~While I at first may come off as somewhat shy as I try to really get an understanding of people, that usually wears off once I get comfortable with people... get to know them on a personal level. It's because deep down I really really love people- I see personal interactions as paramount in the Bible and important to Christian living, as we encourage each other along our paths and work as vessels to spread Jesus' message to everyone. The amazing thing, though, is that we also have a God who is a people-lover. And love oftentimes inspires us to give to people- gifts of time, energy, words, deeds. Just a few of God's amazing gifts which we do not deserve but are given to us by grace are: kindness and goodness, care, and rest.
Kindness and Goodness
Genesis 31:1-32:32
"I am not worthy of the kindness and continual goodness that you have shown me." (Genesis 31:10)
Here Jacob is praying to the Lord to save him from his brother Esau, but he is also taking time to recognize God's goodness as it has been reflect in his life already. If Jacob wasn't worthy, I certainly am not worthy. And this is exactly what God's grace is... given gifts and blessings beyond what we deserve. We are not blessed because we are deserving but only through God's goodness and kindness. Lord, I have so many blessings in my life- an education, the opportunity to serve, good health, wonderful friends, supportive family- just to name a few. Lord, I thank You and praise You for all of these precious gifts of love.
Psalm 8:3-9
"But why are people even important to you? Why do you take care of human beings?" (Psalm 8:4)
As this Psalmist recounts the glorious world- heavens, earth, skies- that God has created, he recognizes the insignificance of humans. Not that we are insignificant in terms of a creation- the human body is a miraculous thing. But, God is the creator of all things- the saying goes "everything under the sun," but with God is would be "everything including the sun." The one who creates all things does not need us, but we need God. And it is God that gives us our very significance... caring about us, loving us, cultivating a special relationship with us. God, Your abundant love is amazing, as You- creator of the universe- care for even the sparrow and each one of Your little children.
Matthew 11:1-30
"Come to me, all of you who are tired and have heavy loads, and I will give you rest. Accept my teachings and learn from me, because I am gentle and humble in spirit, and you will find rest for your lives." (Matthew 11:28-29)
"All who are tired and have heavy loads"... in today's society that seems to be everyone. I was just reading yesterday about the time-space collapse in recent years where such things as technological devices and other social phenomenon have tricked us into thinking that we can actually have more time in the day. All that time is meant to get more done. In an age where "time is money" and "money is everything," we need God's message of rest and peace... which I believe our souls desperately cry out for. Lord, as the hectic pace of this busy semester begins, help me to take time to appreciate the peace and rest that You give to me when only I come to You.
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