Wear & Obey His Commands
Numbers 15:1-16:50
"Speak to the Israelites and tell them this: 'Tie several pieces of thread together and attach them to the corners of your clothes. Put a blue thread in each one of these tassels. Wear them from now on. You will have these tassels to look at to remind you of all the Lord's commands, and you will be God's holy people. I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt to be your God. I am the Lord your God." (Numbers 15:38-41)
Use of outward appearance as reminders of our inner commitments has fallen out of favor. I don't know anyone who uses the old "tie a knot on your finger as a reminder" trick anymore. Yet, I believe we all do send messages with the clothes we wear and the physical possessions and outward expression of things in general. The Brethren who used (and some who still do) conserve plain dress did so to live in simplicity and focus more on the things of God rather than the things of this world. The Brethren men would keep their beards but shave their mustaches in contrast to the military who would keep their mustaches and shave their beards. In this way, they showed their commitment to peace. While I don't do anything quite so noticeable, I try to keep my clothing purchases to a minimum and then buy things from second-hand shops... for the environment (less production of 'stuff') and for reasons of simplicity (focusing less on my clothes/outward appearance and putting the money saved into something more beneficial). Whatever we choose to do- whether it is with outward blue threads on our clothes or inward blue threads tied around our hearts- the reason is the same. Lord, help us to focus on Your commands and remind us through clothes or threads or Your word or what we see around us, that we may always remember that You are the Lord our God.
Speak & Be Forgiven
Psalm 32:1-5
"When I kept things to myself, I moaned all day long." (Psalm 32:3)
If anyone has ever felt obliged to keep a secret, a shameful secret caused by their sin, they will be able to easily understand the context of this verse. Our sin traps us and chokes us and doesn't allow us to breathe. Only freedom through confession and repentance of our sins will allow us to stop moaning and experience the beauty of the world and life once more. What is hidden is never really hidden. It is never hidden from our Lord who knows all things, but also we often fool ourselves that it is hidden from others. People are oftentimes very perceptive and know exactly what is going on, even before we decide to confide in them. Lord, I praise You and thank You for the forgiveness of the sins I have committed. You have forgiven me and given me new freedom, new hope and made me a new creature.
Come & Praise Jesus
Mark 11:1-9
"Many people spread their coats on the road. Others cut branches in the fields and spread them on the road. The people were walking ahead of Jesus and behind him, shouting, 'Praise God! God bless the One who comes in the name of the Lord! God bless the kingdom of our father David! Praise to God in heaven!'" (Mark 11:7-10)
This is one of my favorite images of the Easter season. I always loved palm Sunday! I loved acting it out. I loved physically expressing in a visual form all of the love and joy and praise that I want to give to my Lord and Savior. I can only imagine how these people must've felt. A spontaneous parade, the least we could do for one who has given us everything. Lord, I come and I extend the branches and I spread my cloak on the road before You. But now, it looks a little different. I extend Your love to those I meet and I spread Your love to all Your children... in order to show and tell of the amazing blessing of this season, the very reason for my faith and life in You.
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