Soldier Flambe
Daniel 3:1-4:37
"Then Nebuchadnezzar said, "Praise the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. Their God has sent his angel and saved his servants from the fire! These three men trusted their God and refused to obey my command. They were willing to die rather than serve or worship any god other than their own. So I now give this command: Anyone from any nation or language who says anything against the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego will be torn apart and have his house turned into a pile of stones. No other god can save his people like this." (Daniel 3:28-29)
This is one of my favorite stories! (I know, I know, not again... I'm always saying that.) But, it's true! First of all, these guys refused to obey the command, knowing that it was dangerous. Then, when threatened to be thrown into the blazing furnace, they said, "If you throw us into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to save us from the furnace. He will save us from your power, O king. But even if God does not save us, we want you, O king, to know this: We will not serve your gods or worship the gold statue you have set up." (3:17-18)
Pretty gutsy... I hope that I would be so strong in that situation. Their faith and complete trust in God saved them from being cooked to a crisp... but there was no hope for the unfortunate soldiers who threw them in there. So, we have ingredients for Cool Rack, Shack & Benny Salad: complete faith and trust in God. Ingredients for Soldier Flambe: worshipping idols.
Earthy Galette
Psalm 136:1-9
"With his wisdom he made the skies. His love continues forever. He spread out the earth on the seas. His love continues forever. He made the sun and the moon. His love continues forever. He made the sun to rule the day. His love continues forever. He made the moon and stars to rule the night. His love continues forever." (Psalm 136:5-9)
It is amazing! Everywhere I go I can see God, not only in the people I meet... but also in the land that God so lovingly created. The way the light hits the Catalina mountains some days, I really think God has come for a visit, saying, "Hi, Katie. Just wanted to give you a special gift in your day... to let you know I made this creation out of love for you." Wow! It's like my very own bouquet of flowers! And it's for all of us... the beach, the sun, the ocean, the fall leaves, the fresh fallen snow, etc.... it's the great equalizer, a gift from God that we can all enjoy freely.
Ingredients for this gift: God's amazing power, wisdom, and love. For those scientists out there: time. (It's a slow simmer, not a quick boil.) Lord, Your majesty is too much for me to comprehend... what a wonderful gift... thank You for the blessing of Your creation that You give to all of us, Lord.
Everyday Use Stew
2 Peter 1:1-21
"Because you have these blessings, do your best to add these things to your lives: to your faith, add goodness; and to your goodness, add knowledge; and to your knowledge, add self-control; and to your self-control, add patience; and to your patience, add service for God; and to your service for God, add kindess for your brothers and sisters in Christ; and to this kindness, add love. If all these things are in you and are growing, they will help you to be useful and productive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ." (2 Peter 1:5-8)
Wow, that seems like a tall order, but definitely one I'm interested in filling. Just look at the final dish- knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ (8). I so desire to know You more, oh God! So let's see... I'll need to gather faith, goodness, knowledge, self-control, patience, service, kindness, love. Whew... that's a lot. But, it says... "do your best to add," so I can work on adding a little more with each ingredient that I gather... that I learn from people around me.
After all, the best stews actually stew... a nice slow simmer and all of those wonderful ingredients, the flavors combining and mixing with one another. Lord, please help me to add and grow each one of these ingredients, so that I may know You more.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Daniel 1:1-2:49 (New book today!)
"...No wise man, magician or fortune teller can explain to the king the secret he has asked about. But there is a God in heaven who explains secret things... God, who can tell people about secret things, showed you what is going to happen." (Daniel 2:27-29)
My family and friends know of my uncanny ability to remember at least one dream every night. Stranger yet is my desire to recount strange dreams of elephants breaking out of an aquarium and ponder their significance. I wish I had Daniel's ability to interpret dreams!
I may be quite alone in the fact that I actually believe that some dreams and "hunches" may be God explaining secret things to us. Now, I don't say all, the aquatic pachyderms probably had more to do with a recent viewing of "Dumbo." But, I do believe in God's power to reveal secret things whenever He deems it necessary.
An example of such a "God-incidence" that took me to Brazil:
After finishing my wonderful long-term sub job in Millville, I stumbled across a volunteer program for learning Portuguese in the morning and teaching English in a favela in the afternoon in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. For some reason, I felt the unmistakable sensation that this was where I was supposed to be. So off I went, and while I was down there, I "needed" to go and visit the Church of the Brethren in Sao Paulo, which led Suely to dream up a BVS placement there for me the following year.
Lord, may I be carefully attentive to the secrets You want to reveal to me in my life.
Psalm 135:15-21
"The idols of other nations are made of silver and gold, the work of human hands. They have mouths, but they cannot speak. They have eyes, but they cannot see. They have ears, but they cannot hear. They have no breath in their mouths. People who make idols will be like them, and so will those who trust them." (Psalm 135:15-18)
People may think discussion of idols completely irrelevant today, but is it? Consider the recent hit "American Idol." Some may argue that as merely a title not really reflecting the fact that we idolize these melodic individuals. However, I am a firm believer that how we spend our time clearly demonstrates what we hold as valuable or honorable in our lives. In a real sense, we are what we watch, what we eat, what we do, where we go. Considering our time spent: Do we idolize work? Athletics? Money? Stuff?
The Merriam-Webster online dictionary outlines two principle kinds of definitions for the word. First, it is a false conception or a visible form without substance, as demonstrated by framed paychecks, trophies, bank accounts, or overflowing jewelry boxes. Secondly, the most worrisome definition describes an idol as a symbol of an object of worship or an object of extreme devotion. All of our devotion and worship belongs to God, not these idols that cannot see or hear or speak. God, may my life carefully reflect my complete devotion to You.
1 Peter 5:1-14
"Control yourselves and be careful! The devil, your enemy, goes around like a roaring lion looking for someone to eat. Refuse to give in to him, by standing strong in your faith." (1 Peter 5:8-9)
"Lions and tigers and temptation, oh my!" Did you ever think that Dorothy could've turned around and gone back to the pretty little Munchkinland? It might've been tempting while walking through that dark forest or being chased by those scary monkeys. I mean, it was technicolor!! But, she had her goal in mind... "There's no place like home. There's no place like home."
As Christians, we echo her sentiment that "There's no place like home," but our "home" is heaven. And like Dorothy, we will face our "lions"- dark forests of despair, angry monkeys that encourage apathy, poisonous poppy fields that produce popularity seeking. Lord, help me to carefully keep my feet on the yellow brick road of faith.
Daniel 1:1-2:49 (New book today!)
"...No wise man, magician or fortune teller can explain to the king the secret he has asked about. But there is a God in heaven who explains secret things... God, who can tell people about secret things, showed you what is going to happen." (Daniel 2:27-29)
My family and friends know of my uncanny ability to remember at least one dream every night. Stranger yet is my desire to recount strange dreams of elephants breaking out of an aquarium and ponder their significance. I wish I had Daniel's ability to interpret dreams!
I may be quite alone in the fact that I actually believe that some dreams and "hunches" may be God explaining secret things to us. Now, I don't say all, the aquatic pachyderms probably had more to do with a recent viewing of "Dumbo." But, I do believe in God's power to reveal secret things whenever He deems it necessary.
An example of such a "God-incidence" that took me to Brazil:
After finishing my wonderful long-term sub job in Millville, I stumbled across a volunteer program for learning Portuguese in the morning and teaching English in a favela in the afternoon in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. For some reason, I felt the unmistakable sensation that this was where I was supposed to be. So off I went, and while I was down there, I "needed" to go and visit the Church of the Brethren in Sao Paulo, which led Suely to dream up a BVS placement there for me the following year.
Lord, may I be carefully attentive to the secrets You want to reveal to me in my life.
Psalm 135:15-21
"The idols of other nations are made of silver and gold, the work of human hands. They have mouths, but they cannot speak. They have eyes, but they cannot see. They have ears, but they cannot hear. They have no breath in their mouths. People who make idols will be like them, and so will those who trust them." (Psalm 135:15-18)
People may think discussion of idols completely irrelevant today, but is it? Consider the recent hit "American Idol." Some may argue that as merely a title not really reflecting the fact that we idolize these melodic individuals. However, I am a firm believer that how we spend our time clearly demonstrates what we hold as valuable or honorable in our lives. In a real sense, we are what we watch, what we eat, what we do, where we go. Considering our time spent: Do we idolize work? Athletics? Money? Stuff?
The Merriam-Webster online dictionary outlines two principle kinds of definitions for the word. First, it is a false conception or a visible form without substance, as demonstrated by framed paychecks, trophies, bank accounts, or overflowing jewelry boxes. Secondly, the most worrisome definition describes an idol as a symbol of an object of worship or an object of extreme devotion. All of our devotion and worship belongs to God, not these idols that cannot see or hear or speak. God, may my life carefully reflect my complete devotion to You.
1 Peter 5:1-14
"Control yourselves and be careful! The devil, your enemy, goes around like a roaring lion looking for someone to eat. Refuse to give in to him, by standing strong in your faith." (1 Peter 5:8-9)
"Lions and tigers and temptation, oh my!" Did you ever think that Dorothy could've turned around and gone back to the pretty little Munchkinland? It might've been tempting while walking through that dark forest or being chased by those scary monkeys. I mean, it was technicolor!! But, she had her goal in mind... "There's no place like home. There's no place like home."
As Christians, we echo her sentiment that "There's no place like home," but our "home" is heaven. And like Dorothy, we will face our "lions"- dark forests of despair, angry monkeys that encourage apathy, poisonous poppy fields that produce popularity seeking. Lord, help me to carefully keep my feet on the yellow brick road of faith.
Friday, November 28, 2008
God's Presence in God's Presents
~I remember when my friend Alexandre explained to me that presents are important to him, because through presents someone is present with you... while they may be very far away. In the same way, God is present with us through the abundant gifts He has given.~
Present in Creation
Ezekiel 47:1-48:35
"All kinds of fruit trees will grow on both banks of the river, and their leaves will not dry and die. The trees will have fruit every month, because the water for them comes from the Temple. The fruit from the trees will be used for food, and their leaves for medicine." (Ezekiel 47:12)
I have been buying all of my fruit and vegetables at the Community Food Bank Farmer's Market where I volunteer for a couple of hours every Tuesday morning. For me, in addition to being more environmentally friendly (all the food is local and most is organic), it's extremely special knowing the people who have grown these products.
On Tuesday, I picked out a perfect head of broccoli, and Amanda was very excited to tell me that she had harvested it. Being able to look into my friend's eyes and appreciate all that she did in cultivating that crop is a far cry from the supermarket's shelves full of impersonal produce shipped from miles away. Additionally, thinking about the source of my food reminds me of the beauty of God's creation which provides for our needs. Thank You God, for being present with us in the lovely orchards and gardens, sustaining gifts from You.
***Just a note: Check here for local food sources in your area- Food Routes
Present in our Land
Psalm 135:8-14
"Then he gave their land as a gift, a gift to his people, the Israelites." (Psalm 135:12)
This scripture sadly reminds me of the many border disputes going on in present society and places in our history where one group has taken control of another territory. How can we do this? Own the land? It is really a social construct pertaining to a certain group of people, one which certain societies don't even recognize as a reality. They see the land as given from God, a separate entity, unable to be mastered by anyone. Like the classic Woody Guthrie song, we need to remember that this land is all of ours, a present from our Creator who desperately wants to see His children live in harmony.
Present in our Service
1 Peter 4:1-19
"Most importantly, love each other deeply, because love will cause people to forgive each other for many sins. Open your homes to each other, without complaining. Each of you has received a gift to use to serve others. Be good servants of God's various gifts of grace. Anyone who speaks should speak from God. Anyone who serves should serve with the strength God gives so that in everything God will be praised through Jesus Christ." (1 Peter 4:7-11)
God is the most masterful artist ever- the land in its various forms, human beings and the unbelievable complexity of the human body, animals in their array of colors and sizes, plants that serve so many different medicinal purposes. We, His children, are a colorful rainbow of different beautiful gifts- the turquoise of a teacher, the green of a gardener, the blue of a basketball player, the coral of the conversationalist.
