The Right Lord
Lamentations 1:1-2:22
"Jerusalem says, 'The Lord is right, but I refused to obey him. Listen, all you people, and look at my pain.'" (Lamentations 1:18)
Have you ever made the wrong decision (the one opposite from what God what telling you to do), and felt the pain (remorse, guilt, disappointment, sadness) afterward? Well, I know I have more than once. The one that comes most quickly to mind is a job that I took right after college.
A 'Grade A' job by any standards- Spanish High School teacher in an affluent suburban Philadelphia area- but my heart wasn't in it. Somehow I knew... my soul was crying out for me to listen to where God was calling me. Were there aspects of the job I liked? Certainly. And it wasn't a bad situation at all. It was just not the place for me, and I could hear God's still small voice calling to follow His lead.
So, what did I do? I went from a more than generous teacher salary to a $60/day zero-benefits job in a 4th/5th bilingual classroom in Jersey. (An experience I loved and what I aspire to do!) I know what you're thinking. This does not sound like the American Dream. Just wait... after that, I decided to enter BVS (Brethren Volunteer Service) earning a stipend of $60/month. According to the world's standards, my path has been more than a little off-track. But not to God. God knows the plan for my life, and I've made the decision to follow obey His will for my life.
The Right Rules
Psalm 119:137-144
"Lord, you do what is right, and your laws are fair." (Psalm 119:137)
God's laws are fair. Have you ever noticed a family in which the father or mother clearly favors one child over the other? Sad situation, isn't it? Well, isn't it wonderful that we have a Father who doesn't show such favoritism? Surely some of my 'brothers' have much sweeter voices than I do, and some of my 'sisters' are more astute theologians. But God's laws are the same for all of us. More importantly, God's love is the same for all of us.
I remember in middle school when I was allowed to hold one of my first birthday parties, full of pumpkin painting, Bingo fun. I had invited nearly 20 girls, and my parents were astounded. First of all, how did I know so many? I calmly explained that I couldn't leave anyone out. "God doesn't show favoritism, and neither should I. Besides, I would feel pretty sad if I were the one that wasn't invited." How wonderful to have a fair God- all of us are invited to the party!
The Right Way to Live
Titus 3:1-15
"Remind the believers to yield to the authority of rulers and government leaders, to obey them, to be ready to do good, to speak no evil about anyone, to live in peace, and to be gentle and polite to all people." (Titus 3:1-2)
Wow! If we all lived this way, what a world we would live in! But, let's start with me... if I lived this way, what a world I would live in! I'm a firm believer that change starts at home with changes in our own personal lives. Lord, please help me to be ready to do good in every instance and to notice every opportunity to spread your glory throughout the day. Lord, help me not to let a cross word cross my lips about other people or about this amazingly blessed life you have given me. Show me how to live in peace... with whatever happens on Tuesday, with the people in my vicinity, with myself. And show me how to follow your gentle and polite example with everyone I meet- of a different background, a different political persuasion, a different educational vision, etc.
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