Looking for Peace
Ezekiel 7:1-8:18
"When the people are suffering greatly, they will look for peace, but there will be none." (Ezekiel 7:25)
Ezekiel warns the people of the great suffering, destruction and violence of every type- sword, hunger and disease- that will be brought upon the people due to their "hateful ways." The people have turned towards idols, and in the midst of their suffering they will look for peace, but their fake gods cannot help them. Only God can grant us peace and comfort in the midst of suffering.
When I get anxious about something, I get what some call "stagnant breathing." It's constant sighing or irregular breathing. Actually I think it's quite common when you're stressed. Only by spending some quiet time in meditation with the Lord can I come back to a state of calm and peace again. Thank you, Lord for your describable peace that's enough to counter that busy craziness of graduate school.
Talking of Peace
Psalm 120:1-7
"I have lived too long with people who hate peace. When I talk peace, they want war." (Psalm 120:6-7)
Amen. It has been too long, but I have "hope" (to use the buzzword) that things will change. Peace always reminds me of Amanda. If she were here, she'd be throwing a party due to the election results. But, she'd also still be at her rallies, writing letters, an activist for peace. This world needs peacemakers like her, and I miss her so much. While there was no way for me to prevent her death, I can try to work for peace in some small way... stopping the preventable deaths of soldiers and civilians. Show me how to work for peace, God.
Fighting for Peace
Hebrews 4:1-13
"God's word is alive and working and is sharper than a double-edged sword. It cuts all the way into us, where the soul and the spirit are joined, to the center of our joints and bones. And it judges the thoughts and feelings in our hearts." (Hebrews 4:12)
What a beautiful, beautiful verse! Ok, so some people might think I'm crazy- talking about splitting and cutting joints and bones... but first of all, God's word is sharper than a sword. If we ever need to counter weapons of war, what better than this sharp living, working word? And to me it's also significant that it cuts right into the center of us. I feel the power of God's word every morning as I work my way through the Bible every morning.
Also, as an aside... last night at GCF we heard someone talk about a Day Age Theory for Genesis 1. My point is not to bring up the controversy, but to simply sit in awe of the fact that 18 sequences of events occurred in order according to the Bible and scientific findings. The odds of that happening by chance are so miniscule. God, Your word is certainly alive. May I always return to Your word to guide my life... guide me in the ways of Your peace.
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