Just like the message of God's promise we see when we look at the rainbow, it is our responsibility to display God's message in our lives. We serve with the gifts and strength given by God "so that in everything God will be praised through Jesus Christ." In fulfilling this God's will, we show that God is present... through the presents He has given us.
Present in Creation
Ezekiel 47:1-48:35
"All kinds of fruit trees will grow on both banks of the river, and their leaves will not dry and die. The trees will have fruit every month, because the water for them comes from the Temple. The fruit from the trees will be used for food, and their leaves for medicine." (Ezekiel 47:12)
I have been buying all of my fruit and vegetables at the Community Food Bank Farmer's Market where I volunteer for a couple of hours every Tuesday morning. For me, in addition to being more environmentally friendly (all the food is local and most is organic), it's extremely special knowing the people who have grown these products.
On Tuesday, I picked out a perfect head of broccoli, and Amanda was very excited to tell me that she had harvested it. Being able to look into my friend's eyes and appreciate all that she did in cultivating that crop is a far cry from the supermarket's shelves full of impersonal produce shipped from miles away. Additionally, thinking about the source of my food reminds me of the beauty of God's creation which provides for our needs. Thank You God, for being present with us in the lovely orchards and gardens, sustaining gifts from You.
***Just a note: Check here for local food sources in your area- Food Routes
Present in our Land
Psalm 135:8-14
"Then he gave their land as a gift, a gift to his people, the Israelites." (Psalm 135:12)
This scripture sadly reminds me of the many border disputes going on in present society and places in our history where one group has taken control of another territory. How can we do this? Own the land? It is really a social construct pertaining to a certain group of people, one which certain societies don't even recognize as a reality. They see the land as given from God, a separate entity, unable to be mastered by anyone. Like the classic Woody Guthrie song, we need to remember that this land is all of ours, a present from our Creator who desperately wants to see His children live in harmony.
Present in our Service
1 Peter 4:1-19
"Most importantly, love each other deeply, because love will cause people to forgive each other for many sins. Open your homes to each other, without complaining. Each of you has received a gift to use to serve others. Be good servants of God's various gifts of grace. Anyone who speaks should speak from God. Anyone who serves should serve with the strength God gives so that in everything God will be praised through Jesus Christ." (1 Peter 4:7-11)
God is the most masterful artist ever- the land in its various forms, human beings and the unbelievable complexity of the human body, animals in their array of colors and sizes, plants that serve so many different medicinal purposes. We, His children, are a colorful rainbow of different beautiful gifts- the turquoise of a teacher, the green of a gardener, the blue of a basketball player, the coral of the conversationalist.
Just like the message of God's promise we see when we look at the rainbow, it is our responsibility to display God's message in our lives. We serve with the gifts and strength given by God "so that in everything God will be praised through Jesus Christ." In fulfilling this God's will, we show that God is present... through the presents He has given us.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
God Bless Us, Every One
~Ok, so I know this is from "A Christmas Carol," but Tiny Tim's sweet, sincere sentiment seems fitting on Thanksgiving as well- as every one (to emphasize the every) gathers around the table.~
Ezekiel 45:1-46:24
"This is what the Lord God says: You have gone far enough, you rules of Israel! Stop being cruel and hurting people, an do what is right and fair. Stop forcing my people out of their homes, says the Lord God." (Ezekiel 45:9)
To me this verse sounds like when Dad gets out his "father voice." The kids are whining in the back seat, and "Kids... that's enough." That's all that needs to be said. We get the point. Fair is fair, so we give back the Ghostbuster or My Little Pony and feel a little bit honored... Dad cares enough to both protect and advise us... to guide us.
Lord, just like a father, any wrong done to Your children must be so painful. And I look around a hurting world... the Food Bank was packed on Tuesday in these times of economic distress. Lord, show me how to do what is right and fair to honor every one of my brothers and sisters.
Psalm 135:1-7
"Praise the Lord! Praise the name of the Lord; praise him, you servants of the Lord, you who stand in the Lord's Temple and in the Temple courtyards. Praise the Lord, because he is good; sing praises to him, because it is pleasant." (Psalm 1-3)
"You servants of the Lord." To be God's servant... that is all I desire. It is such a blessing! Imagine. The most holy Lord our God thinks enough of us to actually charge us with the responsibility of living in service to Him who is "good" and "pleasant" among oh so many other things.
I don't know whether it is just because of my upbringing, but I think we are all looking for a job to do, for a role to fill, for someway to help, to give a little of what we've got. I never quite recognized it at the time, but an important part of Communion/Feet Washing/Love Feast was setting up, cooking, serving, cleaning up together. Everyone helped in some way- from taking the communion bread to shut-ins to wiping down tables. Lord, thank you for allowing me to be Your servant... may I learn every day a little more how to live my life in Your service.
1 Peter 3:1-22
"It is not fancy hair, gold jewelry, or fine clothes that should make you beautiful. No, your beauty should come from within you- the beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit that will never be destroyed and is very precious to God." (1 Peter 3:3-4)
God treats all his children fairly- giving us each a responsibility and seeing each of us as beautiful. In heaven, we will have a new kind of heavenly body, and I like to imagine that our bodies will display our own inner beauty. Yet perhaps we don't need this. Sometimes it's so clear to me... I can see right through a person to their soul that is so alive and lovely- and quiet and gentle.
As a child, I always wished for blond hair, to look like my favorite Disney princesses, but now, Lord, I just pray for that beautiful gentle and quiet spirit... that I may be very precious and very beautiful to you, my God.
Ezekiel 45:1-46:24
"This is what the Lord God says: You have gone far enough, you rules of Israel! Stop being cruel and hurting people, an do what is right and fair. Stop forcing my people out of their homes, says the Lord God." (Ezekiel 45:9)
To me this verse sounds like when Dad gets out his "father voice." The kids are whining in the back seat, and "Kids... that's enough." That's all that needs to be said. We get the point. Fair is fair, so we give back the Ghostbuster or My Little Pony and feel a little bit honored... Dad cares enough to both protect and advise us... to guide us.
Lord, just like a father, any wrong done to Your children must be so painful. And I look around a hurting world... the Food Bank was packed on Tuesday in these times of economic distress. Lord, show me how to do what is right and fair to honor every one of my brothers and sisters.
Psalm 135:1-7
"Praise the Lord! Praise the name of the Lord; praise him, you servants of the Lord, you who stand in the Lord's Temple and in the Temple courtyards. Praise the Lord, because he is good; sing praises to him, because it is pleasant." (Psalm 1-3)
"You servants of the Lord." To be God's servant... that is all I desire. It is such a blessing! Imagine. The most holy Lord our God thinks enough of us to actually charge us with the responsibility of living in service to Him who is "good" and "pleasant" among oh so many other things.
I don't know whether it is just because of my upbringing, but I think we are all looking for a job to do, for a role to fill, for someway to help, to give a little of what we've got. I never quite recognized it at the time, but an important part of Communion/Feet Washing/Love Feast was setting up, cooking, serving, cleaning up together. Everyone helped in some way- from taking the communion bread to shut-ins to wiping down tables. Lord, thank you for allowing me to be Your servant... may I learn every day a little more how to live my life in Your service.
1 Peter 3:1-22
"It is not fancy hair, gold jewelry, or fine clothes that should make you beautiful. No, your beauty should come from within you- the beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit that will never be destroyed and is very precious to God." (1 Peter 3:3-4)
God treats all his children fairly- giving us each a responsibility and seeing each of us as beautiful. In heaven, we will have a new kind of heavenly body, and I like to imagine that our bodies will display our own inner beauty. Yet perhaps we don't need this. Sometimes it's so clear to me... I can see right through a person to their soul that is so alive and lovely- and quiet and gentle.
As a child, I always wished for blond hair, to look like my favorite Disney princesses, but now, Lord, I just pray for that beautiful gentle and quiet spirit... that I may be very precious and very beautiful to you, my God.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Do You See What I See?
God's Will
Ezekiel 43:1-44:31
"The Lord said to me, 'Human, pay attention. Use your eyes to see, and your ears to hear. See and hear everything I tell you about all the rules and teachings of the Temple of the Lord." (Ezekiel 44:5)
Continuing the conversation from last night when I reflected upon the man born blind and spiritual blindness (John 9), this morning I am studying the importance of "using my eyes to see." This seems particularly relevant in my life right now as I seek God's guidance. How can I display you in my life, Lord? What is Your will for my life? What would You have me do... so that You may be "displayed in my life?" (John 9:3)
Here God tells Ezekiel to pay attention... watching and listening carefully. Sometimes I wonder whether I am listening only for my answer. Perhaps my inability to discern a response is God saying, "Katie, just wait." Lord, I pray that You "open my eyes" to Your mission for my life here in this place... my life is Yours. (John 9:20)
God's Glory
Psalm 134:1-3
"Praise the Lord, all you servants of the Lord, you who serve at night in the Temple of the Lord. Raise your hands in the Temple and praise the Lord." (Psalm 134:1-2)
Mindfulness meditation involves seeking a concentrated awareness of one's thoughts, actions or motivations... returning to the present moment (from a focus on the past or the future). Our minds tend to wander, but God calls us to be completely present. In times of Bible Study, meditation, prayer, worship, service, God calls us to meditate on His majesty in His temple. All the day, but especially in God's house, we must raise our hands, lift our eyes, and marvel at the gift of God's presence in every moment.
God's Teachings
1 Peter 2:1-25
"People who do not believe are living all around you... Live such good lives that they will see the good things you do and will give glory to God on the day when Christ comes again." (1 Peter 2:12)
Here we are directed to pay attention to God's teachings so that our lives may be an example to others. I fall so short of this expectation. I truly want people to see Christ through me, to see Jesus "displayed in my life" (John 9:3). My dream is to have people see me and say, "I want some of what you've got... some of that Jesus." Lord, help me to see Your will for my life that my reflection of Your love and grace may bring people to know You... to give glory to You.
Ezekiel 43:1-44:31
"The Lord said to me, 'Human, pay attention. Use your eyes to see, and your ears to hear. See and hear everything I tell you about all the rules and teachings of the Temple of the Lord." (Ezekiel 44:5)
Continuing the conversation from last night when I reflected upon the man born blind and spiritual blindness (John 9), this morning I am studying the importance of "using my eyes to see." This seems particularly relevant in my life right now as I seek God's guidance. How can I display you in my life, Lord? What is Your will for my life? What would You have me do... so that You may be "displayed in my life?" (John 9:3)
Here God tells Ezekiel to pay attention... watching and listening carefully. Sometimes I wonder whether I am listening only for my answer. Perhaps my inability to discern a response is God saying, "Katie, just wait." Lord, I pray that You "open my eyes" to Your mission for my life here in this place... my life is Yours. (John 9:20)
God's Glory
Psalm 134:1-3
"Praise the Lord, all you servants of the Lord, you who serve at night in the Temple of the Lord. Raise your hands in the Temple and praise the Lord." (Psalm 134:1-2)
Mindfulness meditation involves seeking a concentrated awareness of one's thoughts, actions or motivations... returning to the present moment (from a focus on the past or the future). Our minds tend to wander, but God calls us to be completely present. In times of Bible Study, meditation, prayer, worship, service, God calls us to meditate on His majesty in His temple. All the day, but especially in God's house, we must raise our hands, lift our eyes, and marvel at the gift of God's presence in every moment.
