~This morning I am very much still contemplating the honor/shame continuum of many Eastern cultures. Last night Adam presented on a conference he went to and compared how Western oriented folks tend to see things in light of guilt/innocence; whereas our Eastern brothers and sisters work based on honor/shame. It's new way to consider things... and so these texts are standing out to me.
Honor the Lord
Exodus 11:1-12:51
"The people of Israel had lived in Egypt for four hundred thirty years; on the very day the four hundred thirty years ended, the Lord's divisions of people left Egypt. That night the Lord kept watch to bring them out of Egypt, and so on this same night the Israelites are to keep watch to honor the Lord from now on." (Exodus 12:40-42)
Yes, the Lord, the God of all was watching the Israelites. Not only did God think them worthy enough to watch them, but God honored them with His protection as He brought them safely out of Egypt. Who do we protect? Those we love and honor and respect... I know I am extremely protective of my friends. If anyone says a harsh word about a dear friend or family member (often even in jest), I will be quick to stand up for them and protect their honor. So, the Lord protected His people. And from the honor that He bestowed on His people, they were directed to honor and give glory and respect to the awesome Lord, ruler of all... who protected them in their time of need.
The Lord Honors Our Prayers
Psalm 18:1-6
"In my trouble I cried out to my God for help. From his temple he heard my voice; my call for help reached his ears." (Psalm 18:6)
Whenever the boat is sinking, when I don't know which way to turn, when I feel helpless in a situation, I cry out to God. God hears my plea... to comfort my brother, to care for my friends and their parents in times of economic hardship, to heal the hearts of friends, to provide a job for friends in need. While the answer may not always be instantaneous, aparent, or anticipated, I know that God hears my voice. What an amazing promise... the God of all creation honors me by hearing my prayers and responding in His own way, as God wills it- Enshallah.
Honor Through Service
Matthew 20:17-34
"Jesus called all the followers together and said, 'You know that the rulers of the non-Jewish people love to show their power over the people. And their important leaders love to use all their authority. But it should not be that way among you. Whoever wants to become great among you must serve the rest of you like a servant. Whoever wants to become first among you must serve the rest of you like a slave. In the same way, the Son of Man did not come to be served. He came to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many people.'" (Matthew 20:25-28)
Here Jesus turns all of our notions of greatness and honor upside down. Topsy turvy... let's switch it around and make it completely different. If you want to be great/honorable, you must serve others. You must become like a slave. You must give up your life, your ambitions, your desires... for those of the Lord, for those of others. Lord I pray, "Take my life, and let it be, consicrated Lord to thee." I must admit that I don't do a very good job at this. All I have is not my own, but Yours, dear Lord. Teach me to serve others with all I do... for the honorable way to live is a life of service, just like Jesus who came to give up His life in order to honor each of us.
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