Saturday, January 31, 2009

Honorable Lord

~This morning I am very much still contemplating the honor/shame continuum of many Eastern cultures. Last night Adam presented on a conference he went to and compared how Western oriented folks tend to see things in light of guilt/innocence; whereas our Eastern brothers and sisters work based on honor/shame. It's new way to consider things... and so these texts are standing out to me.

Honor the Lord
Exodus 11:1-12:51

"The people of Israel had lived in Egypt for four hundred thirty years; on the very day the four hundred thirty years ended, the Lord's divisions of people left Egypt. That night the Lord kept watch to bring them out of Egypt, and so on this same night the Israelites are to keep watch to honor the Lord from now on." (Exodus 12:40-42)

Yes, the Lord, the God of all was watching the Israelites. Not only did God think them worthy enough to watch them, but God honored them with His protection as He brought them safely out of Egypt. Who do we protect? Those we love and honor and respect... I know I am extremely protective of my friends. If anyone says a harsh word about a dear friend or family member (often even in jest), I will be quick to stand up for them and protect their honor. So, the Lord protected His people. And from the honor that He bestowed on His people, they were directed to honor and give glory and respect to the awesome Lord, ruler of all... who protected them in their time of need.

The Lord Honors Our Prayers
Psalm 18:1-6

"In my trouble I cried out to my God for help. From his temple he heard my voice; my call for help reached his ears." (Psalm 18:6)

Whenever the boat is sinking, when I don't know which way to turn, when I feel helpless in a situation, I cry out to God. God hears my plea... to comfort my brother, to care for my friends and their parents in times of economic hardship, to heal the hearts of friends, to provide a job for friends in need. While the answer may not always be instantaneous, aparent, or anticipated, I know that God hears my voice. What an amazing promise... the God of all creation honors me by hearing my prayers and responding in His own way, as God wills it- Enshallah.

Honor Through Service
Matthew 20:17-34

"Jesus called all the followers together and said, 'You know that the rulers of the non-Jewish people love to show their power over the people. And their important leaders love to use all their authority. But it should not be that way among you. Whoever wants to become great among you must serve the rest of you like a servant. Whoever wants to become first among you must serve the rest of you like a slave. In the same way, the Son of Man did not come to be served. He came to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many people.'" (Matthew 20:25-28)

Here Jesus turns all of our notions of greatness and honor upside down. Topsy turvy... let's switch it around and make it completely different. If you want to be great/honorable, you must serve others. You must become like a slave. You must give up your life, your ambitions, your desires... for those of the Lord, for those of others. Lord I pray, "Take my life, and let it be, consicrated Lord to thee." I must admit that I don't do a very good job at this. All I have is not my own, but Yours, dear Lord. Teach me to serve others with all I do... for the honorable way to live is a life of service, just like Jesus who came to give up His life in order to honor each of us.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Fairest Lord Jesus

Nothing to Offer
Psalm 17:6-15

"I call to you, God, and you answer me. Listen to me now, and hear what I say. Your love is wonderful." (Psalm 17:6-7)

I could probably write a list of all the things I have prayed about in my life, and tell my life story at the same time. From prayers about wanting a baby sister or brother for Christmas to desperately praying for mourning family members and friends... and quite everything in between. Most amazing is that God hears us and answers us... even though I have absolutely nothing to give in return. This is not the way most of our relationships on earth work. In this world of: "You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours," it's hard to imagine a relationship where one person is giving with no price tag attached... only belief and acceptance and a commitment to following our Lord. Lord, I have nothing to give to You, but I do call to you... for guidance, for wisdom, for teaching... that I may walk more closely with You, following Your will for my life every day. Your love is wonderful and fair and just. You hear the prayers of all who turn to you- the tax collector, the sinner, the educated, the powerful, the sick, the lonely.

Nothing to Hide
Proverbs 5:21-23

"The Lord sees everything you do, and he watches where you go." (Proverbs 5:21-23)

After stepping outside of this country, it hits you in the face... the fact that Americans are very particular about their public and private lives. It's not like this everywhere. In Brazil, everything is everybody's business... especially in little communities like Campo Limpo. Everyone knows absolutely everything about everyone. And they'll ask you anything. There isn't this great concept of private/public information. While people here may succeed at hiding some of their stranger behaviors from the general public arena, we must remember that God sees it all. Our omniscient Lord knows the inner workings of our hearts, our minds, and our quiet times 'alone.' His eye is watching over us, and we cannot hide anything. This is all the more reason to celebrate God's grace... because my Lord knows me and yet still loves me... loves us all- despite our struggles and flaws and difficulties.

Nothing to Covet
Matthew 20:1-16

"But the man who owned the vineyard said to one of those workers, 'Friend, I am being fair to you. You agreed to work for one coin. So take your pay and go. I want to give the man who was hired last the same pay that I gave you. I can do what I want with my own money. Are you jealous because I am good to those people?' So those who are last now will someday be first, and those who are first now will someday be last." (Matthew 20:13-16)

This is another story that is easy to read through, but it's much more difficult to really internalize. Imagine if all the other GATs were earning more than me. The same work, the same course load... yet more money? It's not fair! But, if we have enough... it is fair... it is enough. When I was in Boston, some workers were actually paid, while I was given room, board and a stipend. It was difficult at first to see the disparity, but then I needed to remember what I was doing. I learned to stop with the "give me mores" and rest in the "your love is sufficient."

As it is mentioned here, the passage is about those entering the kingdom of heaven. I may think- I've put in years and years of trying to follow the Lord... why am I treated the same as this person who just gave their life to Christ? But it's not a competition... God's grace is sufficient for all of us. And we can follow God together as brothers and sisters, trusting that our Lord is just and righteous and each will be judged as it should be.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Radical Discipleship

Exodus 7:1-8:32

"Moses and Aaron did just as the Lord had commanded them." (Exodus 7:6)

Though I've heard, read and even watched movies of the story of the plagues before, this verse struck me this time. It's true. The Lord commanded them, and they did what they were commanded. That must not have been an easy job. Talk about the 'bearers of bad news.' Every time they went to see the Pharaoh, another plague. They must've met tons of groans and complaints as they made their way to the palace to speak to the king each time and cause more and more hardship for the people. That's a job few would sign up for... especially after being warned in advance that the Pharaoh would refuse to listen so many times before actually meeting their ends. But, Moses and Aaron obeyed God's voice. Lord, I pray that I may obey You so completely, so willingly. Show me how to obey Your will for my life in this day... another beautiful day that You have given to me.

Proverbs 5:15-20

"Be faithful to your own wife.... Be happy with the wife you married when you were young. She gives you joy, as your fountain gives you water. She is as lovely and graceful as a deer. Let her love always make you happy; let her love always hold you captive." (Proverbs 5:15, 18-19)

Faithfulness- personally I feel like today's society is losing this value... or failing to attempt to actually live it out. People see it as 'admirable' but no longer a plausible reality. Faithfulness, stick-to-it-ive-ness, that 'no matter what.' Now it seems that people see problems and difficulties and things they dislike, and they run from it to another option that they falsely perceive as 'easier' or 'better'... an illusion because any/every situation including any human element is flawed. You see this in people who are constantly changing churches, instead of recognizing that they are a part of the church... and only as such can they work toward the betterment of that congregation in its goal of ministry.

Here the Proverb speaks specifically of marriage, and despite the saddening tendency toward divorce, I've seen so many examples of beautiful marriages in my family and friends... and pray for such a unity some day. Yet, I believe we can also extend the analogy to our faithfulness to our Lord. As Jesus talked of the church as His 'bride,' we commit ourselves to faithfully follow and give our lives in service to our Lord... recognizing every day the beauty of our 'bridegroom' who 'makes us so happy.' Lord, in tough times and wonderful times, I devote my life to You always... help me to be faithful... as You are so faithful.

Matthew 19:1-30

"Jesus answered, 'If you want to be perfect, then go and sell your possessions and give the money to the poor. If you do this, you will have treasure in heaven. Then come and follow me.' But when the young man heard this, he left sorrowfully, because he was rich. Then Jesus said to his followers, 'I tell you the truth, it will be hard for a rich person to enter the kingdom of heaven. Yes, I tell you that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for the rich person to enter the kingdom of God.' When Jesus' followers heard this, they were very surprised and asked, 'Then who can be saved?' When Jesus' followers heard this, they were very surprised and asked, 'Then who can be saved?' Jesus looked at them and said, 'For people this is impossible, but for God all things are possible.'" (Matthew 19:21-26)

Ah... a beautiful passage... one of my favorites (which I know I'm always saying). But, it's also extremely challenging. If we read these words freshly... perhaps in a new language, in a different context, out loud... maybe we can really hear the powerful message. We are called to "be perfect, therefore, just as your heavenly Father is perfect" (Matthew 5:48). Then, we are called to 'sell our possessions' and 'give our money to the poor.' Not only that, but to 'follow Jesus.'

Oh, dear... this is not easy. So, it's something that we like to gloss over or explain away. It's difficult in an age where I feel like I acrue more and more possessions almost daily to recognize that these possessions are making it more difficult for me to enter the kingdom of God. In essence, each purchase should be made in careful consideration of whether something is necessary, how it affects your relationship with God and others. Giving our money to the poor... important not just for the poor but for ourselves. Simplicity... for all its challenges can be such a beautiful thing... so freeing, allowing our spirits to concentrate on those better gifts which God has given to us, opening us to follow God's lead... without a connection to the here and now, to this or that. I desire to follow You, oh God. I pray Your wisdom as You teach me to live... as Your faithful and obedient disciple... without regard for material possession or wealth but only hoping to follow Your will for my life. I know that alone I cannot live in this impossibly radical way, but "For God, all things are possible" (Matthew 19:26).