God's Teachings
1 Peter 2:1-25
"People who do not believe are living all around you... Live such good lives that they will see the good things you do and will give glory to God on the day when Christ comes again." (1 Peter 2:12)
Here we are directed to pay attention to God's teachings so that our lives may be an example to others. I fall so short of this expectation. I truly want people to see Christ through me, to see Jesus "displayed in my life" (John 9:3). My dream is to have people see me and say, "I want some of what you've got... some of that Jesus." Lord, help me to see Your will for my life that my reflection of Your love and grace may bring people to know You... to give glory to You.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
The Best Christmas Present Ever
~We are quickly approaching Christmas and shopping season which begins with Black Friday. I hope shoppers may forgive me, but I strongly dislike this "holiday." Now, gift giving in itself isn't problematic, but the danger is losing sight of the ultimate Christmas present (Jesus) and the "good and perfect gifts that come from above."
Cookie Basket
Psalm 133:1-3
"It is good and pleasant when God's people live together in peace! It is like perfumed oil poured on the priest's head and running down his beard." (Psalm 133:1)
A good and pleasant gift- God's people living together in peace. Christians living together in community and loving each other deeply with all their hearts (1 Peter 1:22). And imagine these Christians living in peace, in unity and harmony without quarrels over minute scripture or church policy. Yes, it would be a pretty perfect Christmas gift for everyone involved.
You could even imagine it as a lovely decorate Christmas cookie basket of sorts- Presbyterian Pizzelle, Brethren brownies, Mennonite Meringues, Russian Orthodox kiffles. Sure, they might have different ingredients and flavors, but in essence, they're all cookies serving the same purpose... and they're all together in the same basket.
Mix CD
Proverbs 29:6
"Evil people are trapped by their own sin, but good people can sing and be happy." (Proverbs 29:6).
When living in sin, our soul is crying out to be set free. The sin itself in the form of a lie or harmful habit often catches us in a vicious cycle that is so hard to break. We are stifled and lonely and trapped. But after confessing and repenting, the Lord frees us and allows up to feel happiness. In fact, this abounding unwarranted grace motivates us to share it- tell the good news... "A child is born in the city of David!" "Go tell it on the mountain!" Sing it...
I'm not sure whether a mixed cd is a common gift anymore with all the MP3-ing going on, but it was at one point. (Perhaps I'm dating myself here.) But a good mixed cd relates to the audience and tells about the relationship between the giver and the recipient. What would my mixed cd for Jesus be? A great variety of songs reflecting the ups and downs, ins and outs of my journey... and most importantly, it would be rewriteable. I'm so happy to continuously rewrite this journey for you, Lord.
Gift Card
1 Peter 1:1-25
"Now we hope for the blessings God has for his children. These blessings, which cannot be destroyed or be spoiled or lose their beauty, are kept in heaven for you. God's power protects you through your faith until salvation is shown to you at the end of time. This makes you very happy, even though now for a short time different kinds of troubles may make you sad. These troubles come to prove that your faith is pure. This purity of faith is worth more than gold, which can be proved to be pure by fire but will ruin. But the purity of your faith will bring you praise and glory and honor when Jesus Christ is shown to you." (1 Peter 4-7)
What a blessing to remember that this life however great or horrible it may be is just a part of the journey. We're still just on the flight... whether in first class or the last middle seat in coach, you know- the one right next to the bathroom with the baby screaming in your ear the whole ride. We're just making the most of the trip so that we're ready when we get there. We trust that we'll get there (hope), even though we've never seen it (faith). And when we get there, it'll be worth it. Holding out will be more advantageous than gold (which at least this summer was some pretty valuable stuff).
Let's consider the ever-popular gift card, which has some similar attributes. When we receive the card, we trust that it actual has money on it and walk up to the cash register hoping to buy something in exchange for the piece of plastic. When we receive Jesus into our hearts, we continue on our journey as Christians awaiting that day when we will reach the unimaginable glory of heaven. Lord, there is no Thank You Note grand enough to praise you for the best Christmas present ever... Your Son, sent to die for my unreconcilable sins.
Cookie Basket
Psalm 133:1-3
"It is good and pleasant when God's people live together in peace! It is like perfumed oil poured on the priest's head and running down his beard." (Psalm 133:1)
A good and pleasant gift- God's people living together in peace. Christians living together in community and loving each other deeply with all their hearts (1 Peter 1:22). And imagine these Christians living in peace, in unity and harmony without quarrels over minute scripture or church policy. Yes, it would be a pretty perfect Christmas gift for everyone involved.
You could even imagine it as a lovely decorate Christmas cookie basket of sorts- Presbyterian Pizzelle, Brethren brownies, Mennonite Meringues, Russian Orthodox kiffles. Sure, they might have different ingredients and flavors, but in essence, they're all cookies serving the same purpose... and they're all together in the same basket.
Mix CD
Proverbs 29:6
"Evil people are trapped by their own sin, but good people can sing and be happy." (Proverbs 29:6).
When living in sin, our soul is crying out to be set free. The sin itself in the form of a lie or harmful habit often catches us in a vicious cycle that is so hard to break. We are stifled and lonely and trapped. But after confessing and repenting, the Lord frees us and allows up to feel happiness. In fact, this abounding unwarranted grace motivates us to share it- tell the good news... "A child is born in the city of David!" "Go tell it on the mountain!" Sing it...
I'm not sure whether a mixed cd is a common gift anymore with all the MP3-ing going on, but it was at one point. (Perhaps I'm dating myself here.) But a good mixed cd relates to the audience and tells about the relationship between the giver and the recipient. What would my mixed cd for Jesus be? A great variety of songs reflecting the ups and downs, ins and outs of my journey... and most importantly, it would be rewriteable. I'm so happy to continuously rewrite this journey for you, Lord.
Gift Card
1 Peter 1:1-25
"Now we hope for the blessings God has for his children. These blessings, which cannot be destroyed or be spoiled or lose their beauty, are kept in heaven for you. God's power protects you through your faith until salvation is shown to you at the end of time. This makes you very happy, even though now for a short time different kinds of troubles may make you sad. These troubles come to prove that your faith is pure. This purity of faith is worth more than gold, which can be proved to be pure by fire but will ruin. But the purity of your faith will bring you praise and glory and honor when Jesus Christ is shown to you." (1 Peter 4-7)
What a blessing to remember that this life however great or horrible it may be is just a part of the journey. We're still just on the flight... whether in first class or the last middle seat in coach, you know- the one right next to the bathroom with the baby screaming in your ear the whole ride. We're just making the most of the trip so that we're ready when we get there. We trust that we'll get there (hope), even though we've never seen it (faith). And when we get there, it'll be worth it. Holding out will be more advantageous than gold (which at least this summer was some pretty valuable stuff).
Let's consider the ever-popular gift card, which has some similar attributes. When we receive the card, we trust that it actual has money on it and walk up to the cash register hoping to buy something in exchange for the piece of plastic. When we receive Jesus into our hearts, we continue on our journey as Christians awaiting that day when we will reach the unimaginable glory of heaven. Lord, there is no Thank You Note grand enough to praise you for the best Christmas present ever... Your Son, sent to die for my unreconcilable sins.
Monday, November 24, 2008
God's Power Demonstrates
Ezekiel 39:1-40:49
""I will bring the people back from other lands and gather them from the lands of their enemies. So I will use my people to show many nations that I am holy." (Ezekiel 39:27)
Just as I studied yesterday, God is in control of all our comings and goings. I remember singing as a child, "Children, go where I send thee." Little did I know the extent of that sending- the many places God would send me. Of my own accord I would've never had the opportunities to travel to Spain, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Mexico, Brazil, Boston, Lancaster, Harrisburg, and Millville. God's power to send and that return, to separate and gather, to punish and to rescue shows that our God who is in control of all is worthy of our complete devotion.
Psalm 132:10-18
"The Lord has chosen Jerusalem; he wants it for his home. He say, 'This is my resting place forever. Here is where I want to stay. I will bless her with plenty; I will fill her poor with food. I will cover her priests with salvation, and those who worship me will really sing for joy.'" (Psalm 132:13-16)
God is generous with His power, showering gifts and blessings upon His children. This can sometimes bring up the tricky question- why some and not all? Why are some people blessed while others seem to have such hardship. Living in Campo Limpo, I learned the value of God's many varied blessings. Perhaps it is not that some are blessed and others are unblessed, rather I now view it as being "differently" blessed. God in His wisdom decides which are the blessings to give to each one. One may need the blessing of time, another a loving family, another a beautiful voice, another a full table. I'm learning to accept that God is perfect and holy and knows how to generously give all good gifts, even though I (in my humanness) am incapable of understanding apparent disparity in the blessings distributed throughout the world.
James 5:1-20
"Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so God can heal you. When a believing person prays, great things happen." (James 5:16)
Prayer- perhaps nothing quite so adequately displays God's power, or God's goodness. There are at least three very important parts to this verse.
Confession of sins- something I confess to forgetting to do all to often. Yet, sinner that I am... it is something I need to do every day: to appreciate the divine mercy and grace of my savior, to recognize my own humanity, to become conscious of wrongdoing and aim to avoid it.
Praying for one another- the ambiguity of "so God can heal you" is interesting... is the one who is praying or the one who needs prayer being healed... or are we all "healed" in a certain way through prayer. To me, just contact with God and a personal encounter with my Lord is healing in a way. And God's ways are not the ways of man, so I need to always remember that God's answers are not my answers.
Believing and great things happening- believing is the whole essence of a prayer. If we are not truly believing in what we are saying, what we are doing, why we are praying... why are we praying? It's serious stuff... not just babbling on alone into the darkness. God is listening and through all the babbling jibberish, it must be all too easy to decipher the truly faithful prayers prayed by those who really mean it. And great things do happen (though not always what we plan).
In July of 2007, I along with so many people that I knew were praying non-stop for my uncle and aunt and cousins... and though it didn't make it easy and though it didn't bring Amanda back... it's hard to describe but I know that I felt God in those moments. In those moments of deepest darkest despair, believing people prayed, and God's presence made a difference... just knowing and sensing in a very real way that Jesus was there with all of us.
Ezekiel 39:1-40:49
""I will bring the people back from other lands and gather them from the lands of their enemies. So I will use my people to show many nations that I am holy." (Ezekiel 39:27)
Just as I studied yesterday, God is in control of all our comings and goings. I remember singing as a child, "Children, go where I send thee." Little did I know the extent of that sending- the many places God would send me. Of my own accord I would've never had the opportunities to travel to Spain, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Mexico, Brazil, Boston, Lancaster, Harrisburg, and Millville. God's power to send and that return, to separate and gather, to punish and to rescue shows that our God who is in control of all is worthy of our complete devotion.
Psalm 132:10-18
"The Lord has chosen Jerusalem; he wants it for his home. He say, 'This is my resting place forever. Here is where I want to stay. I will bless her with plenty; I will fill her poor with food. I will cover her priests with salvation, and those who worship me will really sing for joy.'" (Psalm 132:13-16)
God is generous with His power, showering gifts and blessings upon His children. This can sometimes bring up the tricky question- why some and not all? Why are some people blessed while others seem to have such hardship. Living in Campo Limpo, I learned the value of God's many varied blessings. Perhaps it is not that some are blessed and others are unblessed, rather I now view it as being "differently" blessed. God in His wisdom decides which are the blessings to give to each one. One may need the blessing of time, another a loving family, another a beautiful voice, another a full table. I'm learning to accept that God is perfect and holy and knows how to generously give all good gifts, even though I (in my humanness) am incapable of understanding apparent disparity in the blessings distributed throughout the world.
James 5:1-20
"Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so God can heal you. When a believing person prays, great things happen." (James 5:16)
Prayer- perhaps nothing quite so adequately displays God's power, or God's goodness. There are at least three very important parts to this verse.
Confession of sins- something I confess to forgetting to do all to often. Yet, sinner that I am... it is something I need to do every day: to appreciate the divine mercy and grace of my savior, to recognize my own humanity, to become conscious of wrongdoing and aim to avoid it.
