Speak About God
Genesis 45:1-46:34
"Now don't be worried or angry with yourselves because you sold me here. God sent me here ahead of you to save people's lives." (Genesis 45:5)
Joseph, what a guy... not only does he offer a wonderful meal to these brothers of his, but he chooses his words so wisely. He forgives them but also praises God's goodness and guidance at the same time... pointing out that all of his success, all of his good fortune has come from God. It's so easy to want to take all the credit- for a task completed, a position reached, a goal accomplished... when really behind it all I believe God is there. The Lord in His goodness certainly has blessed me far beyond my belief, with opportunities to travel, to serve and learn from others, to meet new people and earn an education here. Lord, whenever I think that I am the one who should be applauded for the blessing of my life, let me remember that You are the one that sent me to this place... and to You belongs all of the glory and praise.
Speak the Lord's Words
Psalm 12:1-8
"The Lord's words are pure, like silver purified by fire, like silver purified seven times over." (Psalm 12:6)
Beyond speaking about God, I can also speak God's most precious words- that are pure and good and wonderful. Linguists put a lot of emphasis on the inherent power of words in creating social constructs for how we think about the world around us. So as in the saying, "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil," it can be assumed that speaking unkind/untrue/impure words actually has an effect upon the speaker on a mental and spiritual level. The words on our lips are also the words on our heart, and I can think of no more wonderful words to keep treasured in my heart and share with the world that those of my Lord and Savior. That's why this year I'm really trying to make a conscious effort to memorize more scripture (along with the reference). I know the gist or idea of a lot of scripture, but this year I want to focus on keeping these precious words on my heart and at hand.
Speak Sincerely- with the Heart
Matthew 15:1-20
"These people show honor to me with words, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship of me is worthless. The things that they teach are nothing but human rules." (Matthew 15:7- referring to Isaiah 29:13)
Ah, once again we see those legalistic Pharisees complaining about the rules that haven't been followed to a T. And again, Jesus demonstrates that what is really in the heart of the person... or the motives behind the statement are as important as the words themselves. In Bible Study on Tuesday I was thinking about this as well- the importance of the motives behind the actions and words. In John 12:6, after Mary has washed Jesus' feet with expensive perfume and Judas has objected, John writes, "He did not say this because he cared about the poor but because he was a thief; as keeper of the money bag, he used to help himself to what was put into it." Perhaps if Judas really had been worried about the poor, the reaction would've been different. Perhaps they would've taken up a collection then and there. But one thing is certain... "Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart" (1 Samuel 16:7). Not only our words but our hearts need to be close to God, in order for our worship and adoration to be meaningful... Lord, I sincerely seek to honor You this day and always with all of my words and all of my heart.
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