Leviticus 3:1-4:35
"In this way the priest will remove the person's sins son he will belong to the Lord, and the Lord will forgive him." (Leviticus 4:35)
Just in the course of this short reading, this verse is repeated three times. The echo of "and the Lord will forgive him" touches my heart this morning. We no longer need to offer burnt sacrifices on an altar before the Lord, but when we offer our lives and accept Jesus into our heart, His voice echos, "I forgive you." Sometimes I think I fail to accept and truly understand that my Savior has forgiven me... for the very fact that it is so hard to forgive myself for my failings, my misteps, my sins. How can one so holy, so perfect, so good... love me so much as to give up his life and forgive me my sins? Yet our God's mercy is abounding, and His love is perfect... and He forgives me. If my Lord forgives me, I know that I must also forgive myself and others, 70 x 7 as the scripture goes.
Psalm 23:1-6
"The Lord is my shepherd; I have everything I need." (Psalm 23:1)
A familiar favorite this morning... which lists so many things that the Lord gives to us... all of the best things. Nourishment (green pastures, still waters), renewal (new strength), direction (paths that are right), peace (I will not be afraid), guidance (rod and staff comfort me), provision (prepare a meal), wealth (oil of blessing on my head), goodness, love, home (dwell in the house of the Lord). I can see all of these listed in this popular verse. Oh, God, You have given me so many gifts... and I am so very very thankful. I sing Your praise for all of these good gifts that You have given to me... everything that I need and so so much more.
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