Praying for one another- the ambiguity of "so God can heal you" is interesting... is the one who is praying or the one who needs prayer being healed... or are we all "healed" in a certain way through prayer. To me, just contact with God and a personal encounter with my Lord is healing in a way. And God's ways are not the ways of man, so I need to always remember that God's answers are not my answers.
Believing and great things happening- believing is the whole essence of a prayer. If we are not truly believing in what we are saying, what we are doing, why we are praying... why are we praying? It's serious stuff... not just babbling on alone into the darkness. God is listening and through all the babbling jibberish, it must be all too easy to decipher the truly faithful prayers prayed by those who really mean it. And great things do happen (though not always what we plan).
In July of 2007, I along with so many people that I knew were praying non-stop for my uncle and aunt and cousins... and though it didn't make it easy and though it didn't bring Amanda back... it's hard to describe but I know that I felt God in those moments. In those moments of deepest darkest despair, believing people prayed, and God's presence made a difference... just knowing and sensing in a very real way that Jesus was there with all of us.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
The Master's Plan
Ezekiel 37:1-38:23
"Then he asked me, 'Human, can these bones live?' I answered, 'Lord God, only you know.'" (Ezekiel 37:3)
Yes! Alright, Ezekiel! Score! 10 points! A+! I'm so excited, and ready to cheer Ezekiel on for this response that he hit right on the "vomer bone." I only wish I could say that I would be as on top of it as good ol' Zeke. (A little familiar but we've been together for 38 chapters now.) When confronted with a question such as, "Can these bones live?" I feel enormous pressure to answer, to know, to come to a conclusion. The fact that someone has asked this of me even somehow implies that I should have the correct response. I can't let them down.
But Ezekiel acknowledges that he doesn't know everything nor does he need to know everything... for God does. Ezekiel also acknowledges that things that would seem to be all too impossible- living bones, ha!- are possible with God's amazing power.
Psalm 132:1-9
"He said, 'I will not go home to my house, or lie down on my bed, or close my eyes, or let myself sleep until I find a place for the Lord." (Psalm 132:3-5)
While it is true that the Psalmist here is referring to a physical place, it is also a place in the Psalmist's heart and life that is being demonstrated. Making the search for a place of worship the first goal shows that God is a priority in the writer's life. Imagine if cities were planned around finding the perfect place of worship or prayer garden or ecumenical center. How different things would be! Similarly, if I were to plan my whole day around worshipping God and God's will for my life... Lord, forgive me. Far too often I lose myself and forget that You are my reason for living. You are the center of my life, and help me to reflect that in every way, every day.
James 4:1-17
"Some of you say, 'Today or tomorrow we will go to some city. We will stay there a year, do business and make money.' But you do not know what will happen tomorrow! Your life is like a mist. You can see it for a short time, but then it goes away. So you should say, 'If the Lord wants, we will live and do this or that.'" (Jame 4:13-15)
"Enshallah." "Primero Dios y..." "Se Deus quizer." All forms of "If the Lord wants..." Is it only us crazy Americans who actually fool ourselves into thinking that we can plan our lives out. We each only need to think back a bit to a time we had a plan for our whole lives. I know that graduating from high school, this is not where I dreamt I would be 7 years later. (Ouch... that long already.)
Logistically, in today's society we do need to make some plans so we don't miss the boat...both literally and figuratively. (Tickets are helpful.) But, it can be extremely freeing and calming to recognize that while we might see the possibility "for a short time," our lives are really "a mist." If God wants, He'll make it happen. Hey silly, crazy planner, you can give it a break... God really is in control, and if He wants, it'll happen. From a worried planner to the Master Planner, thank You God! Take my life... take it all. I "will live and do this or that" according to what You want.
Ezekiel 37:1-38:23
"Then he asked me, 'Human, can these bones live?' I answered, 'Lord God, only you know.'" (Ezekiel 37:3)
Yes! Alright, Ezekiel! Score! 10 points! A+! I'm so excited, and ready to cheer Ezekiel on for this response that he hit right on the "vomer bone." I only wish I could say that I would be as on top of it as good ol' Zeke. (A little familiar but we've been together for 38 chapters now.) When confronted with a question such as, "Can these bones live?" I feel enormous pressure to answer, to know, to come to a conclusion. The fact that someone has asked this of me even somehow implies that I should have the correct response. I can't let them down.
But Ezekiel acknowledges that he doesn't know everything nor does he need to know everything... for God does. Ezekiel also acknowledges that things that would seem to be all too impossible- living bones, ha!- are possible with God's amazing power.
Psalm 132:1-9
"He said, 'I will not go home to my house, or lie down on my bed, or close my eyes, or let myself sleep until I find a place for the Lord." (Psalm 132:3-5)
While it is true that the Psalmist here is referring to a physical place, it is also a place in the Psalmist's heart and life that is being demonstrated. Making the search for a place of worship the first goal shows that God is a priority in the writer's life. Imagine if cities were planned around finding the perfect place of worship or prayer garden or ecumenical center. How different things would be! Similarly, if I were to plan my whole day around worshipping God and God's will for my life... Lord, forgive me. Far too often I lose myself and forget that You are my reason for living. You are the center of my life, and help me to reflect that in every way, every day.
James 4:1-17
"Some of you say, 'Today or tomorrow we will go to some city. We will stay there a year, do business and make money.' But you do not know what will happen tomorrow! Your life is like a mist. You can see it for a short time, but then it goes away. So you should say, 'If the Lord wants, we will live and do this or that.'" (Jame 4:13-15)
"Enshallah." "Primero Dios y..." "Se Deus quizer." All forms of "If the Lord wants..." Is it only us crazy Americans who actually fool ourselves into thinking that we can plan our lives out. We each only need to think back a bit to a time we had a plan for our whole lives. I know that graduating from high school, this is not where I dreamt I would be 7 years later. (Ouch... that long already.)
Logistically, in today's society we do need to make some plans so we don't miss the boat...both literally and figuratively. (Tickets are helpful.) But, it can be extremely freeing and calming to recognize that while we might see the possibility "for a short time," our lives are really "a mist." If God wants, He'll make it happen. Hey silly, crazy planner, you can give it a break... God really is in control, and if He wants, it'll happen. From a worried planner to the Master Planner, thank You God! Take my life... take it all. I "will live and do this or that" according to what You want.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Wisdom from God
Ezekiel 35:1-36:38
"I will take you from the nations and gather you out of all the lands and bring you back into your own land. Then I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean. I will cleanse you from all your uncleanness and your idols. Also, I will teach you to respect me completely, and I will put a new way of thinking inside you. I will take out the stubborn hearts of stone from your bodies, and I will give you obedient hearts of flesh. I will put my Spirit inside you and help you live by my rules and carefully obey my laws. You will live in the land I gave to your ancestors, and you will be my people, and I will be your God." (Ezekiel 36:24-28)
Here God welcomes Israel home, a very special sentiment during the holidays. However, much more important is the way in which God welcomes the people home... granting them wisdom in purity... cleansing them from their sins, teaching them respect for the Lord, giving them a new way of thinking, placing obedient hearts in each of them, and filling them with the Spirit. Last night we talked about the importance of praying to be filled with the Spirit, and Lord, this is something that I earnestly pray... grant me Your wisdom that comes from living a life filled with Your holy Spirit, Lord.
Psalm 131:1-3
"Lord, my heart is not proud; I don't look down on others. I don't do great things, and I can't do miracles. But I am calm and quiet, like a baby with its mother. I am at peace, like a baby with its mother. People of Israel, put your hope in the Lord now and forever." (Psalm 131:1-3)
For an anxious, somewhat high-strung, Type A personality (not to mention any names- atie-kay), a state of peace... "like a baby with its mother" is sometimes inconceivable. Besides sleeplessness and anxiety, several years during finals or other high stress, high pressure situations, I acquired something called "trench mouth." It doesn't sound pleasant, and it isn't. It's basically a severe form of gingivitis that causes painful, infected, bleeding gums and ulcerations. (At times of emotional stress, your immune system weakens in general... and yes, my body reacts in this unusual, uncomfortable way.)
While I know that I need to just calm down and "take it in stride," God is the only one that makes it possible in my life. Perhaps because it is not my natural tendency, I'm so grateful for the blessing of God's indescribable peace. I know it is God, because it is certainly not me. Your peaceful wisdom is amazing, oh God. May I learn to know it more.
Gentle and Easy to Please
James 3:1-18
"But the wisdom that comes from God is first of all pure, then peaceful, gentle, and easy to please. This wisdom is always ready to help those who are troubled and to do good for others. It is always fair and honest. People who work for peace in a peaceful way plant a good crop of right-living." (James 3:17-18)
James is fast becoming one of my favorite books of the Bible. So many beautiful and important teaching verses. It is interesting that here we are shown what wisdom looks like in its outward expressions. When I think of "wisdom," it often conjures images of a wise old philosopher sitting and writing books or studying. This kind of wisdom is different, more accessible, more applicable. God's wisdom is gentle... not forceful, not belittling. And God's wisdom is expressed through deed- helping those in trouble and working for the good of others.
Lord, before learning about Your wisdom, I didn't even know "wisdom" was something I cared to acquire... thinking only of the worldly definition of the word. But your wisdom is good and honest and fair and pure and peaceful and gentle and easy to please. Lord, teach me Your wisdom... that I may live it in the world.
Ezekiel 35:1-36:38
"I will take you from the nations and gather you out of all the lands and bring you back into your own land. Then I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean. I will cleanse you from all your uncleanness and your idols. Also, I will teach you to respect me completely, and I will put a new way of thinking inside you. I will take out the stubborn hearts of stone from your bodies, and I will give you obedient hearts of flesh. I will put my Spirit inside you and help you live by my rules and carefully obey my laws. You will live in the land I gave to your ancestors, and you will be my people, and I will be your God." (Ezekiel 36:24-28)
Here God welcomes Israel home, a very special sentiment during the holidays. However, much more important is the way in which God welcomes the people home... granting them wisdom in purity... cleansing them from their sins, teaching them respect for the Lord, giving them a new way of thinking, placing obedient hearts in each of them, and filling them with the Spirit. Last night we talked about the importance of praying to be filled with the Spirit, and Lord, this is something that I earnestly pray... grant me Your wisdom that comes from living a life filled with Your holy Spirit, Lord.
Psalm 131:1-3
"Lord, my heart is not proud; I don't look down on others. I don't do great things, and I can't do miracles. But I am calm and quiet, like a baby with its mother. I am at peace, like a baby with its mother. People of Israel, put your hope in the Lord now and forever." (Psalm 131:1-3)
For an anxious, somewhat high-strung, Type A personality (not to mention any names- atie-kay), a state of peace... "like a baby with its mother" is sometimes inconceivable. Besides sleeplessness and anxiety, several years during finals or other high stress, high pressure situations, I acquired something called "trench mouth." It doesn't sound pleasant, and it isn't. It's basically a severe form of gingivitis that causes painful, infected, bleeding gums and ulcerations. (At times of emotional stress, your immune system weakens in general... and yes, my body reacts in this unusual, uncomfortable way.)
While I know that I need to just calm down and "take it in stride," God is the only one that makes it possible in my life. Perhaps because it is not my natural tendency, I'm so grateful for the blessing of God's indescribable peace. I know it is God, because it is certainly not me. Your peaceful wisdom is amazing, oh God. May I learn to know it more.
Gentle and Easy to Please
James 3:1-18
"But the wisdom that comes from God is first of all pure, then peaceful, gentle, and easy to please. This wisdom is always ready to help those who are troubled and to do good for others. It is always fair and honest. People who work for peace in a peaceful way plant a good crop of right-living." (James 3:17-18)
James is fast becoming one of my favorite books of the Bible. So many beautiful and important teaching verses. It is interesting that here we are shown what wisdom looks like in its outward expressions. When I think of "wisdom," it often conjures images of a wise old philosopher sitting and writing books or studying. This kind of wisdom is different, more accessible, more applicable. God's wisdom is gentle... not forceful, not belittling. And God's wisdom is expressed through deed- helping those in trouble and working for the good of others.