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Corajosa voce!

Many times when I was in Brazil doing my crazy things- like running several times a day, walking into town, carrying my groceries up the hill, etc- people would exclaim, "Corajosa voce, Kate!" Literally this means, "You're so courageous, Katie!" (Perhaps we'd say something like motivated.) But to daily lose our life and follow Jesus, it takes real courage... courage that we can find in the words, promises and examples given to us through our Lord.

Courage from God's Word
Exodus 5:1-6:30

"So tell the people of Israel that I say to them, 'I am the Lord. I will save you from the hard work of the Egyptians force you to do. I will make you free, so you will not be slaves to the Egyptians. I will free you by my great power, and I will punish the Egyptians terribly. I will make you my own people, and I will be your God. You will know that I am the Lord your God, the One who saves you from the hard work the Egyptians force you to do. I will lead you to the land that I promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jaco, and I will give you that land to own. I am the Lord." (Exodus 6:6-8)

In this message, given to the Israelites by way of Moses, God proclaims, "I am the Lord" twice. While informing them of the great miracle that he will do through his power by saving them, God is also reassuring them of his power. For a Bible Study once, I read the book "When People are Big and God is Small," and I found it to be all too truly embedded in common societal beliefs and how the general public lives their lives. We have it all upside down- treating God as an ancillary topic while giving center stage to everything else in our lives. When we look closely, I believe we really can see and we really can feel that our hearts have a God-shaped hole. People try to fill this vacant space with everything else they can think of, but God is the only one who can take away our insecurities by assuring us of His unconditional love that saves us from all our inequities and offers us a grace that allows us to overcome all fear... and act courageously.

Courage in God's Promises
Psalm 16:7-11

"I praise the Lord because he advises me. Even at night, I feel his leading. I keep the Lord before me always. Because he is close by my side, I will not be hurt. So I rejoice and am glad. Even my body has hope, because you will not leave me in the grave. You will not let your holy one rot. You will teach me how to live a holy life. Being with you will fill me with joy; at your right hand I will find pleasure forever." (Psalm 16:7-11)

These verses especially touch me this morning, and I will write them down and repeat them today. I feel as if the Psalmist can read my soul, my innermost thoughts and feelings. I do praise God for leading me through my life... and I have felt that leading in the many amazing, surprising and wonderful "God-incidences" which have blessed me so generously. I feel God close to me, giving me courage that I cannot be hurt... since the Lord is my strength. I do rejoice... every morning anew. And I have the courage to lead a holy life, with God teaching me.

Courage in Jesus' Example
Matthew 18:21-35

"Jesus answered, 'I tell you, you must forgive him more than seven times. You must forgive him even if he wrongs you seventy times seven.... This king did what my heavenly Father will do to you if you do not forgive your brother or sister from your heart." (Matthew 18:22, 35)

Forgiveness- true forgiveness- is most certainly one of the most couragous acts. However, we are far too often confronted with a half-hearted and shallow form of forgiveness. We say we forgive, but we don't forget. In the next quarrel, it's far too easy to bring up that broken dish or harsh word or painful abandonment. If we truly forgive our brothers and sisters "from our hearts," we will erase it and allow the person to start anew... without fear of that person holding the mistake ransom to use for leverage in another occasion. In fact, doing so shows that the other person cannot trust your claims to "forgive." As God forgives us, we need to forgive our brothers and sisters- recognizing that countless people have forgiven us our mishaps- all we are doing is trying our best to live courageously, the type of life that God leads us to live.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Whom Shall I Send?

Someone Else!
Exodus 3:1-4:31

"But Moses said to the Lord, 'Please, Lord, I have never been a skilled speaker. Even now, after talking to you, I cannot speak well. I speak slowly and can't find the best words.' Then the Lord said to him, 'Who made a person's mouth? And who makes someone deaf or not able to speak? Or who gives a person sight or blindness? It is I, the Lord. Now go! I will help you speak, and I will teach you what to say.' But Moses said, 'Please, Lord, send someone else.'" (Exodus 4:10-13)

Ah, Moses... God said He'd be with you, He'd help you to speak... why do you resist? Yet, many times I wonder whether I am even as open to God's calling as Moses. How many times have I (perhaps with my actions or inattention or apathy or lack of response) said, "Please, Lord, send someone else"? I'm really trying to change this- working on both listening to God's leading here this semester as well as listening for God's call for my life as I walk on. Right here, through more prayer, I have felt God empowering me to speak to others and invite them into conversations about the Lord. On my own I have no strength to do such things, for- as a quiet girl- I cannot speak well. Yet, the Lord helps me to speak- to new friends, to classmates, to the person in charge of maintenance here at La Aldea. Lord, please continue to lead me into these interactions with people that You desperately long to enter Your kingdom. I pray for each one of these who I've talked with this week- that you may enter their lives in a powerful way: Sei, Soomin, Paco. And please guide me, Lord, as I continue to discern Your will for my life, considering the calling of ministry from my local church and district.

Psalm 16:1-6

"No, the Lord is all I need. He takes care of me. My share in life has been pleasant; my part has been beautiful." (Psalm 16:5-6)

David is here stating that he doesn't need the false idols but only the Lord who is our true protector. Right now, it is difficult to talk about needs as "downsizing" (an unfortunate euphimism for lost jobs and heartbroken people without a place to turn for income) becomes a reality in our society... Sprint, Texas Instruments... more companies every day. It must be so difficult to trust in the Lord at this time, but I pray for these people, that God may provide for their basic needs still, that they may see that the Lord is all they need.

I have had a pleasant share in life, and I know I owe this all to God, as it's written, "Every good thing I have comes from you" (Psalm 16:2). When I went down to Brazil, to live in a favela, many Brazilians themselves couldn't believe it. They would never enter those areas. Crazy American! But, God was with me... and "the Lord is all I need." Thank You, Lord God, provider of all- may I learn to keep this lesson at heart... knowing that You provide every single thing in my life. I can do nothing apart from You, but I trust that with You I can do all things. Send me where You will.

A Little Child
Matthew 18:1-20

"At that time the followers came to Jesus and asked, 'Who is greatest in the kingdom of heaven?' Jesus called a little child to him and stood the child before his followers. Then he said, 'I tell you the truth, you must change and become like the little children. Otherwise, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. The greatest person in the kingdom of heaven is the one who makes himself humble like this child.'" (Matthew 18:1-4)

Jesus displayed such amazing humility- humility and authority at the same time. Such an amazing juxtaposition of admirable qualities that people had to stand aside and take note. Jesus felt comfortable with the outcast, the poor, the stranger, the foreigner, the person of a different religion. And while His disciples didn't have the same authority which was given to Him by heaven, Jesus wished they would embody the same sense of humility.

Throughout the years, so many wonderful Brethren have touched me so profoundly with their kind and humble spirits. They would not do anything ostentatiously but love quietly behind the scenes: a warm hand-knitted cap, an note of encouragment, a donation for Missions, a helping hand, or just a friendly smile or welcoming invitation. These are the people who have taught me and shaped me and who I would like to be more like.

In the COB, there exist several ideas very connected to humility, including the ministry of all believers. The ministry of all believers is that we are all servants of God in some way or another. This is symbolized by the fact that most churches still don't have a raised platform for the preacher to speak- so that everyone remains at the same level. A large part of the work of the deacons in the church is to seek out spiritual gifts of the church members and invite them to take part in caring for the sanctuary, leading Bible study, helping with the sound system, nursery school, worship leading, hospitality team, etc. My church invited me to lead in so many ways before I even graduated from high school: leading youth Bible Study, helping with Children's musicals, church choir, servant evangelism activities, preaching at least 6 times just in my local church (many times on Christmas Eve). And the opportunities continued throughout my later years- called to Ministry Summer Service, Youth Conference in the DR, translation at a service project in Guatemala, church support staff in Brazil, etc.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Can You Hear Me Now?

God Hears the Egyptians
Exodus 1:1-2:25

"After a long time, the king of Egypt died. The people of Israel groaned, because they were forced to work very hard. When they cried for help, God heard them. God heard their cries, and he remembered the agreement he had made with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He saw the troubles of the people of Israel, and he was concerned about them." (Exodus 2:23-25)

They cried for help, and God heard them... what an amazing and beautiful and important verse. It's also something that I've experienced in my life. I am convinced that there is power in prayer, in calling out to God in so many different ways. On Friday, Andrew gave us a glimpse into John Foster's book on prayer with 21 different kinds of prayer, which says to me that there is always an appropriate way for me to pray. No matter the circumstance, no matter the hour- there is a way to enter into communion with God through prayer. God hears our prayers and even more beautiful is the fact that He is concerned with our prayers. Our Heavenly Father, Your love is so amazing... You allow me to call out to You, You hear me and You concern Yourself with me.

