God's Will
Ezekiel 43:1-44:31
"The Lord said to me, 'Human, pay attention. Use your eyes to see, and your ears to hear. See and hear everything I tell you about all the rules and teachings of the Temple of the Lord." (Ezekiel 44:5)
Continuing the conversation from last night when I reflected upon the man born blind and spiritual blindness (John 9), this morning I am studying the importance of "using my eyes to see." This seems particularly relevant in my life right now as I seek God's guidance. How can I display you in my life, Lord? What is Your will for my life? What would You have me do... so that You may be "displayed in my life?" (John 9:3)
Here God tells Ezekiel to pay attention... watching and listening carefully. Sometimes I wonder whether I am listening only for my answer. Perhaps my inability to discern a response is God saying, "Katie, just wait." Lord, I pray that You "open my eyes" to Your mission for my life here in this place... my life is Yours. (John 9:20)
God's Glory
Psalm 134:1-3
"Praise the Lord, all you servants of the Lord, you who serve at night in the Temple of the Lord. Raise your hands in the Temple and praise the Lord." (Psalm 134:1-2)
Mindfulness meditation involves seeking a concentrated awareness of one's thoughts, actions or motivations... returning to the present moment (from a focus on the past or the future). Our minds tend to wander, but God calls us to be completely present. In times of Bible Study, meditation, prayer, worship, service, God calls us to meditate on His majesty in His temple. All the day, but especially in God's house, we must raise our hands, lift our eyes, and marvel at the gift of God's presence in every moment.
God's Teachings
1 Peter 2:1-25
"People who do not believe are living all around you... Live such good lives that they will see the good things you do and will give glory to God on the day when Christ comes again." (1 Peter 2:12)
Here we are directed to pay attention to God's teachings so that our lives may be an example to others. I fall so short of this expectation. I truly want people to see Christ through me, to see Jesus "displayed in my life" (John 9:3). My dream is to have people see me and say, "I want some of what you've got... some of that Jesus." Lord, help me to see Your will for my life that my reflection of Your love and grace may bring people to know You... to give glory to You.
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