No Fear of Anyone
Psalm 27:1-3
"The Lord is my light and the one who saves me. So why should I fear anyone?" (Psalm 27:1)
People... yes, all the trouble that we all cause. It is no wonder that most of us fear people to some extent- rejection, accusation, humiliation, disapproval, disappointment, anger, etc. It's true. People can hurt us, but we need to step back and remember that our value, our hope, our security is not in people who are themselves fragile and so completely fallible. Instead, our trust is in the Lord, our light. With God, I have no reason to act cautiously... timidly... with fear. God gives me the courage to live my life boldly, welcoming all into my heart and my home and my life... knowing the harm they can do cannot compare with God's greatness.
No Fear of Danger
Proverbs 10:9
"The honest person will live in safety, but the dishonest will be caught." (Proverbs 10:9)
How horrible to live your life lying through your teeth. Living a life of lies is living a life of fear- constantly afraid that someone will find you out. Unfortunately, this was once a reality for me. And, it's true. Someone will eventually figure you out, and for me that was what I desperately needed. But now, I can live my life like an open book... answering any question I am asked as honestly as possible. The truth does set you free... from a life of fear. And the great Truth given to us in Jesus gives us security in our salvation, the freedom that Jesus gives us.
No Fear of Storms
Mark 4:21-41
"Jesus said to his followers, 'Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith?'" (Mark 4:40)
When things are going well, it's oh so easy to believe, to trust, to have faith. But the stormy moments are the times that allow us to see if we really have faith... or if fear will take over. Jesus, you give me every reason to rest in Your care, not to fear anything. Lord, help me in my faith, to keep from fearing, knowing that You are the Lord who has everything under Your control.
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