with me... and "the Lord is all I need." Thank You, Lord God, provider of all- may I learn to keep this lesson at heart... knowing that You provide every single thing in my life. I can do nothing apart from You, but I trust that with You I can do all things. Send me where You will.
A Little Child
Matthew 18:1-20
"At that time the followers came to Jesus and asked, 'Who is greatest in the kingdom of heaven?' Jesus called a little child to him and stood the child before his followers. Then he said, 'I tell you the truth, you must change and become like the little children. Otherwise, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. The greatest person in the kingdom of heaven is the one who makes himself humble like this child.'" (Matthew 18:1-4)
Jesus displayed such amazing humility- humility and authority at the same time. Such an amazing juxtaposition of admirable qualities that people had to stand aside and take note. Jesus felt comfortable with the outcast, the poor, the stranger, the foreigner, the person of a different religion. And while His disciples didn't have the same authority which was given to Him by heaven, Jesus wished they would embody the same sense of humility.
Throughout the years, so many wonderful Brethren have touched me so profoundly with their kind and humble spirits. They would not do anything ostentatiously but love quietly behind the scenes: a warm hand-knitted cap, an note of encouragment, a donation for Missions, a helping hand, or just a friendly smile or welcoming invitation. These are the people who have taught me and shaped me and who I would like to be more like.
In the COB, there exist several ideas very connected to humility, including the ministry of all believers. The ministry of all believers is that we are all servants of God in some way or another. This is symbolized by the fact that most churches still don't have a raised platform for the preacher to speak- so that everyone remains at the same level. A large part of the work of the deacons in the church is to seek out spiritual gifts of the church members and invite them to take part in caring for the sanctuary, leading Bible study, helping with the sound system, nursery school, worship leading, hospitality team, etc. My church invited me to lead in so many ways before I even graduated from high school: leading youth Bible Study, helping with Children's musicals, church choir, servant evangelism activities, preaching at least 6 times just in my local church (many times on Christmas Eve). And the opportunities continued throughout my later years- called to Ministry Summer Service, Youth Conference in the DR, translation at a service project in Guatemala, church support staff in Brazil, etc.
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