Lord, before learning about Your wisdom, I didn't even know "wisdom" was something I cared to acquire... thinking only of the worldly definition of the word. But your wisdom is good and honest and fair and pure and peaceful and gentle and easy to please. Lord, teach me Your wisdom... that I may live it in the world.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Don't Just Sit There... Do Something!

Heed the Warning
Ezekiel 33:1-34:31
"If they hear the sound of the trumpet but do nothing, the enemy will come and kill them. They do will be responsible for their own deaths. They heard the sound of the trumpet but didn't do anything. So they are to blame for their own deaths. If they had done something, they would have saved their own lives." (Ezekiel 33:4-5)
There is a portion of an Austin Powers movie where a man is standing in front of a steam roller screaming. This goes on for a while, and then the audience is shown the side view... there is a good 50 feet between the man and the steam roller... not only that, but the machine is moving painstakingly slow. Comic, yes. Why? Because our good common sense would say, "Don't just stand there screaming. Move out of the way, silly!"
But do we? All of the warnings, all of the stories in the Bible where adultery and other sins have led to ruin... but do we pay attention? Do we change? How many years later and people are making the same mistakes? Lord, help me to listen to Your guidance and will for my life... so that I can do something to act upon Your warnings... instead of standing there screaming.
Trust the Word
Psalm 130:5-8
"I wait for the Lord to help me, and I trust his word. I wait for the Lord to help me more than night watchmen wait for the dawn, more than night watchmen wait for the dawn. People of Israel, put your hope in the Lord because he is loving and able to save. He will save Israel from all their sins." (Psalm 130:5-8)
In our lives, there are inherent moments of waiting... as Dr. Seuss would say:
Waiting for a train to go
or a bus to come, or a plane to go
or the mail to come, or the rain to go
or the phone to ring, or the snow to snow
or waiting around for a Yes or a No
or waiting for their hair to grow.
Everyone is just waiting.
Waiting for the fish to bite
or waiting for wind to fly a kite
or waiting around for Friday night
or waiting, perhaps, for their Uncle Jake
or a pot to boil, or a Better Break
or a sting of pearls, or a pair of pants
or a wig with curls, or Another Chance.
Everyone is just waiting.
Excuse the digression, Dr. Seuss is one of my favorites. But I really believe it is pertinent here. There are places and moments in our lives when we are waiting. Not an idle waiting, but an expectant, faithful, eager, attentive waiting. And in these instances, it would perhaps prove quite disastrous to stubbornly press on... forcing your own way in the world. I know I've been there. So, I believe the Psalmist teaches that while we need to "do something" with our faith, sometimes the hardest thing "to do" is faithfully, patiently trust in the Lord that His answer is just... to wait.
Live the Faith
James 2:1-26
"My brothers and sisters, if people say they have faith, but do nothing, their faith is worth nothing. Can faith like that save them? A brother or sister in Christ might need clothes or food. If you say to that person, 'God be with you! I hope you stay warm and get plenty to eat,' but you do not give what that person needs, your words are worth nothing. In the same way, faith by itself- that does nothing- is dead." (James 2:14-17)
This is an idea that the Brethren take very seriously, and I am so thankful for the many teachers from my many congregations who have taught me so much. Just one out of endless examples that comes to mind is Stone Church of the Brethren, a very active congregation on many accounts including their partnership with the Colegio San Miguel Angel de Asturias in Xela (Quetzaltenango), Guatemala.
As a brief overview, the philosophy of the centers around Paulo Freire's critical pedagogy or pedagogy of the oppressed, social change through education. This is achieved through "generative themes" based on ecology, human rights, and social justice. Stone has sent several medical and educational delegations to this beautiful school, and I have been so fortunate as to go along on two occasions now, hopefully again this summer. Instead of saying, "I hope you get an education," the members of Stone continue to do something about making education a real possibility for many in the Colegio's community.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
With a Capital T
Ezekiel 31:1-32:32
"It was in the twelfth year of our captivity, in the twelfth month, on the first day of the month." (Ezekiel 32:1)
Yes, trouble... with a capital T that rhymes with C that stands for captivity. Ok, so it's not quite the version from "The Music Man." Every section here at the end of Ezekiel begins this way... documenting the year, month and day of captivity. Of course, if you were a slave, wouldn't you?
It reminds me of my own most recent serious tragedy in my life. It's hard to explain how much you love an admire a cousin, only months older than yourself who grows up down the street. I saw Amanda almost every day of my young life- walking to school, at school, at church programs, choir, at Sunday School, going down to their house to play. Being the oldest in my own nuclear family, I found in Amanda my "older sister role model," perhaps most evident in the activities in which I involved myself. Cultural awareness club, choir, theatre, as well as social justice programs, activities and service. Most recently, we ended up living sort of parallel existences- she teaching English in Greece while I taught in Brazil.
I was so excited to reunite and share our stories once again when disaster struck. I could hardly believe it. My uncle called and said that he had received bad news from Greece. I thought Amanda was sick or hurt or maybe in the hospital. I don't even remember the words my uncle said to get the message to me that my cousin who I love so much had died in an accident while riding a bike to an English lesson. I couldn't even respond. I hung up the phone, and I was in a complete state of shock. Unable to cry, my heart and mind flooded with memories of Amanda: sledding down Blanche's Hill, camping out at the Music, Art and Drama Camp, singing Amanda-cized versions of "Grease 2" songs, watching "Pride and Prejudice," and so many many more. My family drove from NJ to Royersford, and sitting there with my cousins, aunt and uncle, Uncle Rod asked me, "How are you, Katie? Are you ok?" Only then I started crying... at home with family who all felt the same pain and greif and sadness.
Although all of this happened in July 2007, it still feels so fresh sometimes. This year, the day after my birthday, I was sitting in my Linguistics class and all of a sudden it hit me. I had turned a year older- I was 26. I had outlived Amanda, and there was no way to bring her back to live this year, this moment with her. I started weeping right there in class (and I was so greatful that I was in back hidden from the view of so many). One year and three months later, and my own birthday brought back those same emotions of pain and greif and sadness. Like the Egyptians, people who experience loss or some great trouble of their own often mark their days by years, days, months since this trouble occured that has marked their life... it will never be the same.
Psalm 130:1-4
"Lord, I am in great trouble, so I call out to you. Lord, hear my voice; listen to my prayer for help." (Psalm 130:1-2)
In any type of trouble, great or small... we can call out to the Lord, and God listens. Our mere call for help is an expression of faith in God's ability to help as well as God's existence. Sometimes it's easier to remember to call out to God in the really tough times: a shocking death such as Amanda's made me pray all day long for family and friends (something I continue to do). While we absolutely need God's help in these times of great struggle, we need to also lift up the small troubles to God.
Right now it seems like everyone has "hit the wall" in their semesters (to use a running term). They've been working hard, and now they can almost smell the turkey or taste the homemade gingerbread cookies. They're ready for the race to be over. Lord, I pray that you give us all the encouragement and energy needed to "push through the last leg of the race" and "sprint to the finish."
James 1:1-27
"My brothers and sisters, when you have many kinds of troubles, you should be full of joy, because you know that these troubles test your faith, and this will give you patience." (James 2-3)
Now this kind of advice would seem to be be a little harsh for someone in the midst of an extremely difficult tragedy, and I would never recommend walking up to someone in such a situation to say, "Hey, it's ok... you should be joyful. You'll be more patient after this." Perhaps best reflected upon before or after a time of trouble, the message is very true.
It reminds me of a quote by Plato: "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." Each person on the bus, student in my class, professor or grad student has their own struggle that they are going through at this minute. I need only to think about difficult situations in my life to have a little more patience in dealing with everyone kindly as they fight their hard battles.
Ezekiel 31:1-32:32
"It was in the twelfth year of our captivity, in the twelfth month, on the first day of the month." (Ezekiel 32:1)
Yes, trouble... with a capital T that rhymes with C that stands for captivity. Ok, so it's not quite the version from "The Music Man." Every section here at the end of Ezekiel begins this way... documenting the year, month and day of captivity. Of course, if you were a slave, wouldn't you?
It reminds me of my own most recent serious tragedy in my life. It's hard to explain how much you love an admire a cousin, only months older than yourself who grows up down the street. I saw Amanda almost every day of my young life- walking to school, at school, at church programs, choir, at Sunday School, going down to their house to play. Being the oldest in my own nuclear family, I found in Amanda my "older sister role model," perhaps most evident in the activities in which I involved myself. Cultural awareness club, choir, theatre, as well as social justice programs, activities and service. Most recently, we ended up living sort of parallel existences- she teaching English in Greece while I taught in Brazil.
I was so excited to reunite and share our stories once again when disaster struck. I could hardly believe it. My uncle called and said that he had received bad news from Greece. I thought Amanda was sick or hurt or maybe in the hospital. I don't even remember the words my uncle said to get the message to me that my cousin who I love so much had died in an accident while riding a bike to an English lesson. I couldn't even respond. I hung up the phone, and I was in a complete state of shock. Unable to cry, my heart and mind flooded with memories of Amanda: sledding down Blanche's Hill, camping out at the Music, Art and Drama Camp, singing Amanda-cized versions of "Grease 2" songs, watching "Pride and Prejudice," and so many many more. My family drove from NJ to Royersford, and sitting there with my cousins, aunt and uncle, Uncle Rod asked me, "How are you, Katie? Are you ok?" Only then I started crying... at home with family who all felt the same pain and greif and sadness.
Although all of this happened in July 2007, it still feels so fresh sometimes. This year, the day after my birthday, I was sitting in my Linguistics class and all of a sudden it hit me. I had turned a year older- I was 26. I had outlived Amanda, and there was no way to bring her back to live this year, this moment with her. I started weeping right there in class (and I was so greatful that I was in back hidden from the view of so many). One year and three months later, and my own birthday brought back those same emotions of pain and greif and sadness. Like the Egyptians, people who experience loss or some great trouble of their own often mark their days by years, days, months since this trouble occured that has marked their life... it will never be the same.
Psalm 130:1-4
"Lord, I am in great trouble, so I call out to you. Lord, hear my voice; listen to my prayer for help." (Psalm 130:1-2)
In any type of trouble, great or small... we can call out to the Lord, and God listens. Our mere call for help is an expression of faith in God's ability to help as well as God's existence. Sometimes it's easier to remember to call out to God in the really tough times: a shocking death such as Amanda's made me pray all day long for family and friends (something I continue to do). While we absolutely need God's help in these times of great struggle, we need to also lift up the small troubles to God.
Right now it seems like everyone has "hit the wall" in their semesters (to use a running term). They've been working hard, and now they can almost smell the turkey or taste the homemade gingerbread cookies. They're ready for the race to be over. Lord, I pray that you give us all the encouragement and energy needed to "push through the last leg of the race" and "sprint to the finish."
James 1:1-27
"My brothers and sisters, when you have many kinds of troubles, you should be full of joy, because you know that these troubles test your faith, and this will give you patience." (James 2-3)
Now this kind of advice would seem to be be a little harsh for someone in the midst of an extremely difficult tragedy, and I would never recommend walking up to someone in such a situation to say, "Hey, it's ok... you should be joyful. You'll be more patient after this." Perhaps best reflected upon before or after a time of trouble, the message is very true.
It reminds me of a quote by Plato: "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." Each person on the bus, student in my class, professor or grad student has their own struggle that they are going through at this minute. I need only to think about difficult situations in my life to have a little more patience in dealing with everyone kindly as they fight their hard battles.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Where Credit is Due
Ezekiel 29:1-30:26
""Because you said, 'The Nile River is mine, and I have made it,' I am against you and your rivers." (Ezekiel 29:9-10)
I have to admit, reading this passage reminds me of some funny characters in movies. Like Joe Jr. from "While You Were Sleeping"- "Live here? I own the joint... Know her? I'm dating her." Both false affirmations that he proudly made without a stitch of truth in them. Then, the father in "Big Fat Greek Wedding" who would "convince" everyone that every word came from Greek (even "kimono"!) and that the Greeks invented everything.
