Leviticus 19:1-20:27
"I am leading you to your own land, and if you obey my laws and rules, that land will not throw you out." (Leviticus 20:22)
Sometimes I feel like the Israelites, wandering around the desert, watching for God to lead them. It would be nice to have a cloud in front of me to remind me that God is in control, but I need to remember that I don't need such a visible sign. I know that God is guiding me, and Lord, I lift it all up to You. I will seek to obey Your laws and rules and seek to follow You to whatever "land" You are leading me to... near or far. Lead me, Lord... when You call, I will go where You lead.
Where He Lives
Psalm 27:4-6
"I ask only one thing from the Lord. This is what I want: Let me live in the Lord's house all my life." (Psalm 27:4)
Hmmm.... this verse reminds me of the many times I have been so blessed to be welcomed into people's homes to live with them. When I was in Mexico, I stayed with my Mexican family that became my family indeed. We had scary and sad and exciting experiences together. Living there in that same house, we were so physically and thereby emotionally close to one another. And so it has been each time I have had the opportunity of living in someone's home. I have learned from them and grown to know and love them. Living in the Lord's house... what a blessing... how very very much I would learn from that experience, being able to be so close to my Lord. And my God sent His Holy Spirit to live here in us. So, all my life I can live in the Lord's metaphorical house... the home and life that I dare to live with God.
Where He Goes
Mark 5:1-20
"As Jesus was getting back into the boat, the man who was freed from the demons begged to go with him. But Jesus would not let him. He said, 'God home to your family and tell them how much the Lord has done for you and how he has had mercy on you.'" (Mark 5:18-19)
In a way, I know how this man felt. He was suddenly free of something that had taken complete control of his life. He was calm and together, all because of this Jesus. So, why wouldn't he want to follow him- to stay by the person who had completely changed his life. But, Jesus had a special task for him- to spread the news, to tell others there in his home. The passage goes on to know that the people in these towns "were amazed."
And I know that I feel that desire to follow Jesus, motivated by my great love for Him and my praise for the great change He has brought about in my life. Yet, Jesus wants me in my time here to spread the good news and tell all about the wonders He has done for me, surely too many to count. Lord, thank You for Your Holy Spirit who guides and teaches and comforts me and reminds me of Your commands. I pray that I may faithfully go with You wherever Your spirit leads me, that I may be continually open to Your leading... especially as I reflect upon this season.
Daily Lenten Reading from Global Women's Project
Email: info@globalwomensproject.org (They'll send you your own through email.)
Acts 16:11-15 (New International Version)
Lydia's Conversion in Philippi
11From Troas we put out to sea and sailed straight for Samothrace, and the next day on to Neapolis. 12From there we traveled to Philippi, a Roman colony and the leading city of that district of Macedonia. And we stayed there several days.13On the Sabbath we went outside the city gate to the river, where we expected to find a place of prayer. We sat down and began to speak to the women who had gathered there. 14One of those listening was a woman named Lydia, a dealer in purple cloth from the city of Thyatira, who was a worshiper of God. The Lord opened her heart to respond to Paul's message. 15When she and the members of her household were baptized, she invited us to her home. "If you consider me a believer in the Lord," she said, "come and stay at my house." And she persuaded us.
Dear Friends,Thank you for your interest in joining Global Women’s Project on our first annual Lenten calendar journey! By using this calendar as a tool for reflection and action for your Lenten devotion, you will encounter the realities of women around the world, as well as honestly looking at the privileges your own life. Each day of this calendar presents you with a scripture reflection, an insight into the lives of our global sisters and brothers, and actions and opportunities to
give financially to the work of Global Women’s Project.
Included in this packet is a sheet with different options to collect your gifts. One option is to cut out and tape the “Lenten Calendar Journey” image on the following page to an empty can or jar to use as a visual for your collection. Or you may simply keep track of your amounts on the attached tally sheet, and use it to calculate your gifts. Please see the last page of the calendar for information on sending in your gifts.
You will notice that all the scriptures chosen are not necessarily inspirational, although certainly many will inspire. Some may confront you. Some may disturb you. Some may bring to your attention stories of biblical women that you have never heard about and situations that turn your stomach. In a way, this is all part of engaging the contemporary global community, and the faith community and stories of the past. Lent is a period of confession and repentance. We seek to confess and repent of our sins as well as the sins of those who have formed us. The Lenten
journey is a difficult journey, but can also be a beautiful journey of transformation, reconciliation, and faithful discipleship.
The monetary gifts from this calendar project will go directly the women-led partner organizations that are in relationship with GWP. As an organization, we seek to educate ourselves (as variously privileged people) about the global poverty, oppression and injustice that women suffer, and how our own overconsumption and misuse of resources directly contributes to their suffering. GWP invites all women to live in solidarity with women around the world seeking to empower women and girls in their own communities in living a life of dignity and respect.
For more information about GWP and our partner organizations, visit our website at
www.globalwomensproject.org or contact one of the steering committee members
listed below.
May you have a blessed journey.
Global Women’s Project
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