Ezekiel 25:1-26:21
"I will make you an empty city, like cities that have no people living in them." (Ezekiel 26:19)
When I think of home, I envision a place of comfort, safety, security, familiarity and most of all- unconditional love. For this reason, my home is where my family is. To have your sense of home taken from you is a fate I hope to never know firsthand. After reading Ezekiel for several weeks now, I am convinced that this book reveals the clear importance of obeying the Lord if any does. Sometimes I wonder in what ways I am like these people, for I am not naive enough to believe that I do not commit some of these same errors. Lord teach me the errors of my ways as I listen attentively to You.
Psalm 128:1-6
"Happy are those who respect the Lord and obey him. You will enjoy what you work for, and you will be blessed with good things." (Psalm 126:1-2)
A friend of mine in Boston, when I was volunteering with the Fellside Branch of the Gould Farm program, often puzzled over why I was so happy all the time. She eventually decided it was because of the endorphins released in my constant running. While a part of me would like to agree and encourage everyone to start running, I realize this is not the whole truth and perhaps not even true at all. At one point I was running more than ever, and I was the most unhappy I had ever been.
If not running, then why would I have this happiness? First I'd like to replace happiness with contentment, since happiness seems to imply the selfish seeking out of pleasures in today's society. Contentment on the other hand is a broader, more satisfied and grounded characteristic that doesn't change with each fleeting moment and circumstance. I am certain in my heart that this contentment is one of the many blessings the Lord has showered upon me. It is this very sense of contentment that has helped me to feel at home in so many very different places. May I continue to respect and obey you, Lord, and in so doing fully experience the extent of your blessings.
Hebrews 11:17-40
"The world was not good enough for them!" (Hebrews 11:38)
While God does bless His children, not everyone lives a charmed life. This chapter of Hebrews outlines the many trials and difficulties faced by many devoted Christians. Yet when we come into dark times of tragedy and downfalls, it is good to remember where our hope lies. This world is not all there is. We have hope in a life that is yet to come. Our true hope and home await us in heaven.
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