Psalm 29:10-11
"...the Lord blesses his people with peace." (Psalm 29:11)
Peace... while I have been taught as any good Brethren to "speak peace and pursue it," on another level this is quite difficult for me. I sometimes become anxious and worried about things. When I pray my way through things, I do notice a difference. And I need to remember that peace does not just refer to a world without violence, but an inner peace and sense of calm. Lord, I praise You for the peace that You have granted me in some of the most surprising times, times when I should've been so nervous and anxious. I look forward to Your promise of peace today... and I praise You for the beauty only Your peace can bring.
Proverbs 10:26-29
"A good person can look forward to happiness, but an evil person can expect nothing." (Proverbs 10:28)
Another proverb that seems a little too lofty. Of course, we are not always happy. Things are not always easy... sometimes we face difficulties. But, we ultimately look forward to the happiness that God promises... in an eternal life in heaven, in the promise of a life with Him, dwelling in one of the many rooms in our Father's house. And I have to admit that I have been blessed so much beyond what I deserve- wonderful opportunities to learn and grow and serve, a loving family, the opportunity to study, and most recently a wonderful boyfriend who also walks with the Lord. Lord, I praise You for such happiness that You have given me here... and I look forward to the happiness of living in heaven with You.
Mark 7:24-37
"They were completely amazed and said, 'Jesus does everything well. He makes the deaf hear! And those who can't talk he makes able to speak.'" (Mark 7:37)
That Jesus... if I lived back then, I too would be completely amazed at this man who could do everything. This man who healed people... in this reading a non-Jewish woman's daughter and a man who was deaf. And God has healed me... in a different way. God has healed me from the hurt that my sins have caused to God, to myself, to others. Oh, Lord, my healer, my savior... I look forward to the promise of Your salvation, made possible by Your love. I praise You for Your healing and forgiving grace, my Lord.
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