Hear God's Will
Psalm 15:1-15

"Lord, who may enter your Holy Tent? Who may live on your holy mountain? Only those who are innocent and who do what is right. Such people speak the truth from their hearts and do not tell lies about others. They do no wrong to their neighbors and do not gossip. They do not respect hateful people but honor those who honor the Lord. They keep their promises to their neighbors, even when it hurts. They do not change interest on money they lend and do not take money to hurt innocent people. Whoever does all these things will never be destroyed." (Psalm 15:1-5)

We also need to be listening carefully for God's direction, and as we talked about yesterday in Sunday School, that direction oftentimes comes from God's Word... the Bible. Psalm lists many instructions for how we should live in order to live with God one day. I especially like the way David notes, "Keeping promises (even when it hurts)." It does hurt sometime... all of these instructions actually. It's not always easy to tell the truth or to not join in the gossip in the work space or to do what is right in general. But, Lord, help me to listen carefully and heed Your will, not my own every day... even when it's not easy... I long to follow You.

The Mountain Hears
Matthew 17:1-27

"Jesus answered, 'Because your faith is too small. I tell you the truth, if your faith is as big as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. All things will be possible for you. [This kind of spirit comes out only if you use prayer and fasting.]'" (Matthew 17:20-21)

A powerful reminder that all of creation, absolutely everything and everyone is under God's control and authority and ruling. Lord, Your power is unfathomable to me- able to do everything... from healing to providing to saving us from ourselves. And I know that we can do all things through Your great power... this mountain can move. (Of course, we are warned that this power comes from prayer and fasting... or when we are truly filled with the Holy Spirit. It does not come of our own humanly free will.) Tucson is a beautiful reminder of this lovely verse, as I look around at the lovely mountains surrounding the town each morning. My friend Kammy pointed this out to me, and reminded me that when I think something's too tough, I only need to look to the mountains and remember this verse. Lord, I pray to You to give me the power to do Your will here on earth. I believe in You and Your goodness and greatness and protection and long only to do Your will here on this earth. Please teach me how.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Mi Pensamiento Eres Tu, Senor...

Thoughts Affect Others
Genesis 49:1-50:26

"Then Joseph said to them, 'Don't be afraid. Can I do what only God can do? You meant to hurt me, but God turned your evil into good to save the lives of many people, which is being done. So don't be afraid. I will take care of you and your children.' So Joseph comforted his brothers and spoke kind words to them." (Genesis 50:19-21)

When Jacob died, Joseph's brothers were afraid that Joseph would turn against him- sounds like the saying, "When the cats away, the mice will play." But once again Joseph shows us what he's made of, turning our attention to God. By thinking and meditating constantly on God's will and how even bad circumstances have led us to where I am today, I could not imagine holding a grudge. Lord, you have blessed me in so many ways. Today I especially thank you for the gift of the sabbath, which I'm trying to observe this year. The elementary Sunday School class actually talked about that today. Today I dedicate this day to praising you, Lord, meditating on your word. Teach me to reflect these thoughts in every word that I say to others.

Thoughts Run Your Life
Proverbs 4:20-24

"Be careful what you think, because your thoughts run your life. Don't use your mouth to tell lies; don't ever say things that are not true." (Proverbs 4:23-24)

Part of the adult Sunday School class actually focused on 'meditation' with the beautiful passage Psalm 119:5, "I meditate on your precepts and consider your ways." And we sang the beautiful chorus, "Mi Pensamiento Eres Tu, Senor," "You are My Thought, Lord." The human mind is a powerful thing- what is in your mind in a very real way controls your life and how you act and what you do and what you say. People with addictions and other problems will recognize that irrational thoughts form pathways in the mind, and the more often those pathways are taken, the more often those thoughts are reinforced. Consequently, it becomes harder and harder to change those patterns of thought and how this causes them to react. This would be the negative example, but when we spend our time thinking and meditating on our Lord this can be turned into a beautiful situation. We form this common pathways so that when tough times come, we can still remember to turn our thoughts to God. Lord, take control of my thoughts and control of my life... as I aim to keep you constantly in my thoughts.

Thoughts of God- Not People
Matthew 16:1-28

"Then Jesus said to Peter, 'Go away from me, Satan! You are not helping me! You don't care about the things of God, but only about the things people think are important.'" (Matthew 16:23)

After Peter speaks out against what will happen to Jesus in the days to come, Jesus rebukes Satan. Jesus will soon be facing some tough days, but the fact that Jesus died upon the cross for our sins is all-important. Without this most precious gift and sacrifice, I would be lost and helpless. People didn't understand what was going on at that time. They only thought it important for Jesus to live with them. Only later would they understand the importance of the Jesus' death... not only His life. People like to proclaim with certainty that they know what is important. They know why it is important and what purpose it serves, but people (while Christians can be great sources of encouragement and learning) are often just plain wrong... or let's say... human. The things of God are so perfect and wonderful... a greater thought doesn't exist in the world but thoughts about our Lord.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Taking Care of

Genesis 47:1-48:22

"So Israel blessed them that day and said, 'When a blessing is given in Israel, they will say: 'May God make you like Ephraim and Manasseh.'" (Genesis 48:20)

Many cultures have traditional blessings, and now I am particularly reminds of the verse from Genesis itself that our Young Adult Sunday School class closes with: "May the Lord watch between me and thee, while we are absent one from the other" (Genesis 31:49). I always found this particularly fitting for my transient life... as well as those of my age group and association in good ol' Green Tree COB. In fact I find myself thinking of them and whispering this prayer.

Yet my favorite memory of blessings comes from Marnatha Fellowship, the Hispanic congregation that I worshiped with in Lancaster COB. Daniel DeOleo started a rotating weekly bible study in the homes of members of the congregation. We gathered in different peoples homes to sing, read scripture, pray, fellowship together with lovely conversations and some refreshments, and before we left we prayed a special blessing upon the home and all those within it. There are so many beautiful things that happen in the Hispanic church that seem like they wouldn't be accepted by our mainstream "American" society... yet I wish everyone had a chance to experience these amazing gifts- the way these communities relate to God and each other. We may have been blessing the homes, but really they were blessing me... just as Jacob blessed Ephraim and Manasseh. And now... missing them this morning, I pray dear Maranatha family- "May the Lord watch between me and thee, while we are absent one from the other." (Genesis 39:41)

Psalm 13:1-6

"I trust in your love. My heart is happy because you saved me. I sing to the Lord because he has taken care of me." (Psalm 13:5-6)

Trust is one of the most important aspects of any relationship, perhaps I put even more stock in it than most people, I'm not sure... but without trust, you will not open yourself to being vulnerable with someone. And without allowing yourself to be vulnerable, you will not be able to experience an intimate connection with anyone. My brother and I have an amazing trusting relationship in which we can say anything to one another- trusting that our unconditional agape/brethren love will not fail. We won't hurt one another or turn away from one another or judge one another's vulnerabilities... but accept and love and take care of one another. God's love is so much deeper... and I trust that God will take care of me... God will take care of my heart and not let me go, never turn away, never hurt me. When tough times may come, I can take it all- maybe not on my own, but with God... taking care of me. I sing... I sing to You, Lord, a song of praise for your amazing love that I trust so completely and the way You have always taken care of me.

Matthew 15:21-39

"Jesus answered, 'It is not right to take the children's bread and give it to the dogs.' The woman said, 'Yes, Lord, but even the dogs eat the crubs that fall from their masters' table.' Then Jesus answered, 'Woman, you have great faith! I will do what you asked.' And at tht moment the woman's daughter was healed." (Matthew 15:26-28)

Such a beautiful passage! I try to place myself back in the time when this text with the heading "Jesus Helps a Non-Jewish Woman" would've been truly shocking. In fact, it seems that we might need to change the sensational headline a bit to get an up-to-date glimpse of what it implies: "Christian Helps a Muslim," "Pacifist Helps a Soldier." I'm reminded of the time when I was in a Bible study at college (all always ecumenical), and my friend Erin who had two brothers overseas in active duty suggested making and sending care packages. I excitedly echoed the value and importance of the project... easily excitable as I often am. And I remember how shocked Erin was. She never thought that a crazy pacifist liberal would want to take care of her brothers who were soldiers. I explained that while I do not support the war and refuse to accept that war is a valid response to any conflict, it is precisely that which makes me care so very much for all of those (on both sides) who are in that terrible situation. My church had sent care packages to victims and soldiers several times, some of my relatives had been drafted and gone without a gun onto the battlefield to pick up the wounded, dead and dying. I see in this passage the message that God's love... while specifically sent to "the lost sheep, the people of Israel" is big enough for all of those who have faith in him. So our love should be big enough to care for all of those- past dividing lines of race, gender, class, religion, politics, age, etc.

The other important part of this passage which is hitting me this morning is the fact that this woman had faith. Jesus wasn't ready to heal her right away. However, she likened Jesus to the master and herself to a dog reaching for one of the precious crumbs fallen from the table. This humble statement demonstrated both her belief in Jesus' authority and power. He had the authority as a 'master' over her and also such amazing power that even a crumb would be enough. Sometimes I wonder if I recognize this enough... I am so small to You, God. I really am not worthy to taste even the crumbs from Your table, yet You in Your goodness offer me so many blessings that I do not deserve. I praise You this morning, Father... and I trust in Your blessings, Your unconditional love, and Your power and authority. Help me as I walk through this day, trying to be faithful to You- praying as I go.