But can you imagine? "That river? I made that river!" What a ridiculous idea. Looking around this world with all of the amazing landscape I've seen: the lush Atlantic Rainforest in Brazil, the moonlit magesty of Sabino Canyon, hidden deep among the giant Sequoias, "Singing Sand" and Red Dunes in PEI, etc, etc. I see God's glory reflected in a very real way through the beauty of His creation. No wonder God made the king of Egypt fall to the king of Babylon.
Proverbs 28:27
"Whoever gives to the poor will have everything he needs, but the one who ignores the poor will receive many curses." (Proverbs 28:27)
I have been so fortunate to have so many 'spiritual leaders' in my life- people who provide me with a wonderful example of where to go, what to do, how to do things. I have time and again learned the message of generosity.
As a volunteer in Brazil, I didn't have a clothing budget, and my dear friend Ana Paula (who I miss so much) gave me some of her beautiful clothing. Going into class on any given day, children who would offer me half of their little penny candy or a ring, necklace, poem or picture they had made for me. Here at the U of A, I've learned this so many times as well. The Yordy's continually offer to pick me up for church and invited me for a lovely Thanksgiving at their home. And last night Reena organized a service activity through our Bible Study called Operation Christmas Child. She bought tons of amazingly cute and fun gifts that will be sent as a gift to a child.
Yet the credit does not go to us but to the Lord. The reason I feel compelled to give is because what I have is not my own. There is something inherently wrong in a world where some people have so much money that they don't even know what to do with it while others struggle to meet their daily needs. Due to the sinful nature of a world where things are so upside down, money that rightfully belongs to the poor has somehow been stolen from them. I can only attempt to right the world... and give back what is rightfully theirs.
Hebrews 13:1-25
"Remember your leaders who taught God's message to you. Remember how they lived and died, and copy their faith. Jesus christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." (Hebrews 13:7-8)
When staying at the Shreckhise's house in Lancaster, we often marveled at the many pastors I've had over the years, which number more than a dozen, I am sure. I honestly feel so blessed to have this gift- so many wonderful role models. Even more, the Church of the Brethren teaches the philosophy of "the priesthood of all believers"... that every member of the congregation has some part in the ministry of the church based on their own God-given gifts. So I've had many many many more than a dozen. Each and every person has taught me valuable lessons about what it means to be a Christian.
And this verse uses the past tense. We are meant to learn from leaders who have gone on ahead of us, because Jesus Christ is always the same... the messages are only the same... if only we'd learn to get them right. Well, this makes me think of my Nana... who died when I was 2 years of age. I never met her, but anyone who ever did has only told me the most wonderful things about her: a meek, patient, sweet, mild-mannered, kind-hearted woman who never was heard to say a cross word about anyone or anything. I'm always eager to learn anything I can about my nana, and I hope in some way to learn from her and emulate Jesus the way that she has taught so many.
Ezekiel 29:1-30:26
""Because you said, 'The Nile River is mine, and I have made it,' I am against you and your rivers." (Ezekiel 29:9-10)
I have to admit, reading this passage reminds me of some funny characters in movies. Like Joe Jr. from "While You Were Sleeping"- "Live here? I own the joint... Know her? I'm dating her." Both false affirmations that he proudly made without a stitch of truth in them. Then, the father in "Big Fat Greek Wedding" who would "convince" everyone that every word came from Greek (even "kimono"!) and that the Greeks invented everything.
But can you imagine? "That river? I made that river!" What a ridiculous idea. Looking around this world with all of the amazing landscape I've seen: the lush Atlantic Rainforest in Brazil, the moonlit magesty of Sabino Canyon, hidden deep among the giant Sequoias, "Singing Sand" and Red Dunes in PEI, etc, etc. I see God's glory reflected in a very real way through the beauty of His creation. No wonder God made the king of Egypt fall to the king of Babylon.
Proverbs 28:27
"Whoever gives to the poor will have everything he needs, but the one who ignores the poor will receive many curses." (Proverbs 28:27)
I have been so fortunate to have so many 'spiritual leaders' in my life- people who provide me with a wonderful example of where to go, what to do, how to do things. I have time and again learned the message of generosity.
As a volunteer in Brazil, I didn't have a clothing budget, and my dear friend Ana Paula (who I miss so much) gave me some of her beautiful clothing. Going into class on any given day, children who would offer me half of their little penny candy or a ring, necklace, poem or picture they had made for me. Here at the U of A, I've learned this so many times as well. The Yordy's continually offer to pick me up for church and invited me for a lovely Thanksgiving at their home. And last night Reena organized a service activity through our Bible Study called Operation Christmas Child. She bought tons of amazingly cute and fun gifts that will be sent as a gift to a child.
Yet the credit does not go to us but to the Lord. The reason I feel compelled to give is because what I have is not my own. There is something inherently wrong in a world where some people have so much money that they don't even know what to do with it while others struggle to meet their daily needs. Due to the sinful nature of a world where things are so upside down, money that rightfully belongs to the poor has somehow been stolen from them. I can only attempt to right the world... and give back what is rightfully theirs.
Hebrews 13:1-25
"Remember your leaders who taught God's message to you. Remember how they lived and died, and copy their faith. Jesus christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." (Hebrews 13:7-8)
When staying at the Shreckhise's house in Lancaster, we often marveled at the many pastors I've had over the years, which number more than a dozen, I am sure. I honestly feel so blessed to have this gift- so many wonderful role models. Even more, the Church of the Brethren teaches the philosophy of "the priesthood of all believers"... that every member of the congregation has some part in the ministry of the church based on their own God-given gifts. So I've had many many many more than a dozen. Each and every person has taught me valuable lessons about what it means to be a Christian.
And this verse uses the past tense. We are meant to learn from leaders who have gone on ahead of us, because Jesus Christ is always the same... the messages are only the same... if only we'd learn to get them right. Well, this makes me think of my Nana... who died when I was 2 years of age. I never met her, but anyone who ever did has only told me the most wonderful things about her: a meek, patient, sweet, mild-mannered, kind-hearted woman who never was heard to say a cross word about anyone or anything. I'm always eager to learn anything I can about my nana, and I hope in some way to learn from her and emulate Jesus the way that she has taught so many.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
The Race
Ezekiel 27:1-28:26
"Because you are proud, you say, "I am a god. I sit on the throne of a god in the middle of the seas." You think you are as wise as a god, but you are a human, not a god....You became too proud because of your beauty. You ruined your wisdom because of your greatness. I threw you to the ground. Your example taught a lesson to other kings." (Ezekiel 28:1,17)
These chapters consist of a funeral song for the city of Tyre which will be destroyed as well as this prophecy against the king. In the winners circle, on the podium, it's often hard to be humble... but there is something about races that instill in me great humility. First of all, I'm not very fast. :o)
Runners know that in long races (often marathons), it's customary to have "a rabbit" who starts pushes the pace and runs ahead of the group, encouraging them to proceed at a faster pace. While the "rabbit" may not continue the whole race at least at that neck-breaking pace, it's still amazing to marvel at the speed. The "rabbit" in a very real way helps the very first runner to achieve their place on that podium. And so it is with everything in life: graduation from college- a great deal of credit goes to our teachers, a new job- perhaps due to connections from friends, etc. We all would do good to recognize that there is one God. The rest of the team just tries to "keep up the pace."
Psalm 129:1-4
"They have treated me badly all my life. (Let Israel repeat this.) They have treated me badly all my life, but they have not defeated me." (Psalm 129:1-2)
Defeat stinks! Arriving at the finish line after "pulling the meat wagon" for the last 3 miles... able to sprint the last 200 and not leaving it all on the finish line. (This is all hypothetical, of course...nothing to do with the 1/2 marathon I just ran. ;o) Even worse is not finishing at all, suffering an injury (shin splints, stress fractures, pain). Still, just finishing is an accomplishment, and so is even starting. Runners know that most of the work involved in racing occurs before the actual race day.
Defeat and suffering are a very real part of our lives- illness, death, loss (of a job, of a loved one, of love), etc. Yet, the ultimate victory belongs to the Christian whose eternal prize awaits in heaven... an eternity with our savior. While we love to see the Bible all "cor de rosa," it's actually much more real than we paint it. God doesn't ignore the fact that we will suffer, but God promises that "in the long run" (hehe), we will not be defeated.
Hebrews 12:1-29
"We are surrounded by a great cloud of people whose lives tell us what faith means. So let us run the race that is before us and never give up. We should remove from our lives anything that would get in the way and the sin that so easily holds us back." (Hebrews 12:1)
This is another of my favorite verses. I know, I'm always saying that, but it's always true. No wonder they call it "the Good Book." I firmly believe that the race of life is a marathon, not a 5o yard dash. Now, all sprinters can clearly call out my bias here, as I admit to being a seasoned distance runner. But, to me it makes sense.
Let's just take a look at this beautiful verse. The bond of all my amazing friends on the cross country team is similar to the great cloud of people (some versions say witnesses) that encourage me in my spiritual race in the manner of their living. Also, race is singular. There is one goal, one prize, and we are to never give up. While it's possible to hobble through a 50 yard race, distance runners know the part of the race where you "hit the wall" and start to wonder... "Why am I doing this again? Why can't I stop?" Living a Christian life clearly presents its challenges along the road... making moral decisions about who you will love and accept, giving a little more (love, time, energy, money) away, living and following Christ's call (as opposed to the most advantageous job offer). "Getting rid of things that hold us back" is another reason I felt so closely connected to my running friends who general tend to have more healthy, productive lifestyles. As Christians, there are habits (sins) that need to be kicked (malicious gossip, prideful boasting, insert your own struggle here). Without the burden of these sins, the runner/Christian is set on "the fast track." ;o) So, among other things, Hebrews appears to say that Christians (like runners) need a to be surrounded by a community of believers, continue with perseverance, and turn from sin in order to "keep on keeping on."
Ezekiel 27:1-28:26
"Because you are proud, you say, "I am a god. I sit on the throne of a god in the middle of the seas." You think you are as wise as a god, but you are a human, not a god....You became too proud because of your beauty. You ruined your wisdom because of your greatness. I threw you to the ground. Your example taught a lesson to other kings." (Ezekiel 28:1,17)
These chapters consist of a funeral song for the city of Tyre which will be destroyed as well as this prophecy against the king. In the winners circle, on the podium, it's often hard to be humble... but there is something about races that instill in me great humility. First of all, I'm not very fast. :o)
Runners know that in long races (often marathons), it's customary to have "a rabbit" who starts pushes the pace and runs ahead of the group, encouraging them to proceed at a faster pace. While the "rabbit" may not continue the whole race at least at that neck-breaking pace, it's still amazing to marvel at the speed. The "rabbit" in a very real way helps the very first runner to achieve their place on that podium. And so it is with everything in life: graduation from college- a great deal of credit goes to our teachers, a new job- perhaps due to connections from friends, etc. We all would do good to recognize that there is one God. The rest of the team just tries to "keep up the pace."
Psalm 129:1-4
"They have treated me badly all my life. (Let Israel repeat this.) They have treated me badly all my life, but they have not defeated me." (Psalm 129:1-2)
Defeat stinks! Arriving at the finish line after "pulling the meat wagon" for the last 3 miles... able to sprint the last 200 and not leaving it all on the finish line. (This is all hypothetical, of course...nothing to do with the 1/2 marathon I just ran. ;o) Even worse is not finishing at all, suffering an injury (shin splints, stress fractures, pain). Still, just finishing is an accomplishment, and so is even starting. Runners know that most of the work involved in racing occurs before the actual race day.
