A Meal
Genesis 43:1-44:34
"Joseph's brothers were seated in front of him in order of their ages, from oldest to youngest. They looked at each other because they were amazed. Food from Joseph's table was taken to them, but Benjamin was given five times more food than the others. Joseph's brothers ate and drank freely with him." (Genesis 43:33-34)
In many Brethren circles, a potluck is alternately called "a common meal." Now, this does not have anything to do with the type of food that is being served, rather it refers to the fact that everyone is sharing one meal... a meal that they have in common. Eating together has great relational significance, especially in some cultures where once a meal was shared those people could no longer be enemies. If Joseph had any enemies, they would've been his brothers who sold him into slavery. Yet, he sat down and shared a meal with them... the same food that was taken from his table. And though his brothers weren't aware of it yet, Joseph had demonstrated a perfectly radical type of love and forgiveness... a very unexpected answer to his brothers' jealousy. Lord, show me to love in this radical way... always offering more love instead of hate, more forgiveness instead of vengeance.
A Watchful Eye
Psalm 11:1-7
"The Lord is in his holy temple; the Lord sits on his throne in heaven. He sees what people do; he keeps his eye on them." (Psalm 11:4)
When Jerry and I were still very young, we sang this song for a church talent show:
"Oh be careful little eyes what you see,
Oh be careful little eyes what you see,
For the Father up above is looking down in love.
Oh be careful little eyes what you see."
Other verses included: mouth what you say/hands what you do/feet where you go/ears what you hear
Just imagine... a Lord who loves us enough to keep his eye upon each one of us, from the youngest to the quietest to the outcast to the loneliest. From his heavenly throne, God is looking down upon us... in love. That's not what I'd expect from any king, let alone the authority of all heaven and earth. Oh God, I know not how to thank You for all that You have given me, I know not how to properly worship You and praise You for everything... and for Your abundant love that I can only hope to emulate in some small way.
A Peace
Matthew 14:22-36
"By this time, the boat was already far away from land. It was being hit by waves, because the wind was blowing against it. Between three and six o'clock in the morning, Jesus came to them, walking on the water. When his followers saw him walking on the water, they were afraid...After they got into the boat, the wind became calm. Then those who were in the boat worshiped Jesus and said, 'Truly you are the Son of God!'" (Matthew 14:24-26, 32-33)
A familiar and beautiful story... and certainly there is so much within this one section of scripture, but this morning I'd like to look at the aspect of Jesus as "an unexpected answer" for the disciples. They were out on the boat, far from the land, with the rough winds causing choppy waves and tossing the boat about. It's enough to make me seasick just thinking about it. And I imagine the disciples must've been "praying afraid"... praying out of fear and expecting something to happen... praying for some sort of answer. But the answer that they received wasn't one they were expecting. Jesus did come and calm the storm... but walking on water? Who would've imagined that??? But then, our Lord sends us messages in the most unexpected ways- a baby in a manger who would save the world. Lord, when I pray- please let me listen for and follow Your answer... knowing that Your will might not be the same as my own and Your plans not what I am expecting. Help me to follow Your guidance always... as I praise You for the peace that it brings.
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