On Moses' Face
Exodus 33:1-34:35
"But he did not know that his face what shining because he had talked with the Lord. When Aaron and all the people of Israel saw that Moses' face was shining, they were afraid to go near him." (Exodus 34:29-30)
I imagine someone's face shining, full of some kind of fluorescent light, and I must admit that I'd probably be a bit afraid to go near Moses, too. Yet, while I haven't seen anyone with a brightly lit face (save the occasional Halloween costume), I have seen people whose faces "light up," in a figurative manner of speaking, when talking about their service to the Lord. They talk about their Vacation Bible School theme, their servant evangelism project, their worship with the Germantown Choir, their weekly bible study, or the Cajas de Alabastro.
There is an 'hermana' at the church whose face seems to light up to me as each week during the month of February she reminds us of the significance of the Alabaster Box that collects money to be sent for missions. She faithfully places what offering she has in the box and tells of what this will do and where it will go. From her "shining face," I know that God has given her the heart and mission to remind us of our part in this ministry. Lord, may my face shine with the words that You have given me... as I allow You to fill me with Your glory and Your mission for my life... everyday.
In His Power
Psalm 21:8-13
"Be supreme, Lord, in your power. We sing and praise your greatness." (Psalm 21:13)
God's power is so great... so much greater than I can even really imagine or comprehend. And the most amazing part is that God in His greatness will give me the power to do His will. Alone I could certainly not face the task of communicating with refugees from diverse places of the world or set off on my own to a different country or speak peace in a violent world. Andrew reminded me last night that God's power fills us with the ability to show God's shining glory to a dark world that so needs to see God's almighty presence. And for this, we praise God's greatness... with all that we do through His power. Lord, show me where You would have me use Your power this day, so that I may live and display Your glory and sing Your praise with my life.
In the Woman's Alabaster Jar
Matthew 26:1-25
"Knowing what had happened, Jesus said, 'Why are you troubling this woman? She did an excellent thing for me. You will always have the poor with you, but you will not always have me. This woman poured perfume on my body to prepare me for burial. I tell you the truth, wherever the Good News is preached in all the world, what this woman has done will be told, and people will remember her.'" (Matthew 26:10-13)
One of the most amazing things about the Bible is the inclusion of women throughout the text. Comparable books written at that time, and in that cultural and societal setting, display little mention of women. So many stories in the Bible include women as prominent characters, as role models even. While everyone was sitting around and Jesus was having a meal, this woman enters with a jar of expensive perfume and pours it on Jesus' feet.
The humble act of service combined with the generous expensive gift must've made this scene quite shocking. In fact, it is to these reactions that Jesus replies, "She did an excellent thing for me." This woman gave all that she had (her money and her pride) in order to honor the Lord who was there before her... preparing Jesus for his burial and in a way 'washing his feet' before the next scene in which Jesus knelt to wash his disciples' feet. This woman recognized Jesus' amazing glory in a way that others in the room had learned to take for granted... to be in Jesus' presence in a very real way, she knew how sacred and holy and glorious and special an experience it was.
And for this, Jesus promises that she will be remember, what she has done will be told about... her testimony will shine in all the world. Lord, may we learn to serve You so humbly and honor You with such generosity... that it may be a light to all generations.
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