Defeat and suffering are a very real part of our lives- illness, death, loss (of a job, of a loved one, of love), etc. Yet, the ultimate victory belongs to the Christian whose eternal prize awaits in heaven... an eternity with our savior. While we love to see the Bible all "cor de rosa," it's actually much more real than we paint it. God doesn't ignore the fact that we will suffer, but God promises that "in the long run" (hehe), we will not be defeated.
Hebrews 12:1-29
"We are surrounded by a great cloud of people whose lives tell us what faith means. So let us run the race that is before us and never give up. We should remove from our lives anything that would get in the way and the sin that so easily holds us back." (Hebrews 12:1)
This is another of my favorite verses. I know, I'm always saying that, but it's always true. No wonder they call it "the Good Book." I firmly believe that the race of life is a marathon, not a 5o yard dash. Now, all sprinters can clearly call out my bias here, as I admit to being a seasoned distance runner. But, to me it makes sense.
Let's just take a look at this beautiful verse. The bond of all my amazing friends on the cross country team is similar to the great cloud of people (some versions say witnesses) that encourage me in my spiritual race in the manner of their living. Also, race is singular. There is one goal, one prize, and we are to never give up. While it's possible to hobble through a 50 yard race, distance runners know the part of the race where you "hit the wall" and start to wonder... "Why am I doing this again? Why can't I stop?" Living a Christian life clearly presents its challenges along the road... making moral decisions about who you will love and accept, giving a little more (love, time, energy, money) away, living and following Christ's call (as opposed to the most advantageous job offer). "Getting rid of things that hold us back" is another reason I felt so closely connected to my running friends who general tend to have more healthy, productive lifestyles. As Christians, there are habits (sins) that need to be kicked (malicious gossip, prideful boasting, insert your own struggle here). Without the burden of these sins, the runner/Christian is set on "the fast track." ;o) So, among other things, Hebrews appears to say that Christians (like runners) need a to be surrounded by a community of believers, continue with perseverance, and turn from sin in order to "keep on keeping on."
Monday, November 17, 2008
There's No Place Like Home
Ezekiel 25:1-26:21
"I will make you an empty city, like cities that have no people living in them." (Ezekiel 26:19)
When I think of home, I envision a place of comfort, safety, security, familiarity and most of all- unconditional love. For this reason, my home is where my family is. To have your sense of home taken from you is a fate I hope to never know firsthand. After reading Ezekiel for several weeks now, I am convinced that this book reveals the clear importance of obeying the Lord if any does. Sometimes I wonder in what ways I am like these people, for I am not naive enough to believe that I do not commit some of these same errors. Lord teach me the errors of my ways as I listen attentively to You.
Psalm 128:1-6
"Happy are those who respect the Lord and obey him. You will enjoy what you work for, and you will be blessed with good things." (Psalm 126:1-2)
A friend of mine in Boston, when I was volunteering with the Fellside Branch of the Gould Farm program, often puzzled over why I was so happy all the time. She eventually decided it was because of the endorphins released in my constant running. While a part of me would like to agree and encourage everyone to start running, I realize this is not the whole truth and perhaps not even true at all. At one point I was running more than ever, and I was the most unhappy I had ever been.
If not running, then why would I have this happiness? First I'd like to replace happiness with contentment, since happiness seems to imply the selfish seeking out of pleasures in today's society. Contentment on the other hand is a broader, more satisfied and grounded characteristic that doesn't change with each fleeting moment and circumstance. I am certain in my heart that this contentment is one of the many blessings the Lord has showered upon me. It is this very sense of contentment that has helped me to feel at home in so many very different places. May I continue to respect and obey you, Lord, and in so doing fully experience the extent of your blessings.
Hebrews 11:17-40
"The world was not good enough for them!" (Hebrews 11:38)
While God does bless His children, not everyone lives a charmed life. This chapter of Hebrews outlines the many trials and difficulties faced by many devoted Christians. Yet when we come into dark times of tragedy and downfalls, it is good to remember where our hope lies. This world is not all there is. We have hope in a life that is yet to come. Our true hope and home await us in heaven.
Ezekiel 25:1-26:21
"I will make you an empty city, like cities that have no people living in them." (Ezekiel 26:19)
When I think of home, I envision a place of comfort, safety, security, familiarity and most of all- unconditional love. For this reason, my home is where my family is. To have your sense of home taken from you is a fate I hope to never know firsthand. After reading Ezekiel for several weeks now, I am convinced that this book reveals the clear importance of obeying the Lord if any does. Sometimes I wonder in what ways I am like these people, for I am not naive enough to believe that I do not commit some of these same errors. Lord teach me the errors of my ways as I listen attentively to You.
Psalm 128:1-6
"Happy are those who respect the Lord and obey him. You will enjoy what you work for, and you will be blessed with good things." (Psalm 126:1-2)
A friend of mine in Boston, when I was volunteering with the Fellside Branch of the Gould Farm program, often puzzled over why I was so happy all the time. She eventually decided it was because of the endorphins released in my constant running. While a part of me would like to agree and encourage everyone to start running, I realize this is not the whole truth and perhaps not even true at all. At one point I was running more than ever, and I was the most unhappy I had ever been.
If not running, then why would I have this happiness? First I'd like to replace happiness with contentment, since happiness seems to imply the selfish seeking out of pleasures in today's society. Contentment on the other hand is a broader, more satisfied and grounded characteristic that doesn't change with each fleeting moment and circumstance. I am certain in my heart that this contentment is one of the many blessings the Lord has showered upon me. It is this very sense of contentment that has helped me to feel at home in so many very different places. May I continue to respect and obey you, Lord, and in so doing fully experience the extent of your blessings.
Hebrews 11:17-40
"The world was not good enough for them!" (Hebrews 11:38)
While God does bless His children, not everyone lives a charmed life. This chapter of Hebrews outlines the many trials and difficulties faced by many devoted Christians. Yet when we come into dark times of tragedy and downfalls, it is good to remember where our hope lies. This world is not all there is. We have hope in a life that is yet to come. Our true hope and home await us in heaven.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
You Gotta Have Faith
In God's Power
Ezekiel 21:1-22:31
"I will put you together and make you feel the heat of my anger. You will be melted down inside Jerusalem. As silver is melted in a furnace, you will be melted inside the city. Then you will know that I, the Lord, have poured out my anger on you." (Ezekiel 22:21-22)
Last night Lise's father came to GCF and told us some stories about his life, but what I took from it was the need for stories that don't necessarily have happy endings. We all have them, and the Bible is full of them. But those aren't the stories we tell or share or remember. Yet they are so important- a valid and important part of our true lives. And so it is here in Ezekiel spelled out time and again how the people are disobeying and doing all sorts of sinful things. God needs to change things through some pretty 'authoritarian' parenting techniques, pouring out His anger to make sure the people "will know that [He is] the Lord" who has all power.
In God's Goodness
Psalm 126:1-6
"When the Lord brought the prisoners back to Jerusalem, it seemed as if we were dreaming. Then we were filled with laughter, and we sang happy songs. Then the other nations said, 'The Lord has done great things for them.' The Lord has done great things for us and we are very glad." (Psalm 126:1-3)
Yet, God does not just demonstrate His power in strict punishments in the old testament. There are also the blessings. I know that I should be filled with laughter and happy songs and abundant joy every day, because I have been so blessed- with wonderful classes, with this opportunity to teach and study, with wonderful friends and family, with so many experiences and family and friends throughout the world. Maybe upon looking at my life others may say, "The Lord has done great things for you, Katie." And it is so true and "I praise the Lord for the great things he has done for me and I am very glad."
In God's Promises
Hebrews 10:19-39
"And since we have a great priest over God's house, let us come near to God with a sincere heart and a sure faith, because we have been made free from a guilty conscience, and our bodies have been washed with pure water. Let us hold firmly to the hope that we have confessed, because we can trust God to do what he promised." (Hebrews 10:21-23)
Not only has God blessed me here on earth, but despite sometimes tragic stories in my life, I have the ultimate happy ending. God promises me freedom from a guilty conscience, as I believe Jesus' sacrifice for my sins... that has washed me with "pure water." Lord, may I live with a sincere heart and a sure faith as I praise your promises and await my happily ever after in Your house, oh God.
Ezekiel 21:1-22:31
"I will put you together and make you feel the heat of my anger. You will be melted down inside Jerusalem. As silver is melted in a furnace, you will be melted inside the city. Then you will know that I, the Lord, have poured out my anger on you." (Ezekiel 22:21-22)
Last night Lise's father came to GCF and told us some stories about his life, but what I took from it was the need for stories that don't necessarily have happy endings. We all have them, and the Bible is full of them. But those aren't the stories we tell or share or remember. Yet they are so important- a valid and important part of our true lives. And so it is here in Ezekiel spelled out time and again how the people are disobeying and doing all sorts of sinful things. God needs to change things through some pretty 'authoritarian' parenting techniques, pouring out His anger to make sure the people "will know that [He is] the Lord" who has all power.
In God's Goodness
Psalm 126:1-6
"When the Lord brought the prisoners back to Jerusalem, it seemed as if we were dreaming. Then we were filled with laughter, and we sang happy songs. Then the other nations said, 'The Lord has done great things for them.' The Lord has done great things for us and we are very glad." (Psalm 126:1-3)
Yet, God does not just demonstrate His power in strict punishments in the old testament. There are also the blessings. I know that I should be filled with laughter and happy songs and abundant joy every day, because I have been so blessed- with wonderful classes, with this opportunity to teach and study, with wonderful friends and family, with so many experiences and family and friends throughout the world. Maybe upon looking at my life others may say, "The Lord has done great things for you, Katie." And it is so true and "I praise the Lord for the great things he has done for me and I am very glad."
In God's Promises
Hebrews 10:19-39
"And since we have a great priest over God's house, let us come near to God with a sincere heart and a sure faith, because we have been made free from a guilty conscience, and our bodies have been washed with pure water. Let us hold firmly to the hope that we have confessed, because we can trust God to do what he promised." (Hebrews 10:21-23)
Not only has God blessed me here on earth, but despite sometimes tragic stories in my life, I have the ultimate happy ending. God promises me freedom from a guilty conscience, as I believe Jesus' sacrifice for my sins... that has washed me with "pure water." Lord, may I live with a sincere heart and a sure faith as I praise your promises and await my happily ever after in Your house, oh God.
Friday, November 14, 2008
God Accepts Me...
When I've Sinned
Ezekiel 19:1-20:49
"On my holy mountain, the high mountain of Israel, all Israel will serve me in the land, says the Lord God. There I will accept you. There I will expect your offerings, the first harvest of your offerings, and all your holy gifts. I will accept you like the pleasing smell of sacrifices when I bring you out from the foreign nations and gather you from the lands when you are scattered. Then through you I will show how holy I am so the nations will see." (Ezekiel 20:40-41)
"God is good." "All the time." "All the time." "God is good." This familiar response seems to be echoed in this passage of scripture. The people of Israel continue to sin and worship false gods and idols, but God is true and faithful to His promises. He recognizes that they will later listen to him, and he will accept them back. Despite their sin and hateful ways, God will accept their service and offerings "like the pleasing smell of sacrifices." It reminds me of the parable of the Prodigal Son, and I believe we all have a little of him in us. To me this verse is all too real and beautiful. Lord, thank You for accepting me back into Your loving arms.
When I'm Good
Psalm 125:1-5
"Lord, be good to those who are good, whose hearts are honest." (Psalm 125:4)
God loves all of His children just the same, with the same abounding love. I think this is sometimes difficult for "good" Christians to truly internalize. In some way, "holier than thou" Christians seem to believe that... well, they're a little higher up on Jacob's ladder, because well, they are "good" and "honest." In fact, it may just seem unfair that they've put in all the time and these newbies get all the same benefits.
