Responsibility from Joblessness
Numbers 3:1-4:49
"Aaron and his sons are in charge of what the Gershonites do or carry; you tell them what they are responsible for carrying." (Numbers 4:27)
This passage goes through several families and the responsibilities that God is giving to them. When you give someone a task or a responsibility, you are entrusting them to do something particular. They feel empowered and capable and valued. This reminds me of something that I saw at the Irvington Church. Each family had signed up to clean the church and to greet on specific weeks. I thought it such a beautiful thing, the way they took turns being responsible for the church.
The other night Hermano Pina said that God wants "gente dispuesta y obediente," willing (disposed) and obedient people. He joked, "So, if you're willing and obedient, be careful. God is going to use you!" But, I think there is great truth in that. Our God is great... He can take nothing and turn it into something. He can take a simple girl like myself and give me responsiblity for an emergent church in Brazil... He just needs someone willing and obedient to follow His call.
Salvation from Brokenness
Psalm 30:1-7
"I will praise you, Lord, because you rescued me. You did not let my enemies laugh at me. Lord, my God, I prayed to you, and you healed me. You lifted me out of the grave; you spared me from going down to the place of the dead." (Psalm 30:1-3)
And as we remember this Lenten season especially, God looked at a broken people filled with sin. He reached out to us and had His Son sacrifice His life for our sins. Lord, You have rescued me from myself in a very real way... from my sins so that I may have eternal life... but also from my sins so that I may have life. When I look back on other moments in my life, I was not living. I know it is You, my God who rescued me. You are so much bigger than my difficulties. And You are the one who can take a sinner and turn that sinner into a follower of Your way.
Sufficiency from Lack
Mark 8:1-21
"All the people ate and were satisfied. Then his followers filled seven baskets with the leftover pieces of food." (Mark 8:8)
A few weeks ago, we talked about this with the Sunday School class I'm blessed to teach with Yessenia. Jesus made more bread where there was so little. Where there was a need, Jesus provided. We are also accustomed to talked about our 'daily bread' as God's word... God's message. Perhaps Jesus was sending another message to His disciples and to everyone gathered there. The message of God's love is for everyone, is far reaching enough for everyone, it never ends, and there is always some left over... which we can take and give to others.
Praise the Lord who can take nothing and turn it into a great something. I am willing Lord, take me, change me, lead me, fill me with Your Holy Spirit so that I may be the something that You desire me to be today.
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