Friday, January 23, 2009

What to Say

Speak About God
Genesis 45:1-46:34

"Now don't be worried or angry with yourselves because you sold me here. God sent me here ahead of you to save people's lives." (Genesis 45:5)

Joseph, what a guy... not only does he offer a wonderful meal to these brothers of his, but he chooses his words so wisely. He forgives them but also praises God's goodness and guidance at the same time... pointing out that all of his success, all of his good fortune has come from God. It's so easy to want to take all the credit- for a task completed, a position reached, a goal accomplished... when really behind it all I believe God is there. The Lord in His goodness certainly has blessed me far beyond my belief, with opportunities to travel, to serve and learn from others, to meet new people and earn an education here. Lord, whenever I think that I am the one who should be applauded for the blessing of my life, let me remember that You are the one that sent me to this place... and to You belongs all of the glory and praise.

Speak the Lord's Words
Psalm 12:1-8

"The Lord's words are pure, like silver purified by fire, like silver purified seven times over." (Psalm 12:6)

Beyond speaking about God, I can also speak God's most precious words- that are pure and good and wonderful. Linguists put a lot of emphasis on the inherent power of words in creating social constructs for how we think about the world around us. So as in the saying, "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil," it can be assumed that speaking unkind/untrue/impure words actually has an effect upon the speaker on a mental and spiritual level. The words on our lips are also the words on our heart, and I can think of no more wonderful words to keep treasured in my heart and share with the world that those of my Lord and Savior. That's why this year I'm really trying to make a conscious effort to memorize more scripture (along with the reference). I know the gist or idea of a lot of scripture, but this year I want to focus on keeping these precious words on my heart and at hand.

Speak Sincerely- with the Heart
Matthew 15:1-20

"These people show honor to me with words, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship of me is worthless. The things that they teach are nothing but human rules." (Matthew 15:7- referring to Isaiah 29:13)

Ah, once again we see those legalistic Pharisees complaining about the rules that haven't been followed to a T. And again, Jesus demonstrates that what is really in the heart of the person... or the motives behind the statement are as important as the words themselves. In Bible Study on Tuesday I was thinking about this as well- the importance of the motives behind the actions and words. In John 12:6, after Mary has washed Jesus' feet with expensive perfume and Judas has objected, John writes, "He did not say this because he cared about the poor but because he was a thief; as keeper of the money bag, he used to help himself to what was put into it." Perhaps if Judas really had been worried about the poor, the reaction would've been different. Perhaps they would've taken up a collection then and there. But one thing is certain... "Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart" (1 Samuel 16:7). Not only our words but our hearts need to be close to God, in order for our worship and adoration to be meaningful... Lord, I sincerely seek to honor You this day and always with all of my words and all of my heart.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Unexpected Answer

A Meal
Genesis 43:1-44:34

"Joseph's brothers were seated in front of him in order of their ages, from oldest to youngest. They looked at each other because they were amazed. Food from Joseph's table was taken to them, but Benjamin was given five times more food than the others. Joseph's brothers ate and drank freely with him." (Genesis 43:33-34)

In many Brethren circles, a potluck is alternately called "a common meal." Now, this does not have anything to do with the type of food that is being served, rather it refers to the fact that everyone is sharing one meal... a meal that they have in common. Eating together has great relational significance, especially in some cultures where once a meal was shared those people could no longer be enemies. If Joseph had any enemies, they would've been his brothers who sold him into slavery. Yet, he sat down and shared a meal with them... the same food that was taken from his table. And though his brothers weren't aware of it yet, Joseph had demonstrated a perfectly radical type of love and forgiveness... a very unexpected answer to his brothers' jealousy. Lord, show me to love in this radical way... always offering more love instead of hate, more forgiveness instead of vengeance.

A Watchful Eye
Psalm 11:1-7

"The Lord is in his holy temple; the Lord sits on his throne in heaven. He sees what people do; he keeps his eye on them." (Psalm 11:4)

When Jerry and I were still very young, we sang this song for a church talent show:
"Oh be careful little eyes what you see,
Oh be careful little eyes what you see,
For the Father up above is looking down in love.
Oh be careful little eyes what you see."
Other verses included: mouth what you say/hands what you do/feet where you go/ears what you hear

Just imagine... a Lord who loves us enough to keep his eye upon each one of us, from the youngest to the quietest to the outcast to the loneliest. From his heavenly throne, God is looking down upon us... in love. That's not what I'd expect from any king, let alone the authority of all heaven and earth. Oh God, I know not how to thank You for all that You have given me, I know not how to properly worship You and praise You for everything... and for Your abundant love that I can only hope to emulate in some small way.

A Peace
Matthew 14:22-36

"By this time, the boat was already far away from land. It was being hit by waves, because the wind was blowing against it. Between three and six o'clock in the morning, Jesus came to them, walking on the water. When his followers saw him walking on the water, they were afraid...After they got into the boat, the wind became calm. Then those who were in the boat worshiped Jesus and said, 'Truly you are the Son of God!'" (Matthew 14:24-26, 32-33)

A familiar and beautiful story... and certainly there is so much within this one section of scripture, but this morning I'd like to look at the aspect of Jesus as "an unexpected answer" for the disciples. They were out on the boat, far from the land, with the rough winds causing choppy waves and tossing the boat about. It's enough to make me seasick just thinking about it. And I imagine the disciples must've been "praying afraid"... praying out of fear and expecting something to happen... praying for some sort of answer. But the answer that they received wasn't one they were expecting. Jesus did come and calm the storm... but walking on water? Who would've imagined that??? But then, our Lord sends us messages in the most unexpected ways- a baby in a manger who would save the world. Lord, when I pray- please let me listen for and follow Your answer... knowing that Your will might not be the same as my own and Your plans not what I am expecting. Help me to follow Your guidance always... as I praise You for the peace that it brings.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

With God's Spirit

Genesis 41:1-42:38

"And the king asked them, 'Can we find a better man than Joseph to take this job? God's spirit is truly in him!' So the king said to Joseph, 'God has shown you all this. There is no one as wise and understanding as you are, so I will put you in charge of my palace. All the people will obey your orders, and only I will be greater than you.'" (Genesis 41:38-40)

That Joseph... he continues with his success. His ability to interpret the king's dreams causes the king to put him in charge of the palace. A familiar passage, and though I don't have the ability to interpret dreams, I pray that I may use my talents/gifts/abilities to be pleasing to You, God. This year I really would like to find a way to serve you in the church... please show me where there is a need and where You would have me take part in that. Even moreso, in everything I do, I pray that people may see my life and say, "God's spirit is truly in her!" Teach me to live that kind of life, Lord, as I seek to follow You more closely.

Psalm 10:12-18

"Lord, you have heard what the poor people want. Do what they ask, and listen to them. Protect the orphans and put an end to suffering so they will no longer be afraid of evil people." (Psalm 10:17-18)

Lord, looking around at the many people who are hurting in the world makes my heart hurt. I know that You love us all and protect us, and please let me show Your kindness and mercy and compassion to all those in need- the poor, the orphans, the lost, the lonely. Teach me how to share Your love with them and to share all that I have, all that You have given me.

Matthew 14:1-21

"When he arrived, he saw a great crowd waiting. He felt sorry for them and healed those who were sick." (Matthew 14:14)

As with so many verses, this story portrays Jesus' compassion for those who are hurting. He healed them, and not only that... evening came and Jesus wasn't ready to quit. The disciples tried to encourage him to call it a day and let the people go home and get their own food. Jesus went on to demonstrate that that was unnecessary. Lord, I believe in your healing power and pray it may be felt by those who need you right now: Mr. Shabrin, Kara, Andrew's father, and so many many others who are hurting.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Something Different

~Brooks, a running shoe company, used to have a slogan that said, "Runners- yeah, we're different." I suppose this advertisement aimed to inspire a sense of belonging to runners, and I have to admit that runners are a bit different. But then again, so are Christians... if we are doing our job. And then, the other part of the job is actually explaining why we are different and what motivates us or allows us to live such a different kind of lifestyle.

Genesis 39:1-40:23

"But the Lord was with Joseph and showed him kindness and caused the prison warden to like Joseph. The prison warden chose Joseph to take care of all the prisoners, and he was responsible for whatever was done in the prison. The warden paid no attention to anything that was in Joseph's care because the Lord was with Joseph and made him successful in everything he did. (Genesis 39:21-23)

Even in the depths of prison- a space designed to maintain a certain power structure- God made everything different for Joseph. He helped the warden to get along with Joseph and even give him responsibility. Even in prison, yes, God certainly gave Joseph success in everything he did. While we have troubles and difficulties along the way, when I do keep following God, I will eventually find those moments of great God-given success. I can't explain why I've been given so many opportunities to travel on behalf of my church and different volunteer organizations or why some things just seem to work out for me. It's certainly not by my own power. Following the Lord's will for my life makes everything different. Help me to follow You more closely in this year, O Lord... trusting in the blessings that you have given me and plan for my future.

Proverbs 4:1-6

"Hold on to my words with all your heart. Keep my commands and you will live. Get wisdom and understanding. Don't forget or ignore my words. Hold on to wisdom, and it will take care of you. Love it, and it will keep you safe." (Proverbs 4:4-6)

Here it is again- wisdom. In this passage, it talks of a parent passing on words of wisdom to a child. Very important lessons indeed, but how much more valuable is the wisdom from our heavenly Father. I love to read Your words, oh Lord... and I guard them in my heart. This year I will try to memorize more scripture together with the verses so that I know where to go to read Your good words. I do love Your words, and help me to live them... to trust in them... and thereby live a different kind of life- the life that You would have us live.

