One Law
Exodus 21:1-22:31
"Then God said to Moses, 'These are the laws for living that you will give to the Israelites..." (Exodus 21:1)
After being given the ten commandments, God set up 'laws for living' so that the Israelites would know the expectations and the consequences. A practicality that exists in all sorts of societies and social groups today (from nations to family units). Imagine if everyone in your city set up their own laws. It would be utter chaos. We are so socialized into our 'laws' and 'morals' and 'social constructs' that sometimes we can't see another way. Yet, ask someone from another country and they will explain the many laws that could just be handled differently (driving on the opposite side of the road for instance). There would be nothing wrong with that law, as long as everyone were abiding by it. But imagine a 'To Each His Own Town' where people could decide where to drive and when and how. God's people were living together, and God gave them a just set of laws to unify their living. God, I love the laws that You have given to me in this beautiful book which guides my living... may I learn to always live according to this one law.
One Salvation
Psalm 18:46-50
"The Lord lives! May my Rock be praised. Praise the God who saves me!" (Psalm 18:46)
Our God, who sent His Son to earth, is our one salvation. It is evident to me that many people in society are searching for something... and they don't know what they are searching for. I need to tell them of the salvation that I have found in the one Lord... the living Lord who was and is and is to come. In this one verse, so many awesome aspects of our God- living (real, alive, present), protecting (caring, strong, mighty), saving (powerful, gracious, merciful). Oh Lord, my Rock who saves me... how I pray that You save all of those who are hurting. This morning I pray especially for my dear friend Kara. I know that you know her and love her, Lord. I pray that You surround her with your living, protecting and saving presence... comforting her heart, mind, body and soul... and heal her please, oh Lord. We believe in the power of the source of our salvation.
One Master
Matthew 23:1-22
"But you must not be called 'Teacher,' because you have only one Teacher, and you are all brothers and sisters together. And don't call any person on earth 'Father,' because you have one Father, who is in heaven. And you should not be called 'Master,' because you have only one Master, the Christ. Whoever is your servant is the greatest among you. Whoever makes himself great will be made humble. Whoever makes himself humble will be made great." (Matthew 23:8-12)
This reminds me of yet another Brethren-ism. My dad would always recount how his father (a Brethren pastor) would try to discourage people from calling him "Reverend." (Brethren don't use this term, so it was probably people from other backgrounds or who had used it elsewhere.) The reasoning is simple enough... reverend comes from "revered." Revered: showing honor to or worthy of honor. If only one is worthy of a title such as 'Teacher,' 'Master,' or 'Father,' a title such as 'Reverend' should also be saved for our one Master. In fact, as a child I would refer my pastors with their first name only... very common in my church. I'd be talking about Ken to my friends at school, and when they asked "Who's that?" and I responded with "my pastor," they would be shocked. But that's how I experienced it growing up: we are all brothers and sisters together... all pastors in some way shape or form... and all humbly serving our one true Lord.
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