Powerful Touch
Genesis 19:1-20:18
"God destroyed the cities in the valley, but he remembered what Abraham had asked. So God saved Lot's life, but he destroyed the city where Lot had lived." (Genesis 19:29)
Of the many power structures that exist in today's world, God tops them all. The president of the university, the President of the United States, are just minions compared to God's amazing power... to do all things. Things that I could never even imagine, just the creation of this beautiful earth. Power to build up, power to destroy. It is good for me to remember Sodom and Gomorrah at those times when I feel like everything has been upset and I feel completely helpless. Because I have a powerful God... watching out for me... to whom I can pray for all things.
Guiding Touch
Proverbs 3:1-4
"My child, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in mind. Then you will live a long time, and your life will be successful. Don't ever forget kindness and truth. Wear them like a necklace. Write them on your heart as if on a tablet. Then you will be respected and please both God and people." (Proverbs 3:1-4)
Lord, let me remember Your commands, Your will, Your word every morning, so that it may be pleasing to You. While following God's guidance, I am promised a successful life. Yet, I know that this 'success' might be quite different than the 'success' the world prescribes. I like to envision it as Ralph Waldo Emerson- "to know that even one life has breathed easier because you have lived." Yes, Lord, this is all the success that I need. I will wear the necklace of kindness and hold Your truth in my heart... always so thankful for Your perfect guidance in my life... which makes all the difference.
Healing Touch
Matthew 8:1-17
"Then a man with a disease came to Jesus. The man said, 'Lord, you can heal me if you will.' Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man and said, 'I will. Be healed.'" (Matthew 8:2-3)
This is always a hard lesson for me, because although I love a good healing story, it often reminds me of dear friends and loved ones who are in pain and hurting. Some of them, although they have much faith, have still not felt Jesus' healing touch in their lives. And it hurts. But in a sense, Jesus heals us all. His ultimate healing in all of our lives was revealed through his son Jesus who came to us on the cross and forgave us from our painful sins. Sin causes pain not only for ourselves but for those around us... and for this we need healing. And if we have faith, if we believe in Jesus, we will be healed from this pain. Forgive me, Lord, for the hurt and pain that I have caused... please guide me in teach me to follow ever more closely in your ways.
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