Savior- son of the carpenter

"They said, 'Where did this man get his wisdom and his power to do miracles? He is just the son of a carpenter... Where they does this man get all these things?'... So the people were upset with Jesus. But Jesus said to them, 'A prophet is honored everywhere except in his hometown and in his own home.'" (Mathew 13:54-57)

Where indeed? People heard Jesus' words and wisdom and saw his miracles and knew that there was something different about this guy. And it clashed with their knowledge of his family, well, the family they were aware of. If they had only understood who Jesus was, it would've been all too clear where he got his wisdom and authority. While I don't at all nor will I ever compare to Jesus' perfection, it is always my goal. And once in a while people will wonder at why I act in such a strange way or why I'm such a strange American. But I honestly am only aiming to be follow the example set for me in Jesus Christ.

Also, people who don't know me or haven't kept up with the many places I've been and how they've molded me as a a person might similarly ask, "Isn't that just Katie from Royersford?" I live a different life than I used to... quite different from habits I've had in the past... and yes, even different from my parents (while many things are the same, I've also made my own choices). And I think this is important... I constantly examine how I am living and how I could live my life better and more completely in service and honor to God. As today I think about the change for the nation, I also ask You to change my heart, God. Help me to live a different life... honoring You.

Monday, January 19, 2009


~I am constantly amazed at the seemingly impossible things that happen in this life. In today's world it seems that we are prone to explain it all away by science and forget to give credit to God for so many amazing things that are impossible, except for with God... in as much, they are "Godpossible."

Consider it Godpossible
Genesis 37:1-38:30

"Joseph's brothers were jealous of him, but his father thought about what all these things could mean." (Genesis 37:11)

In the familiar story about "Joseph the Dreamer," I never paid much attention to this verse about his father, until pointed out by a visiting pastor from Oaxaca. After scolding Joseph for his dream, he actually considers the possibility. What could it mean? Could it be possible? I know my parents wondered many times at the crazy twists and turns they saw my life taking, but they also considered what was happening, the choices I was making and allowed me to follow God's leading. A quiet little girl, going off on her own to Brazil, it just seems crazy. But, God, You give me the strength to do Your will. May I always have the courage to follow Your will for my life, when it sometimes impossible.

Learning it's Godpossible
Psalm 9:11-20

"Lord, rise up and judge the nations. Don't let people think they are strong. Teach them to fear you, Lord. The nations must learn that they are only human." (Psalm 9:19-20)

Sometimes I need to learn it the hard way... that I can't tackle things on my own. I think a lot of people have learn things the hard way. We take the wrong road (straying from God), and we then recognize that we need God to get us back on track. When confronted with really big problems and troubles, God shows me that I am only human. It is only God who saves me from myself. You are the center of my life, and when I forget that, You teach me that You are the only one that makes all things possible.

Using the Godpossible
Matthew 13:1-30

"But what is the seed that fell on the good ground? That seed is like the person who hears the teaching and understands it. That person grows and produces fruit, sometimes a hundred times more, sometimes sixty times more, and sometimes thirty times more." (Matthew 13:23)

Great and amazing things are possible with God. Hopefully we are all this seed on the good ground. With this great fortune comes great responsibility. We must continue to grow spiritually and produce fruit. Lord, guide me as I reflect on Your vision for my life this year: in the spiritual disciplines, professional life, personal relationships, professional relationships, church involvement and community involvement. Let me produce fruit for Your glory, Lord.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Tlentli Towa Myolotzi- What Says Your Heart

~During my first experience in Mexico, not only was I enthralled with the beauty of the Spanish language spoken incredibly fast by all the veracruzanos, but I was also fascinated by "Nahuatl," just one of the indigenous languages spoken throughout Mexico that I didn't even know existed. My friend Lalo taught me a few choice phrases as well as the saying "Tlentli towa myolotzi"- meaning "what says your heart." Little did he know that this is a sentiment that I need to remind myself of some times. My friends in Brazil would constantly talk about me as being "practical" and "pragmatic"... which is a good thing, but sometimes I also need to remember to lay aside all of my logical thinking and listen/think/act with my heart.

My Heart Says- Worship God!
Genesis 35:1-36:43

"There I will build an altar to God, who has helped me during my time of trouble. He has been with me everywhere I have gone." (Genesis 35:3)

I am still quite impressed at Jacob as he continues along his journey. He moves to the cities where God guides him and follows the Lord's instructions there. "Pick up your things and move." "Ok." "Make an altar." "Alright." Yet, I wonder if it is so different from my life. There are times that I feel I have actually been following God's direction for my life- crazy as it may seem... I can't really explain why or how I know... I've never heard a loud Godly voices calling out "Katie," but I can feel it in my heart... "I just need to go into BVS...I just need to go to Brazil now... I just need to visit the churches there." Lord, even when I haven't followed Your will for my life, I know that You have been with me everywhere. I cannot run from Your presence nor would I ever want to. Lord, help me to follow ever more closely the path You choose for my life.

My Heart Says- Help Others!
Proverbs 3:27-30

"Whenever you are able, do good to people who need help." (Proverbs 3:27)

If it weren't for sin, all committed Christians would be like super-people, I'm convinced... throughout the Bible we are constantly told to help those in need and work for justice, peace, all good things. While I constantly hope to live a life for others... doing whatever I can for them, I fall short of the perfection modeled by Jesus Christ. When I sometimes do manage to do something small for someone else, I find it equally important to make my reasons for this action evident. The world needs to know that I am motivated and inspired to live the kind of life I leave because of the abundant love and grace offered to me by my Lord and Savior. What more can I offer my Lord but all my life and all my love? And the Lord tells us to love one another, so my hearts... filled with love and joy... naturally spills out into my living.

My Heart Says- Good Things!
Matthew 12:22-50

"If you want good fruit, you must make the tree good. If your tree is not good, it will have bad fruit. A tree is known by the kind of fruit it produces. You snakes! You are evil people, so how can you say anything good? The mouth speaks the things that are in the heart. Good people have good things in their heart, so they say good things." (Matthew 12:33-35)

Another common theme in the Bible, here we are instructed to keep our hearts on good things so that those are the things that we say, that is what we do and that is the fruit that we give. One example that I think portrays this would be children. So malleable and vulnerable... they are trying to quickly pick up on any social cues that they observe. So, when they watch tv or listen to music, those are the kinds of things that end up not only on their hearts but also on their tongues... partly why parenting is the ultimate responsibility. (And I'm so thankful that my parents took their job quite seriously.) But the same goes for each of us.... people who spend their time reading the Word, praying and in community with Christians will find those things upon their hearts. Thank You, Lord, for filling my life and my heart with Your presence.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

More Than I Need

More Gifts Than I Need
Genesis 33:1-34:31

"So I beg you to accept the gift I give you. God has been very good to me, and I have more than I need." (Genesis 33:11)

Just like Jacob, I have been given "more than I need." I have more friends, more money, more education, more possessions, more of everything than I really need... in the truly basic sense of the word. This abundance should not move me to guilt nor to pride but to an amazing thankfulness to the Lord for all these gifts... and searching for the way to best use this overabundance to "the glory of God and my neighbor's good" as the old Brethren saying goes. Lord, teach me to give more and more thoughtfully... thanking You always for my ability to give the good gifts with which you have blessed me. I pray that in this year I may learn to more freely give to friends, family, my community, and those who I find in want. Teach me how to give all of Your good gifts- spiritual or material.

More Miracles Than I Need
Psalm 9:1-6

"I will praise you, Lord with all my heart. I will tell all the miracles you have done. I will be happy because of you; God Most High, I will sing praises to your name." (Psalm 9:1-2)

What a beautiful Psalm and one that my heart is singing these days. I just feel so blessed. I feel that I am living a God-given miracle, and I must tell everyone about it... although I am trying my best to stay quite discrete... respecting the wishes of those who I care so much about. Yet, I can sing praises to my God who knows all things. Lord, every miracle in my life makes me so happy, and it is all because of You. Today as we hiked at Mt. Lemon and appreciated the beauty around us I repeated the phrase "God is great!" which my new friend Kammy taught to me. In every tree and waterfall and snowdrift I saw another of the many miracles God has given to me.

The Grace That I Do Need
Matthew 12:1-21

"Here is my servant whom I have chosen. I love him, and I am pleased with him. I will put my Spirit upon him, and he will tell of my justice to all people." (Matthew 12:18... in references to Isaiah 42:1-4)

The gift of Jesus... differing from the blessings and miracles poured into my life... is what I do desperately need. Jesus came to life to save me from myself, from my sin. Without the grace that Jesus offers to me, I have nothing. I have no hope. Lord, I fall so short from deserving the gift that you gave to me in the form of Your son Jesus... forgive me for the moments that I forget how much Your mercy means for my life... and how much I need You. May all that I ever do be to Your honor, O God.

Friday, January 16, 2009

A People-Lover

~While I at first may come off as somewhat shy as I try to really get an understanding of people, that usually wears off once I get comfortable with people... get to know them on a personal level. It's because deep down I really really love people- I see personal interactions as paramount in the Bible and important to Christian living, as we encourage each other along our paths and work as vessels to spread Jesus' message to everyone. The amazing thing, though, is that we also have a God who is a people-lover. And love oftentimes inspires us to give to people- gifts of time, energy, words, deeds. Just a few of God's amazing gifts which we do not deserve but are given to us by grace are: kindness and goodness, care, and rest.

