Thursday, November 13, 2008

God Gives Us...

Ezekiel 17:1-18:32

"Get rid of all the sins you have done, and get for yourselves a new heart and a new way of thinking. Why do you want to die, people of Israel? I do not want anyone to die, says the Lord God, so change your hearts and lives so you may live." (Ezekiel 18:31-32)

In this passage, God tells Ezekiel that He will not judge parents based on their children's sins nor children based on their parents sins. I bet my parents are relieved at this one. ;o) Even moreso, God expresses a sincere desire for the people to change their ways ("change [their] hearts") in order to live. God doesn't want us to suffer and die, to forfeit all of the blessings the Lord has to offer us. God wants us to change and follow Him. Your love, oh Lord, is so perfect. Thank You for wanting the best for me and encouraging me. Just like the song, I pray, "Change My Heart, O God."

Psalm 124:1-8

"What if the Lord had not been on our side? (Let Israel repeat this.) What if the Lord had not been on our side when we were attacked?" (Psalm 124:1-2)

More and more I am learning that apart from Jesus, I can do nothing, but with Christ I can do all things. If God isn't "on my side" in a certain endeavor, it becomes painfully clear. It's happened before (when I took the job at CB), and I could tell that for some unexplained reasons my soul cries out. In today's society I don't quite feel "attacked," but some people certainly feel I'm strange or different. It's true... I am. Perhaps people even find it strange that I have a daily devotion time, go to GCF or church on Sunday mornings. Whatever the world may think doesn't matter because God is "on our side."

Hebrews 9:1-22

"For this reason Christ brings a new agreement from God to his people. Those who are called by God can now receive the blessings he has promised, blessings that will last forever. They can have those things because Christ died so that the people who lived under the first agreement could be set free from sin." (Hebrews 9:15)

This passage outlines the need for a blood sacrifice for sins. Abel was the first to recognize this need for atonement, but others followed him. But, Lord, I praise Your name for the miraculous gift You have offered to me- a new agreement in which Christ has already offered the sacrifice and set us free from sin with the blood spilt on the cross. I am so unworthy of this gift- these "blessings that will last forever," but that's what makes it grace. God's grace is not something that can be earned but is a blessing given freely by my all-compassionate Father in heaven. All the glory be to Your name, oh Lord, for Your indescribable grace.

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