More Gifts Than I Need
Genesis 33:1-34:31
"So I beg you to accept the gift I give you. God has been very good to me, and I have more than I need." (Genesis 33:11)
Just like Jacob, I have been given "more than I need." I have more friends, more money, more education, more possessions, more of everything than I really need... in the truly basic sense of the word. This abundance should not move me to guilt nor to pride but to an amazing thankfulness to the Lord for all these gifts... and searching for the way to best use this overabundance to "the glory of God and my neighbor's good" as the old Brethren saying goes. Lord, teach me to give more and more thoughtfully... thanking You always for my ability to give the good gifts with which you have blessed me. I pray that in this year I may learn to more freely give to friends, family, my community, and those who I find in want. Teach me how to give all of Your good gifts- spiritual or material.
More Miracles Than I Need
Psalm 9:1-6
"I will praise you, Lord with all my heart. I will tell all the miracles you have done. I will be happy because of you; God Most High, I will sing praises to your name." (Psalm 9:1-2)
What a beautiful Psalm and one that my heart is singing these days. I just feel so blessed. I feel that I am living a God-given miracle, and I must tell everyone about it... although I am trying my best to stay quite discrete... respecting the wishes of those who I care so much about. Yet, I can sing praises to my God who knows all things. Lord, every miracle in my life makes me so happy, and it is all because of You. Today as we hiked at Mt. Lemon and appreciated the beauty around us I repeated the phrase "God is great!" which my new friend Kammy taught to me. In every tree and waterfall and snowdrift I saw another of the many miracles God has given to me.
The Grace That I Do Need
Matthew 12:1-21
"Here is my servant whom I have chosen. I love him, and I am pleased with him. I will put my Spirit upon him, and he will tell of my justice to all people." (Matthew 12:18... in references to Isaiah 42:1-4)
The gift of Jesus... differing from the blessings and miracles poured into my life... is what I do desperately need. Jesus came to life to save me from myself, from my sin. Without the grace that Jesus offers to me, I have nothing. I have no hope. Lord, I fall so short from deserving the gift that you gave to me in the form of Your son Jesus... forgive me for the moments that I forget how much Your mercy means for my life... and how much I need You. May all that I ever do be to Your honor, O God.
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