This time of year we focus on repentance and asking God to cleanse us of our sins: both topics we talked about at Bible Study on Tuesday as we looked at John 15. Our Lord is the gardener, and He will prune us... taking out those things in our lives which have no place. While this is an important part of the Lenten season, the other side, the rejoicing, is often overlooked. Our Savior gave everything in order to save us from our sins and offer us eternal salvation. And we need to keep both of this important aspects of Lent in mind, because our God is a God of rejoicing.
Rejoicing in the Festivals
Numbers 9:1-10:36
"Also blow your trumpets at happy times and during your feasts and at New Moon festivals. Blow them over your burnt offerings and fellowship offerings, because this will help you remember your God. I am the Lord your God." (Numbers 10:10)
Sometimes I skip over all of the feasts and festivals mentioned in the Bible, perhaps because they are called just that. It's hard to me to remember that in our times, this translates to: party! Of course, a contextualized party... it would be the Christmas dinner with your family or church potluck or business social event and not the out-of-control college parties. God wants us to rejoice in the happy times- to blow our trumpets, sing, laugh, enjoy the moments of gladness. Lent is traditionally marked by breaking the fast on Sundays... remembering the rejoicing in this season of repentance.
Rejoicing in God's Love
Psalm 31:6-13
"I will be glad and rejoice in your love, because you saw my suffering; you knew my troubles." (Psalm 31:7)
God's love... so much in my heart during this time of year. It's really hard to even be completely conscious of God's love to send His son to die for us... and a humiliating painful death on a cross. It's hard for us to be completely aware of this great gift all the time, because it is shocking... how could someone love me that much? It's a love too great to comprehend, a love that changes things... and indeed, it has changed the world... it has changed my world.
And the second part of this verse mentions suffering... we have all seen our share of suffering: in our own lives and in the lives of friends and loved ones. But Jesus came to earth... facing his own suffering, facing his own troubles... and experiencing/seeing the difficulties in all the people around him. His great love gave him great compassion... and gave us a close connection with our Father. I rejoice in the Lord who knows me... and even so, loves me with a greater love than I can imagine.
Rejoicing in Community
Proverbs 11:7-11
"When good people succeed, the city is happy. When evil people die, there are shouts of joy. Good people bless and build up their city, but the wicked can destroy it with their words." (Proverbs 11:10-11)
Two beautiful verses that I never really notices before, but they are so true. They speak to the individual's connection to 'the city'. (I believe here you could insert: family, community, church, workplace, group of friends.) True friends rejoice in their friends' successes... and not so much because of the magnitude of the achievement, but because of their love for their friends. It is so wonderful to see a friend or family member smile... and anything that brings a smile to their face is reason for much rejoicing!
But I especially like that this verse points out how we have an effect on our "cities." We can either build them up and bless them or tear them down. Lord, please fill me with Your Holy Spirit as You purify me this Lenten season. I ask that You teach me how to bless and build up my city for Your glory... so that my 'city' may rejoice in Your love as well.
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