As a Team
Numbers 11:1-12:16
"Why have you brought me, your servant, this trouble? What have I done wrong that you made me responsible for all these people? I am not the father of all these people, and I didn't give birth to them. So why do you make me carry them to the land you promised to our ancestors? Must I carry them in my arms as a nurse carries a baby? Where can I get meat for all these people? They keep crying to me, 'We want meat!' I can't take care of all these people alone. It is too much for me." (Numbers 11:11-14)
Ah, people. Today Dr. Panferov gave a talk on moving from a teaching position to an administrative position. In administration, you have even more responsibility for even more people. And here we have an example of a headache Moses had because of all those grumbling people in the desert. Well, what did God do about it? He had Moses bring 70 elders who would share in the responsibility, so he didn't have to deal with it all by himself. Sometimes we try to take on too much, all by ourselves. I'm particularly guilty of this sometimes. I try to do as much as I can as best as I can, and my transient lifestyle has made me quite independent. So, it's hard for me to accept help even when I need it. Good leaders work with others, not in isolation. Lord, give me the wisdom to recognize when I need to give up a little to gain a little.
As a Collector of Good Advice
Proverbs 11:12-14
"Without leadership a nation fails, but lots of good advice will save it." (Proverbs 11:14)
Advice is tricky... most of the time people don't like receiving un-asked-for advice. And sometimes even if they asked for advice and agree with the advice, they don't take it. For me, this is especially apparent in English Comp classes. Students will agree with the advice about their writing, but then they don't make the needed changes. Well, in our leadership roles it's especially important to seek out advice from the right people... who've had those experiences and who rely on God's leading to guide us... and not let that nation, church, group fail.
As a Follower
Mark 10:1-31
"Jesus said, 'I tell you the truth, all those who have left houses, brothers, sisters, mother, father, children or farms for me and for the Good News will get more than they left. Here in this world they will have a hundred times more homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children, and fields." (Mark 10:29-30)
The disciples led lives of both leaders and followers. They followed Jesus, but led others to Him. And though it seems crazy to leave everything, it is so true. You do gain hundreds of homes by following Him. I have 'homes' of 'families' in Brazil, Mexico, Guatemala, Spain, Boston, Lancaster that I need to visit every time I enter those cities. Perhaps I still don't have one fixed home of my own, but I have homes and families filled with wonderful amazing people who have been such a blessing in my life. I love each one of them and the part that they have had in my formation, and I thank the Lord for the richness of a life of following His leading. And Lord, I pray that I may continue to be open to Your leading for my life... because I know the richness of a life following You.
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