Many times when I was in Brazil doing my crazy things- like running several times a day, walking into town, carrying my groceries up the hill, etc- people would exclaim, "Corajosa voce, Kate!" Literally this means, "You're so courageous, Katie!" (Perhaps we'd say something like motivated.) But to daily lose our life and follow Jesus, it takes real courage... courage that we can find in the words, promises and examples given to us through our Lord.
Courage from God's Word
Exodus 5:1-6:30
"So tell the people of Israel that I say to them, 'I am the Lord. I will save you from the hard work of the Egyptians force you to do. I will make you free, so you will not be slaves to the Egyptians. I will free you by my great power, and I will punish the Egyptians terribly. I will make you my own people, and I will be your God. You will know that I am the Lord your God, the One who saves you from the hard work the Egyptians force you to do. I will lead you to the land that I promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jaco, and I will give you that land to own. I am the Lord." (Exodus 6:6-8)
In this message, given to the Israelites by way of Moses, God proclaims, "I am the Lord" twice. While informing them of the great miracle that he will do through his power by saving them, God is also reassuring them of his power. For a Bible Study once, I read the book "When People are Big and God is Small," and I found it to be all too truly embedded in common societal beliefs and how the general public lives their lives. We have it all upside down- treating God as an ancillary topic while giving center stage to everything else in our lives. When we look closely, I believe we really can see and we really can feel that our hearts have a God-shaped hole. People try to fill this vacant space with everything else they can think of, but God is the only one who can take away our insecurities by assuring us of His unconditional love that saves us from all our inequities and offers us a grace that allows us to overcome all fear... and act courageously.
Courage in God's Promises
Psalm 16:7-11
"I praise the Lord because he advises me. Even at night, I feel his leading. I keep the Lord before me always. Because he is close by my side, I will not be hurt. So I rejoice and am glad. Even my body has hope, because you will not leave me in the grave. You will not let your holy one rot. You will teach me how to live a holy life. Being with you will fill me with joy; at your right hand I will find pleasure forever." (Psalm 16:7-11)
These verses especially touch me this morning, and I will write them down and repeat them today. I feel as if the Psalmist can read my soul, my innermost thoughts and feelings. I do praise God for leading me through my life... and I have felt that leading in the many amazing, surprising and wonderful "God-incidences" which have blessed me so generously. I feel God close to me, giving me courage that I cannot be hurt... since the Lord is my strength. I do rejoice... every morning anew. And I have the courage to lead a holy life, with God teaching me.
Courage in Jesus' Example
Matthew 18:21-35
"Jesus answered, 'I tell you, you must forgive him more than seven times. You must forgive him even if he wrongs you seventy times seven.... This king did what my heavenly Father will do to you if you do not forgive your brother or sister from your heart." (Matthew 18:22, 35)
Forgiveness- true forgiveness- is most certainly one of the most couragous acts. However, we are far too often confronted with a half-hearted and shallow form of forgiveness. We say we forgive, but we don't forget. In the next quarrel, it's far too easy to bring up that broken dish or harsh word or painful abandonment. If we truly forgive our brothers and sisters "from our hearts," we will erase it and allow the person to start anew... without fear of that person holding the mistake ransom to use for leverage in another occasion. In fact, doing so shows that the other person cannot trust your claims to "forgive." As God forgives us, we need to forgive our brothers and sisters- recognizing that countless people have forgiven us our mishaps- all we are doing is trying our best to live courageously, the type of life that God leads us to live.
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