~I remember when my friend Alexandre explained to me that presents are important to him, because through presents someone is present with you... while they may be very far away. In the same way, God is present with us through the abundant gifts He has given.~
Present in Creation
Ezekiel 47:1-48:35
"All kinds of fruit trees will grow on both banks of the river, and their leaves will not dry and die. The trees will have fruit every month, because the water for them comes from the Temple. The fruit from the trees will be used for food, and their leaves for medicine." (Ezekiel 47:12)
I have been buying all of my fruit and vegetables at the Community Food Bank Farmer's Market where I volunteer for a couple of hours every Tuesday morning. For me, in addition to being more environmentally friendly (all the food is local and most is organic), it's extremely special knowing the people who have grown these products.
On Tuesday, I picked out a perfect head of broccoli, and Amanda was very excited to tell me that she had harvested it. Being able to look into my friend's eyes and appreciate all that she did in cultivating that crop is a far cry from the supermarket's shelves full of impersonal produce shipped from miles away. Additionally, thinking about the source of my food reminds me of the beauty of God's creation which provides for our needs. Thank You God, for being present with us in the lovely orchards and gardens, sustaining gifts from You.
***Just a note: Check here for local food sources in your area- Food Routes
Present in our Land
Psalm 135:8-14
"Then he gave their land as a gift, a gift to his people, the Israelites." (Psalm 135:12)
This scripture sadly reminds me of the many border disputes going on in present society and places in our history where one group has taken control of another territory. How can we do this? Own the land? It is really a social construct pertaining to a certain group of people, one which certain societies don't even recognize as a reality. They see the land as given from God, a separate entity, unable to be mastered by anyone. Like the classic Woody Guthrie song, we need to remember that this land is all of ours, a present from our Creator who desperately wants to see His children live in harmony.
Present in our Service
1 Peter 4:1-19
"Most importantly, love each other deeply, because love will cause people to forgive each other for many sins. Open your homes to each other, without complaining. Each of you has received a gift to use to serve others. Be good servants of God's various gifts of grace. Anyone who speaks should speak from God. Anyone who serves should serve with the strength God gives so that in everything God will be praised through Jesus Christ." (1 Peter 4:7-11)
God is the most masterful artist ever- the land in its various forms, human beings and the unbelievable complexity of the human body, animals in their array of colors and sizes, plants that serve so many different medicinal purposes. We, His children, are a colorful rainbow of different beautiful gifts- the turquoise of a teacher, the green of a gardener, the blue of a basketball player, the coral of the conversationalist.
Just like the message of God's promise we see when we look at the rainbow, it is our responsibility to display God's message in our lives. We serve with the gifts and strength given by God "so that in everything God will be praised through Jesus Christ." In fulfilling this God's will, we show that God is present... through the presents He has given us.
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