1. To Be a Good Helper- to the church, family, friends, wherever there is a need
"I will make a helper who is right for him." (Genesis 2:18)
This week I have been so blessed by the many wonderful people I have met. Most recently the Cortes family from Houston welcomed me into their home as I got to know their work in the church as well as them. While we enjoyed reminiscing about our experiences in Puebla, even more important was observing their example to me in their devotion to the church and to each other. I was particularly touched by Graciela's kind and constant help to her husband as well as the church and all of its members. So, when I read this verse it immediately reminded me of Graciela (or Keny, as Pastor calls her), and I pray that I may learn to be such a good helper in this new year.
2. To Be a Loving Family Member- of my church family, biological family, and friends
"The Lord God made clothes from animal skins for the man and his wife and dressed them." (Genesis 3:21)
Parents are amazing, and I have been blessed by the positive example of my own parents as well as so many loving parents within my own family and others. And now God has allowed me to meet two more loving parents- Mr. and Mrs. Christoffersen. As Pastor Cortes put it in church, it's easy to see that they are wonderful parents just by observing their children... but as they've welcomed me into their home, I've also see the kindness and love that they show not only to their own children but all those with whom they come into contact.
3. To Discern and Obey God's Call for My Life
"Noah did everything that God commanded him." (Genesis 6:22)
Back at home, my pastors recently mentioned a call to ministry from the district. After learning more about licensing, this is something I need to be praying about this year. Wherever I am, whatever I am doing, I know that God has called me to follow His plan for my life. And I sincerely pray that I may learn to listen for God's direction to lead me into His service and do all that He is commanding me to do.
4. To Be a Fisher of Men
"Jesus said, 'Come follow me, and I will make you fish for people.' So Simon and Andrew immediately left their nets and followed him." (Matthew 4:19-20)
Yesterday, Brad shared a very moving message about the place of evangelism in our interactions with people, what it means and why we are called and moved to share the gospel. I know that this is something I need to work on doing this year and something that I want to improve upon. There is a fine line between showing respect to people but also sharing the great conviction and truth of Jesus in my life. It is unloving of me to hold the blessing of salvation and not share it with all my friends- knowing all that it would do for their lives. Lord, I need Your help to share Your message with the world.
5. To Live a Holy Life
"You should be a light for other people. Live so that they will see the good things you do and will praise your Father in heaven." (Matthew 5:16)
While I do try to live a good and holy life, following Jesus teaching, I fear that I do not often enough clearly point to the Lord. Honestly, all that I do or better stated- all that I try to do is with the intention of reflecting Jesus' love for the world. This week I had the opportunity to make visits with the Pastors Cortes to many of the Irvington Church's members, and in each home they welcomed me with kindness and warmth as if I had known them for years. What a beautiful testimony... which certainly brought forth my praise for this profound love that God has given to us. Lord, let me be a light... as all of those I have recently met... learning not only to do good, but to do good in order to share the gift of Your son with the world.
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