Respecting What's Fair
Numbers 19:1-20:29
"The Israelites answered: 'We will go along the main road, and if we or our animals drink any of your water, we will pay for it. We only want to walk through. That's all.' But he answered: 'You may not pass through here.' Then the Edomites went out to meet the Israelites with a large and powerful army. The Edomites refused to let them pass through their country, so the Israelites turned back." (Numbers 20:19-21)
Funny how I never really paid much attention to this before. It seems like God always just gave the Israelites what they wanted: a pathway- part the sea, food- manna, water- rock. But here, it seems to be an important lesson on respect and also patience/faith in God's plan. God seems to say that it was the Edomites land after all. If they didn't want someone passing through, it was their decision. It wasn't like they were coming after the Israelites, simply stating their wishes for their land.
And additionally, it's good to see that the Israelites didn't always get everything they wanted... which is clear from their years of wondering in the desert. But I have often felt that I was following 'the path,' only to get re-directed... why didn't it work out when it seemed so clear? Perhaps we'll never know all the whys and hows, but we need to have faith that even when things don't seem to work out 'fairly' for us, it is all in God's hand.
Loving What's Fair
Psalm 33:1-5
"God's word is true, and everything He does is right. He loves what is fair, the Lord's love fills the earth." (Psalm 33:4-5)
Both words and actions... just as we are called to tell of God's love and who God's love, we can see this example in our Heavenly Father. After all, it wouldn't be fair if we were held to a different standard. And the Lord is just. God's love has surrounded me during times of struggle and times of weakness and times of confusion and searching as well as times of great gladness and excitement. Lord, I pray that You lead me to always do what is fair in Your eyes... to seek justice in this earth and by doing so, fill it with Your love.
Paying What's Fair
Mark 12:1-27
"They gave Jesus a coin, and he asked, 'Whose image and name are on the coin?' They answered, 'Caesar's.' Then Jesus said to them, 'Give to Caesar thethings that are Caesar's, and give to God thing things that are God's.'" (Mark 12:15-17)
A familiar verse and a familiar teaching. It is obvious that Jesus' teaching is fair with regards to the money paid to whom. Yet I wonder how fair we have been with our different types of currency. If Caesar's image is on the coin, and that must be paid to Caesar; it follows that God's image on us means that we must 'pay' our lives in full to the Lord. How much of myself have I given to the Lord? I owe everything... my time, my energy, my heart, my spirit. Lord, teach me to give it all to You every day. It is not my own plans or purposes that matter but Yours, Lord.
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