Kindness and Goodness
Genesis 31:1-32:32

"I am not worthy of the kindness and continual goodness that you have shown me." (Genesis 31:10)

Here Jacob is praying to the Lord to save him from his brother Esau, but he is also taking time to recognize God's goodness as it has been reflect in his life already. If Jacob wasn't worthy, I certainly am not worthy. And this is exactly what God's grace is... given gifts and blessings beyond what we deserve. We are not blessed because we are deserving but only through God's goodness and kindness. Lord, I have so many blessings in my life- an education, the opportunity to serve, good health, wonderful friends, supportive family- just to name a few. Lord, I thank You and praise You for all of these precious gifts of love.

Psalm 8:3-9

"But why are people even important to you? Why do you take care of human beings?" (Psalm 8:4)

As this Psalmist recounts the glorious world- heavens, earth, skies- that God has created, he recognizes the insignificance of humans. Not that we are insignificant in terms of a creation- the human body is a miraculous thing. But, God is the creator of all things- the saying goes "everything under the sun," but with God is would be "everything including the sun." The one who creates all things does not need us, but we need God. And it is God that gives us our very significance... caring about us, loving us, cultivating a special relationship with us. God, Your abundant love is amazing, as You- creator of the universe- care for even the sparrow and each one of Your little children.

Matthew 11:1-30

"Come to me, all of you who are tired and have heavy loads, and I will give you rest. Accept my teachings and learn from me, because I am gentle and humble in spirit, and you will find rest for your lives." (Matthew 11:28-29)

"All who are tired and have heavy loads"... in today's society that seems to be everyone. I was just reading yesterday about the time-space collapse in recent years where such things as technological devices and other social phenomenon have tricked us into thinking that we can actually have more time in the day. All that time is meant to get more done. In an age where "time is money" and "money is everything," we need God's message of rest and peace... which I believe our souls desperately cry out for. Lord, as the hectic pace of this busy semester begins, help me to take time to appreciate the peace and rest that You give to me when only I come to You.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Challenge

~For me, being a Christian is not something to be taken lightly. If we believe and truly accept Jesus into our hearts, not only will we be challenged to tell everyone of the abundant joy and grace we experience... but we will also live that out in everything we do, every interaction we have. Good thing that I'm always up for a good challenge. Alexandre used to tell me that I was crazy for only liking the "most challenging things." A longer run, a faster race, a better grade, a more complete project, a more interesting class. As a Christian, I am challenged to be more like persistent Jacob, more wise as suggested by Proverbs, and more devoted as instructed by Jesus.

Working for A Wife
Genesis 29:1-30:43

"Laban said, 'In our country, we do not allow the younger daughter to marry before the older daughter. But complete the full week of the marriage ceremony with Leah, and I will give you Rachel to marry also. But you must serve me another seven years.'" (Genesis 29:26-27)

Wow... can you imagine getting news like this after 7 years of long hard work. That's like, sorry, you can't have a Ph.D.... just a masters, but you can get a Ph.D. after 7 more years. Yikes. I can't imagine how Jacob must've felt at that moment he'd been tricked by Laban. But, the amazing thing about this story to me is the fact that Jacob actually accepts it and works for 7 more years! Talk about patience and perserverance and hard work and diligence. Yeah, Jacob seems like a pretty good character, and imagine Rachel's delight at knowing how much she meant to her future spouse.

Pastor Suely's take on the story is that whenever anyone gets married, they marry a "Leah." She explained that marraiges are hard and difficult to navigate, but after some years of patience and perseverance and hard work and diligence (perhaps the 7 years Jacob put in), you are married to your "Rachel." I'm not quite sure what I think about this explanation, but I do agree that all relationships require 'work' (although it's oftentimes pleasant- just spending time with people and getting to know them). I also feel that sometimes you just decide to love someone. Jacob must've been so very decided, and Rachel so very honored that he made room in his own life, offering a space in his heart and schedule and plans for her... obviously thinking her worth the challenge.

Working for Wisdom
Proverbs 3:13-18

"Happy is the person who finds wisdom, the one who gets understanding. Wisdom is worth more than silver; it brings more profit than gold. Wisdom is more precious than rubies; nothing you could want is equal to it. With her right hand wisdom offers you a long life, and with her left hand she gives you riches and honor. Wisdom will make your life pleasant and will bring you peace. As a tree produces fruit, wisdom gives life to those who use it, and everyone who uses it will be happy." (Proverbs 3:13-18)

Wikipedia defines wisdom as "Wisdom is knowledge, understanding, experience, discretion and intuitive understanding, along with the capacity to apply these qualities well towards finding solutions to problems. It is the judicious and purposeful application of knowledge that is valued in society. "

I do wish for wisdom... moreso than riches and certainly more than rubies, but upon reading this definition, I understand that wisdom is not easy to come by. Most of us recognize the importance of knowledge embodied in the value called 'wisdom,' but the idea that 'experience' and 'intuitive understanding' as well as the application of all of this in problem-solving make wisdom a true challenge if I ever heard one. Yet, I am blessed to have wonderful friends who help me grow in wisdom, bringing a peaceful and fulfilling understanding out of an unfortunate misunderstanding.

Listening carefully is an important part of growing in understanding, and I pray improve this part of my communication, as suggested by the poem "A Wise Old Owl" which Mr. Christoffersen recited:

A wise old owl lived in an oak.
The more he saw the less he spoke.
The less he spoke the more he heard.
Why can't we all be like that wise old bird?

Working for True Life
Matthew 10:16-42

"Those who try to hold on to their lives will give up true life. Those who give up their lives for me will hold on to true life." (Matthew 10:38-39)

A familiar verse, and sometimes I fear that the familiarity of it is the very thing that stops it from really challenging me the way that it needs to. Perhaps this is one reason I try to live simply... I can truly appreciate what is the most important part of my life- You, oh Lord Jesus. I continually ask myself whether I am really giving up my whole life for Your glory and purpose. Please teach me to discern your will for my life, knowing that You will give me the strength to face the challenge of living always only for You.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Personal Protector

Genesis 27:1-28:22

"I am with you and will protect you everywhere you go and will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you." (Genesis 28:15)

As Abraham's son, Jacob already had this promise, but now the promise became personal. God spoke to Jacob in a dream. (How I wish I had those kind of dreams rather than these random ones- like last night when I dreamt about some divorce lawyer singing about a walk-in closet filled with shoes!) Anyways, whether it is through dreams, through other people, or through our life experiences, I believe that God is still speaking today. We have this whole book filled with extraordinary promises. And God is so faithful to all of His promises. Right now I am seeing so many of them fulfilled, among them the magnificence of a personal relationship with my Creator, Savior and Lord.

Psalm 7:10-17

God protects me like a shield; he saves those whose hearts are right." (Psalm 7:10)

This world can be a scary place, with all the pain and heartache and suffering that are a real part of so many peoples' lives. But this lovely Psalm assures me that God will seek to know my heart, and if my heart is 'right,' He will save and protect me... from those things that I cannot bear. Not too long ago, I nervously put my heart on the line, almost sure that I was setting myself up for heartbreak... but it was really too late at that point anyway. But what gave me the confidence was constantly reminding myself that God is in control, and yes it may hurt sometimes... but my happiness, my love, my value are all rooted in God's extraordinary unconditional love for me.

Matthew 10:1-15

"Don't carry any money with you- gold or silver or copper. Don't carry a bag or extra clothes or sandals or a walking stick. Workers should be given what they need." (Matthew 10:9-10)

As Jesus calls His disciples and instructs them on where to go and what to do, He also gives them a difficult instruction... especially in this day of 'be prepared for everything and anything.' They say you can tell a seasoned traveler by the amount of luggage they don't have. But, can you imagine traveling without any money or clothes or... books? An extraordinary instruction from Jesus which seems to suggest that they carry less stuff and carry more faith.

I believe Jesus calls each one of us to complete a special plan the Lord has for our lives... and though that is sometimes scary, and sometimes we may try to run from it (like Jonah), it is comforting to remember that "workers should be given what they need." No money? No clothes? It doesn't matter... just go and serve the Lord with all your heart, because Jesus can work through you... giving you all the spiritual and material gifts that you need.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Harvest

Sharing from the Harvest
Genesis 25:1-26:35

"Isaac asked them, 'Why have you come to see me? You were my enemy and forced me to leave your country.' They answered, 'Now we know that the Lord is with you. Let us swear an oath to each other. Let us make an agreement with you that since we did not hurt you, you will not hurt us. We were good to you and sent you away in peace. Now the Lord has blessed you.' So Isaac prepared food for them, and they all ate and drank. Early the next morning the men swore an oath to each other. Then Isaac sent them away, and they left in peace." (Genesis 26:27-31)

A beautiful story of peace and reconciliation if I ever heard one. Isaac's enemies sent him away from his land because of his plentiful harvest. Recognizing their hasty decision, they appeal to him for forgiveness. It would've been easy for Isaac to hold a grudge on the people who threw him out on the street, but Isaac chooses the more excellent way- forgiveness. And not only does he forgive his enemies, but he prepares food for them out of his plentiful harvest and they all eat together- a veritable love feast. Sounds quite similar to Jesus' scripture on 'dinner with sinners.' Lord, help me to choose the path of forgiveness and generosity... abundantly giving both of these things to friends and enemies alike.

