Come...Serve Him
Leviticus 7:1-8:36
"So Aaron and his sons did everything the Lord had commanded through Moses." (Leviticus 8:36)
I have to hand it over to Aaron & Sons this morning. I mean, here he is once again called into the Lord's service, appointed by God... and once again he obeys faithfully. He follows God's commands, God's direction, God's leading. Aaron seems to get the short end of the stick (or staff... to contextualize things a bit more). Moses is afraid to speak... well, it's ok, have your brother speak my words to the people. And that's it. There's the solution. No complaining or "but I can'ts" from Aaron. Once again, called to God's service, Aaron follows faithfully... doing everything that the Lord commands. God, I pray that I may so faithfully come to You when You call... doing what You command.
Oh, Lord, this morning I pray about Raad and Enas... who need jobs so much, God. And I don't know where or how You would have me serve them in a way that would be beneficial to them. Please show me the way, Lord. Please help to provide a job for them... and all of those that so desperately need a job.
Come... Know the Lord
Psalm 24:7-10
"Open up, you gates. Open wide, you aged doors and the glorious King will come in. Who is this glorious King? The Lord, strong and mighty. The Lord, the powerful warrior. Open up, you gates. Open wide, you aged doors and the glorious King will come in. Who is this glorious King? The Lord All-Powerful- he is the glorious King." (Psalm 24:7-10)
[Gates and doors opn. Enter The King.] is how it would read in the stage directions. And can you imagine the schene? The entrance of a strong and mighty and powerful and glorious king! I can imagine it... indeed I can feel it in my heart... every morning as I pray, every evening that I go to Bible Study or church. Last night in Bible Study, I thought once again about how amazing it is to have a God who sent his Son to "come" among us... to live with us in order that we may know the Lord. We see God through all that we know and have learned and observed and studied about the character and works of His Son.
I would like to read this Son as another reminder of how "Jesus is in the Father and the Father in him." The King comes (Jesus as King of the Jews, Prince of Peace, etc) And who is this King? The Lord... The Lord... The Lord... he is the glorious King. Lord, the innerworkings of this trinity is still a great mystery to me, but I praise You for this blessed mystery- a Father in heaven, a Savior sent to live among us, and a Holy Spirit that fills our lives.
Come...Follow Him
Mark 1:1-20
"When Jesus was walking by Lake Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew throwing a net into the lake because they were fishermen. Jesus said to them, 'Come follow me, and I will make you fish for people.' So Simon and Andrew immediately left their nets and followed him." (Mark 1:16-18)
No matter how many times I read this passage it is amazing, maybe because I try to put myself in the shoes of Simon and Andrew.
This story for a Katie: "When Jesus was walking around the U of A campus, he saw Katie preparing a lesson and reading because she was a Graduate Assistant of Teaching. Jesus said, "Come follow me, and I will make you prepare people's hearts for me." So Katie immediately left her computer and books and flashdrive and followed him.
I wonder, how does your story sound? Have you ever dropped everything to follow him? Maybe not your whole job... but perhaps a morning routine, the big game, a couple hours of tv, that special dinner date... given to help someone in need, visit someone who was sick, offer a hand of service for a meal or preparation for a church service.
This morning 2 things stood out to me especially: "because they were fishermen" and "immediately left their nets". They were fishing, of course, because they were fishermen. Nothing out of the ordinary. Simon and Andrew were called out of their normal daily lifes. I hope that I would listen so closely to God's call as to hear him in my busy daily life. I want to make room for You, to hear Your call, God. And... "immediately left their nets"- two parts to this. Immediately, right away... no hesitation or second thoughts or wonderings or let me think about its. And they left their nets. Without a net, they couldn't fish any more. They left their only way to earn their livelihood, they left everything. I wonder, what would I give up? What wouldn't I give up? Lord, I pray that if You call me, I would go immediately and drop everything that You ask me to... go to where You send me and do what You ask of me. I will come to You Lord, so thankful that you beckon me to Your side.
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