Giving from Your Harvest
Proverbs 3:9-10

"Honor the Lord with your wealth and the firstfruits from all your crops. Then your barns will be full, and your wine barrels will overflow with new wine." (Proverbs 3:9-10)

Like one of my favorite childhood songs:
It's just like a magic penny
Hold it tight and you won't have any.
Lend it, spend it,
And you'll have so many.
They'll roll all over the floor.
For, love is something if you give it away,
Give it away, give it away.
Love is something if you give it away,
You end up having more.

All of our wealth, our gifts, our time, our love are like 'magic pennies.' When given and shared with others, the blessings seems to overflow in their richness and abundance. Lord, show me how to best use this abundant harvest of blessings with which you have blessing me... I thank you for all the richness in this life that you have given me... for this beautiful day and all that it holds for me.

Workers of the Harvest
Matthew 9:18-38

"When he saw the crowds, he felt sorry for them because they were hurting and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Jesus said to his followers, 'There are many people to harvest but only a few workers to help harvest them. Pray to the Lord, who owns the harvest, that he will send more workers to gather his harvest." (Matthew 9:36-38)

A familiar passage but also very significant for many reasons. Here we are now talking about a different type of harvest, namely- people (the crowds who are hurting and helpless). The people need a shepherd and workers to gather them. And in this passage we are not directly asked to be that shepherd or worker (although similar directives appear in other places). Instead, we are asked to pray that God may send (or call out) workers/shepherds. Lord, still today Your children are like sheep without a shepherd, and I know that good workers are needed to gather Your harvest. I pray that you may send these workers... and if it be me, Lord, I pray that You help me to listen to how and where and when I may go about helping to tend Your sheep and gather in Your harvest.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Lord of our all our relationships

*the late edition- Lord, what a crazy morning I had finishing up my syllabus and semester schedule. Forgive me, Lord for taking this time out later than usual... and thank You for helping me through the day. May all of my classes be a good use of the gifts that You have given me.

Romantic Relationships
Genesis 23:1-24:67

"The servant said, 'Lord, God of my master Abraham, allow me to find a wife for his son today. Please show this kindness to my master Abraham.'" (Genesis 24:12)

I've always liked the story of Rebekah and Isaac, perhaps I just always found it so much less complicated than the way that we deal with the mixed up world of boys and girls and emotions. It's reassuring to think that God has a hand in guiding me to a special relationship in my life. And while a lot of people might debate this, present evidence convinces me that it's true.

Regardless of whether you believe that God has set someone special for you, this story shows that God hears the prayer about the future relationship. We are told to pray about all things. Personally, I have been in prayer about this area of my life, had my prayers answered and with a very grateful heart I continue to hold this in prayer. Oh Lord of my heart, you have shown such great kindness to me! I pray that I may continue to seek Your wisdom and guidance for this area of my life.

Matthew 9:1-17

"As Jesus was having dinner at Matthew's house, many tax collectors and 'sinners' came and ate with Jesus and his followers. When the Pharisees saw this, they asked Jesus' followers, 'Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?' When Jesus heard them, he said, 'It is not the healthy people who need a doctor, but the sick. Go and learn what this means: 'I want kindness more than I want animal sacrifices.' I did not come to invite good people but to invite sinners." (Matthew 9:10-13)

I feel that this example set by Jesus is one that we very seldom follow. Jesus hung out with the most unlikely folks- the homeless guy down the street, the lady at the toll booth, the prostitute from the corner. I was recently reminded of a story that Tony Campolo tells about how he threw a birthday party for a prostitute, when he found out it was her birthday.

Tony Campolo, now that's my kind of Christian! Did you know he was on the Colbert Report? (Check this out.)

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Faith Like You Mean It

Faith in God's Promises Fulfilled
Genesis 21:1-22:24

"And Sarah said, 'God has made me laugh. Everyone who hears about this will laugh with me. No one thought that I would be able to have Abraham's child, but even though Abraham is old I have given him a son.'" (Genesis 21:5-7)

Promises are so important to me, perhaps because of the example that God has given me. The Lord is faithful in all of His promises for our lives... so faithful that it sometimes moves me to laughter, just like Sarah. God's faithfulness is so true and so complete that it moves me to love and adore and praise and serve Him with all my being. "Great is thy faithfulness, O God, my Father."

Faith in God's Guidance
Proverbs 3:5-6

"Trust the Lord with all your heart, and don't depend on your own understanding. Remember the Lord in all you do, and he will give you success." (Proverbs 3:5-6)

There's that word "success" again, and once again I will choose the Ralph Waldo Emerson definition... "to know that one life has breathed easier because I have lived." By remembering God and seeking to follow His will instead of my own, God has directed me to so many amazing and beautiful situations. I have certainly be showered with so many blessings- places I have lived, experiences I have treasured, new and old friends that I have made. Lord, I thank you for all of this 'success' you have given to me... and I praise you for allof these blessings... still seeking Your will in each of these areas of my life.

Faith in God's Protection
Matthew 8:18-34

"His followers went to him and woke him, saying, 'Lord, save us! We will drown!' Jesus answered, 'Why are you afraid?'" (Matthew 8:25-26)

How easy it is to claim faith when all things are right with the world, but a real deep down unshaking faith is what God really desires of us. With that kind of faith, we may still fear the storms, but we will have the confidence that we will make it through. Right now, jobs are scarce, which is hard on many many people. The GCF group is finding it ever more challenging for our dear friends from Iraq who are need of jobs in order to make it here in this new country. Lord, please give us the faith- as well as the wisdom and Your guidance to do what we may to help find Raad a job... we trust in You with a deep down faith, that You- the creator of all things- have the power to grant us this request. Instead of fear, we come to You in prayerful petition, because You Father, are the one who can do all things.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Godly Touch

Powerful Touch
Genesis 19:1-20:18

"God destroyed the cities in the valley, but he remembered what Abraham had asked. So God saved Lot's life, but he destroyed the city where Lot had lived." (Genesis 19:29)

Of the many power structures that exist in today's world, God tops them all. The president of the university, the President of the United States, are just minions compared to God's amazing power... to do all things. Things that I could never even imagine, just the creation of this beautiful earth. Power to build up, power to destroy. It is good for me to remember Sodom and Gomorrah at those times when I feel like everything has been upset and I feel completely helpless. Because I have a powerful God... watching out for me... to whom I can pray for all things.

Guiding Touch
Proverbs 3:1-4

"My child, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in mind. Then you will live a long time, and your life will be successful. Don't ever forget kindness and truth. Wear them like a necklace. Write them on your heart as if on a tablet. Then you will be respected and please both God and people." (Proverbs 3:1-4)

Lord, let me remember Your commands, Your will, Your word every morning, so that it may be pleasing to You. While following God's guidance, I am promised a successful life. Yet, I know that this 'success' might be quite different than the 'success' the world prescribes. I like to envision it as Ralph Waldo Emerson- "to know that even one life has breathed easier because you have lived." Yes, Lord, this is all the success that I need. I will wear the necklace of kindness and hold Your truth in my heart... always so thankful for Your perfect guidance in my life... which makes all the difference.

Healing Touch
Matthew 8:1-17

"Then a man with a disease came to Jesus. The man said, 'Lord, you can heal me if you will.' Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man and said, 'I will. Be healed.'" (Matthew 8:2-3)

This is always a hard lesson for me, because although I love a good healing story, it often reminds me of dear friends and loved ones who are in pain and hurting. Some of them, although they have much faith, have still not felt Jesus' healing touch in their lives. And it hurts. But in a sense, Jesus heals us all. His ultimate healing in all of our lives was revealed through his son Jesus who came to us on the cross and forgave us from our painful sins. Sin causes pain not only for ourselves but for those around us... and for this we need healing. And if we have faith, if we believe in Jesus, we will be healed from this pain. Forgive me, Lord, for the hurt and pain that I have caused... please guide me in teach me to follow ever more closely in your ways.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Ask, Seek, Knock

Genesis 17:1-18:33

"Then the Lord said to Abraham, 'Why did Sarah laugh? Why did she say, 'I am too old to have a baby'? Is anything too hard for the Lord? No! I will return to you at the right time a year from now, and Sarah will have a son.'" (Genesis 17:13-14)

Go ahead- ask. It's like that special 'best friend' relationship where anything goes... you can ask anything, you can say anything. There is no question too intrusive, no comment considered 'out of bounds,' because of the unconditional agape love upon which the friendship is built. If we can experience this openness in friendships, how much moreso with God. And when we ask God, God is able to give us an answer, according to His will... just as He gave a child to Sarah in her old age. In the light of my own powerlessness, I ask help from my Lord who is all-powerful.

Psalm 5:7-12

"Because of your great love, I can come into your Temple. Because I fear and respect you, I can worship in your holy Temple. Lord, since I have many enemies, show me the right thing to do. Show me clearly how you want me to live." (Psalm 5:7-8)

I am reminded of our Thursday night programs at the old Royersford COB, appropriately named "Seekers." It wasn't until after I was out of the program that I truly appreciated this name. So fitting- we went to pray, to sing, to study the Bible, to learn from the wisdom of other Christians. We went to actively seek God's will in our young lives. Now, I'm not suggesting that we should do this just on Thursdays or just one day a week. But these are some good ways to go about actively searching out God's heart. We find what we seek when we look for God's intentions. Lord, please teach me to seek out and find how You want me to live... and help me to live that out... for Your glory always.

Matthew 7:1-29

"Ask, and God will give to you. Search, and you will find. Knock, and the door will open for you. Yes, everyone who asks will receive. Everyone who searches will find. And everyone who knocks will have the door opened... Even though you are bad, you know how to give good gifts to your children. How much more your heavenly Father will give good things to those who ask him!" (Matthew 7:7-11)

"Knock, knock." "Who's there?" But this time, it's no joke. The door will be opened. God knows it's you, and you will be welcomed into God's arms when you actively go to God's footstep and ask to be let in on His will for Your life. And not only will we be welcomed inside, but God promises to give us good things. (You don't even have that certainty when trick-or-treating these days.) Lord, sometimes I feel shy about going to You with my requests, but let me learn of the wisdom and good gifts that come from asking, seeking and knocking. Now I lay all of my heart at Your feet, oh Lord.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Don't Worry, Be Happy

~It really seems a small miracle today that the verses I would read and reflect upon would center around the futility of worrying. Yes, Lord, this is something I needed to hear today, to remember once more that You are in control of all things. When I worry about the outcome of something or about problems that I'm encountering or basic needs and how they will be met, I only need to remember these verses and my Lord... upon whom I can cast all of my cares.

Genesis 15:1-16:16

"After these things happened, the Lord spoke his word to Abram in a vision: 'Abram, don't be afraid. I will defend you, and I will give you a great reward.'... Abram believed the Lord. And the Lord accepted Abram's faith, and that faith made him right with God." (Genesis 15:1, 6)

Financial problems here at the University of Arizona have recently brought me back to reality of the here and now. My contract is technically for one year, but next year who knows what will happen in terms of funding?

I often like to fool myself into thinking I can plan my whole life out step by step. 1. Graduate High School. 2. Graduate College. 3. Get a Job. Those who know me understand that this has not been the case for me at all. Perhaps that is God's plan for some, but God has led me to many different places in my life. So much so that my friend Ashley coined the Katie question as, "Where is Katie?" And God's faithfulness in taking me to such wonderful situations has shown me that I need not fear but only believe in God's goodness... constantly seeking to follow wherever God leads. I don't need to worry about where I'll be next year, because that plan will soon become obsolete when God's perfect plan is revealed.

Psalm 5:1-6

"Lord, listen to my words. Understand my sadness. Listen to my cry for help, my King and my God, because I pray to you. Lord, every morning you hear my voice. Every morning, I tell you what I need, and I wait for your answer." (Psalm 5:1-3)

I once heard it described in a sermon that "worry is meditation turned inwards." Instead of spending my time worrying about problems and difficulties, sadness, etc, it is better to pray to the Lord... pray to God about everything. This year I will continue to pray to God every morning, tell God what I need, and I hope to become better at waiting more patiently for God's answer. My worry accomplishes nothing, but seeking God's will in prayer provides a peace in my life that is hard to describe.

Matthew 6:19-34

"So I tell you, don't worry about the food or drink you need to live, or about the clothes you need for your body. Life is more than food, and the body is more than clothes. Look at the birds in the air. They don't plant or harvest or store food in barns, but your heavenly Father feeds them. And you know that you are worth much more than the birds. You cannot add any time to your life by worrying about it." (Matthew 6:25-27)

This verse reminds me of a conversation with Pastor Cortes who talked about some things that happen but don't make any sense. Like the tithe, it doesn't make sense that if you give away 10% of what you earn, you will seem to have abundantly more than you need. Or if you take time for daily devotions, it doesn't seem that you would logically have more than enough time to complete everything else during the day. I don't understand it, but somehow these realities have been revealed in my life.

Similarly, if I don't worry about food or drink or clothes or basic necessities, I have enough... more than enough. In Brazil at times when I was barely making the budget, I'd get invited to a friends house to eat, or someone would decide to give me a bunch of avocados from their tree or some clothes that they no longer were using. Some would call these mere coincidences, but I am sure that the Lord was looking out for me in these moments... small miracles for which I praised God and His provision. Another aspect of not worrying about these things is being generous. When we stop worrying incessantly about how we will have enough, we have more than enough to go around. As they say in Brazil, "Onde come um, comem dois." (Where one eats, two eat.) This, however, is not an excuse to practice poor stewardship or live outside or our means... God will provide, but we also need to me responsible and realistic about what we need. God doesn't give birds a 5 course dinner banquet, but the grains they need to survive. Lord, help me to leave my worries behind as I rest in the knowledge that You are my provider.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

God's Will

Receiving God's Will
Genesis 13:1-14:24

"After Lot left, the Lord said to Abram, 'Look all around you- to the north and south and east and west. All this land that you see I will give to you and your descendants forever. I will make your descendants as many as the dust of the earth. If anyone could count the dust on the earth, he could count your people. Get up. Walk through all this land because I am now giving it to you." (Genesis 13:14-17)

Like Abram, I have had received the blessing of God's will as it has been presented in my life. While I haven't been promised an abundance of property or descendants, I have covered quite a bit of property and met many wonderful people. Opportunities to go to conferences such as VEV, to volunteer and serve in a variety of different countries such as Guatemala, Mexico, Brazil, and the DR with school and church. I've also received God's will to get to know so many different churches (Maranatha, Hbg 1st, Tucson, Shalom, Providence, Green Tree, Brazil, DR, etc). I also feel that I've learned from each of the people that I've met. While I sometimes wonder why I have this blessing, I am very grateful and pray to know God's will as His plan for my life unfolds.

Knowing God Will
Proverbs 2:1-5

"Listen carefully to wisdom; set your mind on understanding. Cry out for wisdom and beg for understanding. Search for it like silver, and hunt for it like hidden treasure. Then you will understand respect for the Lord, and you will find that you know God." (Proverbs 2:2-5)

This morning and this year I really know God's will for my life which does seem like hidden treasure. It seems such a mystery at times, but a conversation yesterday with Brad gave me some good ideas on how to go about my discernment: prayer and quiet time listening for God's will as well as listening to God's people... close friend and family and people from the church. Lord, this year especially I am trying to search and hunt and cry out to know Your plan for my life... that I may forever follow faithfully in the plan You have for my life.

Seeing God Will
Matthew 6:1-18

"May your kingdom come and what you want be done, here on earth as it is in heaven." (Matthew 6:10)

May God's will be done... really be done. The words are easy to say but hard to really live out. We have a lot to lose if we really believe these words... we lose our independence, our own plans for our lives, our own feelings of self-importance, our own ambition. Yet we soon learn that we gain far more than what trivialities we lose. As I heard in one sermon, "He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose." Our will or our desire become one with God's. Lord, I really want to seek the guidance of Your heart. Where would You have me be? What would You ask of me? What would You have me do? May I do Your will here on earth and later on in heaven.

Monday, January 5, 2009

A Few New Years Resolutions

1. To Be a Good Helper- to the church, family, friends, wherever there is a need

"I will make a helper who is right for him." (Genesis 2:18)

This week I have been so blessed by the many wonderful people I have met. Most recently the Cortes family from Houston welcomed me into their home as I got to know their work in the church as well as them. While we enjoyed reminiscing about our experiences in Puebla, even more important was observing their example to me in their devotion to the church and to each other. I was particularly touched by Graciela's kind and constant help to her husband as well as the church and all of its members. So, when I read this verse it immediately reminded me of Graciela (or Keny, as Pastor calls her), and I pray that I may learn to be such a good helper in this new year.

2. To Be a Loving Family Member- of my church family, biological family, and friends

"The Lord God made clothes from animal skins for the man and his wife and dressed them." (Genesis 3:21)

Parents are amazing, and I have been blessed by the positive example of my own parents as well as so many loving parents within my own family and others. And now God has allowed me to meet two more loving parents- Mr. and Mrs. Christoffersen. As Pastor Cortes put it in church, it's easy to see that they are wonderful parents just by observing their children... but as they've welcomed me into their home, I've also see the kindness and love that they show not only to their own children but all those with whom they come into contact.

3. To Discern and Obey God's Call for My Life

"Noah did everything that God commanded him." (Genesis 6:22)

Back at home, my pastors recently mentioned a call to ministry from the district. After learning more about licensing, this is something I need to be praying about this year. Wherever I am, whatever I am doing, I know that God has called me to follow His plan for my life. And I sincerely pray that I may learn to listen for God's direction to lead me into His service and do all that He is commanding me to do.

4. To Be a Fisher of Men

"Jesus said, 'Come follow me, and I will make you fish for people.' So Simon and Andrew immediately left their nets and followed him." (Matthew 4:19-20)

Yesterday, Brad shared a very moving message about the place of evangelism in our interactions with people, what it means and why we are called and moved to share the gospel. I know that this is something I need to work on doing this year and something that I want to improve upon. There is a fine line between showing respect to people but also sharing the great conviction and truth of Jesus in my life. It is unloving of me to hold the blessing of salvation and not share it with all my friends- knowing all that it would do for their lives. Lord, I need Your help to share Your message with the world.

5. To Live a Holy Life

"You should be a light for other people. Live so that they will see the good things you do and will praise your Father in heaven." (Matthew 5:16)

While I do try to live a good and holy life, following Jesus teaching, I fear that I do not often enough clearly point to the Lord. Honestly, all that I do or better stated- all that I try to do is with the intention of reflecting Jesus' love for the world. This week I had the opportunity to make visits with the Pastors Cortes to many of the Irvington Church's members, and in each home they welcomed me with kindness and warmth as if I had known them for years. What a beautiful testimony... which certainly brought forth my praise for this profound love that God has given to us. Lord, let me be a light... as all of those I have recently met... learning not only to do good, but to do good in order to share the gift of Your son with the world.