Let's think back to the Prodigal Son. The brother certainly had some jealousy issues, and though we don't enjoy likening ourselves to him... I believe sometimes we find ourselves in that position. But it's important to recognize that God doesn't not shower His blessings on us, but God extends His blessings to all. To the good, God will still be good. The difference is we have an amazingly loving God who is good to all of His children.
Now and Always
Hebrews 9:23-10:18
"And because of this, we are made holy through the sacrifice Christ made in his body once and for all time." (Hebrews 10:10)
No, there is none righteous,
Not one who understands.
There is none who seek God,
No not one, no not one.
I am thankful that I'm incapable
Of doing any good on my own. (lyrics from "Thankful" by Caedmon's Call, Psalm 14:2-3)
I've always loved this song, humbly reminding me why we need a savior. There is no way that we can do enough good deeds, because however good we are it is insufficient. Only Christ can make us holy through His sacrifice on the cross. Lord, I sit in awe of the gift of forgiveness granted to me offered to me through Jesus' death on the cross... which saves me from my sins and makes me holy year after year.
Ezekiel 19:1-20:49
"On my holy mountain, the high mountain of Israel, all Israel will serve me in the land, says the Lord God. There I will accept you. There I will expect your offerings, the first harvest of your offerings, and all your holy gifts. I will accept you like the pleasing smell of sacrifices when I bring you out from the foreign nations and gather you from the lands when you are scattered. Then through you I will show how holy I am so the nations will see." (Ezekiel 20:40-41)
"God is good." "All the time." "All the time." "God is good." This familiar response seems to be echoed in this passage of scripture. The people of Israel continue to sin and worship false gods and idols, but God is true and faithful to His promises. He recognizes that they will later listen to him, and he will accept them back. Despite their sin and hateful ways, God will accept their service and offerings "like the pleasing smell of sacrifices." It reminds me of the parable of the Prodigal Son, and I believe we all have a little of him in us. To me this verse is all too real and beautiful. Lord, thank You for accepting me back into Your loving arms.
When I'm Good
Psalm 125:1-5
"Lord, be good to those who are good, whose hearts are honest." (Psalm 125:4)
God loves all of His children just the same, with the same abounding love. I think this is sometimes difficult for "good" Christians to truly internalize. In some way, "holier than thou" Christians seem to believe that... well, they're a little higher up on Jacob's ladder, because well, they are "good" and "honest." In fact, it may just seem unfair that they've put in all the time and these newbies get all the same benefits.
Let's think back to the Prodigal Son. The brother certainly had some jealousy issues, and though we don't enjoy likening ourselves to him... I believe sometimes we find ourselves in that position. But it's important to recognize that God doesn't not shower His blessings on us, but God extends His blessings to all. To the good, God will still be good. The difference is we have an amazingly loving God who is good to all of His children.
Now and Always
Hebrews 9:23-10:18
"And because of this, we are made holy through the sacrifice Christ made in his body once and for all time." (Hebrews 10:10)
No, there is none righteous,
Not one who understands.
There is none who seek God,
No not one, no not one.
I am thankful that I'm incapable
Of doing any good on my own. (lyrics from "Thankful" by Caedmon's Call, Psalm 14:2-3)
I've always loved this song, humbly reminding me why we need a savior. There is no way that we can do enough good deeds, because however good we are it is insufficient. Only Christ can make us holy through His sacrifice on the cross. Lord, I sit in awe of the gift of forgiveness granted to me offered to me through Jesus' death on the cross... which saves me from my sins and makes me holy year after year.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
God Gives Us...
Ezekiel 17:1-18:32
"Get rid of all the sins you have done, and get for yourselves a new heart and a new way of thinking. Why do you want to die, people of Israel? I do not want anyone to die, says the Lord God, so change your hearts and lives so you may live." (Ezekiel 18:31-32)
In this passage, God tells Ezekiel that He will not judge parents based on their children's sins nor children based on their parents sins. I bet my parents are relieved at this one. ;o) Even moreso, God expresses a sincere desire for the people to change their ways ("change [their] hearts") in order to live. God doesn't want us to suffer and die, to forfeit all of the blessings the Lord has to offer us. God wants us to change and follow Him. Your love, oh Lord, is so perfect. Thank You for wanting the best for me and encouraging me. Just like the song, I pray, "Change My Heart, O God."
Psalm 124:1-8
"What if the Lord had not been on our side? (Let Israel repeat this.) What if the Lord had not been on our side when we were attacked?" (Psalm 124:1-2)
More and more I am learning that apart from Jesus, I can do nothing, but with Christ I can do all things. If God isn't "on my side" in a certain endeavor, it becomes painfully clear. It's happened before (when I took the job at CB), and I could tell that for some unexplained reasons my soul cries out. In today's society I don't quite feel "attacked," but some people certainly feel I'm strange or different. It's true... I am. Perhaps people even find it strange that I have a daily devotion time, go to GCF or church on Sunday mornings. Whatever the world may think doesn't matter because God is "on our side."
Hebrews 9:1-22
"For this reason Christ brings a new agreement from God to his people. Those who are called by God can now receive the blessings he has promised, blessings that will last forever. They can have those things because Christ died so that the people who lived under the first agreement could be set free from sin." (Hebrews 9:15)
This passage outlines the need for a blood sacrifice for sins. Abel was the first to recognize this need for atonement, but others followed him. But, Lord, I praise Your name for the miraculous gift You have offered to me- a new agreement in which Christ has already offered the sacrifice and set us free from sin with the blood spilt on the cross. I am so unworthy of this gift- these "blessings that will last forever," but that's what makes it grace. God's grace is not something that can be earned but is a blessing given freely by my all-compassionate Father in heaven. All the glory be to Your name, oh Lord, for Your indescribable grace.
Ezekiel 17:1-18:32
"Get rid of all the sins you have done, and get for yourselves a new heart and a new way of thinking. Why do you want to die, people of Israel? I do not want anyone to die, says the Lord God, so change your hearts and lives so you may live." (Ezekiel 18:31-32)
In this passage, God tells Ezekiel that He will not judge parents based on their children's sins nor children based on their parents sins. I bet my parents are relieved at this one. ;o) Even moreso, God expresses a sincere desire for the people to change their ways ("change [their] hearts") in order to live. God doesn't want us to suffer and die, to forfeit all of the blessings the Lord has to offer us. God wants us to change and follow Him. Your love, oh Lord, is so perfect. Thank You for wanting the best for me and encouraging me. Just like the song, I pray, "Change My Heart, O God."
Psalm 124:1-8
"What if the Lord had not been on our side? (Let Israel repeat this.) What if the Lord had not been on our side when we were attacked?" (Psalm 124:1-2)
More and more I am learning that apart from Jesus, I can do nothing, but with Christ I can do all things. If God isn't "on my side" in a certain endeavor, it becomes painfully clear. It's happened before (when I took the job at CB), and I could tell that for some unexplained reasons my soul cries out. In today's society I don't quite feel "attacked," but some people certainly feel I'm strange or different. It's true... I am. Perhaps people even find it strange that I have a daily devotion time, go to GCF or church on Sunday mornings. Whatever the world may think doesn't matter because God is "on our side."
Hebrews 9:1-22
"For this reason Christ brings a new agreement from God to his people. Those who are called by God can now receive the blessings he has promised, blessings that will last forever. They can have those things because Christ died so that the people who lived under the first agreement could be set free from sin." (Hebrews 9:15)
This passage outlines the need for a blood sacrifice for sins. Abel was the first to recognize this need for atonement, but others followed him. But, Lord, I praise Your name for the miraculous gift You have offered to me- a new agreement in which Christ has already offered the sacrifice and set us free from sin with the blood spilt on the cross. I am so unworthy of this gift- these "blessings that will last forever," but that's what makes it grace. God's grace is not something that can be earned but is a blessing given freely by my all-compassionate Father in heaven. All the glory be to Your name, oh Lord, for Your indescribable grace.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Mercy Me
God Keeps His Promises
Ezekiel 15:1-16:63
"But I will remember my agreement I made with you when you were young and I will make an agreement that will continue forever with you." (Ezekiel 16:60)
This passage of text compares the city of Jerusalem to a young innocent girl who grows into a prostitute who "trusts in her beauty." Those who know me would laugh flat out at me comparing myself to a prostitute, but just as Jerusalem, I am a sinner. Lord, forgive me for not always putting You first in my life, for forgetting to look for opportunities to serve You and Your people, help me as I try to follow You more closely and so doing appreciate Your promise given to me through Jesus.
God is Dependable
Psalm 123:1-4
"Lord, I look upward to you, you who live in heaven. Slaves depend on their masters, and a female servant depends on his mistress. In the same way, we depend on the Lord our God; we wait for him to show us mercy." (Psalm 123:1-3)
I think the examples here are not chosen by coincidence. The relationship in both circumstances is not only one of dependence as trust but also obedience. The slaves need to follow what their master demands. To me this suggests that depending upon the Lord means following His ways as we wait for His mercy. God, I need Your mercy every morning, for sins of commission and omission, sins I may not even recognize. Forgive my unknowing errors, Lord, and help me to trust and obey Your will for my life always.
God Doesn't Remember
Hebrews 8:1-13
"I will forgive them for the wicked things they did, and I will not remember their sins anymore." (Hebrews 8:12)
Forgive and forget... so the saying goes, but do we ever really? So many times people will be in an argument and at that moment choose to bring up, "Well remember when you...?" Most often it is something that person has offered to "forgive," but bringing it up (especially in a circumstance designed to hurt that other person) shows it hasn't really been forgiven... or at least that it hasn't been forgotten.
God, on the other hand, "forgets" our sins. He won't bring it up, remind us of our downfalls, that time when I hurt someone's feelings, the wound I didn't mend, the stranger I passed by on the street, the visit I didn't make, the letter that went unwritten, etc. When I think of myself, I find it ever amazing that God extends His abounding mercy to a sinner like me. I have fallen short so many times: Lord, You forget it all.
Ezekiel 15:1-16:63
"But I will remember my agreement I made with you when you were young and I will make an agreement that will continue forever with you." (Ezekiel 16:60)
This passage of text compares the city of Jerusalem to a young innocent girl who grows into a prostitute who "trusts in her beauty." Those who know me would laugh flat out at me comparing myself to a prostitute, but just as Jerusalem, I am a sinner. Lord, forgive me for not always putting You first in my life, for forgetting to look for opportunities to serve You and Your people, help me as I try to follow You more closely and so doing appreciate Your promise given to me through Jesus.
God is Dependable
Psalm 123:1-4
"Lord, I look upward to you, you who live in heaven. Slaves depend on their masters, and a female servant depends on his mistress. In the same way, we depend on the Lord our God; we wait for him to show us mercy." (Psalm 123:1-3)
I think the examples here are not chosen by coincidence. The relationship in both circumstances is not only one of dependence as trust but also obedience. The slaves need to follow what their master demands. To me this suggests that depending upon the Lord means following His ways as we wait for His mercy. God, I need Your mercy every morning, for sins of commission and omission, sins I may not even recognize. Forgive my unknowing errors, Lord, and help me to trust and obey Your will for my life always.
God Doesn't Remember
Hebrews 8:1-13
"I will forgive them for the wicked things they did, and I will not remember their sins anymore." (Hebrews 8:12)
Forgive and forget... so the saying goes, but do we ever really? So many times people will be in an argument and at that moment choose to bring up, "Well remember when you...?" Most often it is something that person has offered to "forgive," but bringing it up (especially in a circumstance designed to hurt that other person) shows it hasn't really been forgiven... or at least that it hasn't been forgotten.
God, on the other hand, "forgets" our sins. He won't bring it up, remind us of our downfalls, that time when I hurt someone's feelings, the wound I didn't mend, the stranger I passed by on the street, the visit I didn't make, the letter that went unwritten, etc. When I think of myself, I find it ever amazing that God extends His abounding mercy to a sinner like me. I have fallen short so many times: Lord, You forget it all.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
I Hope...
To Be God's People
Ezekiel 13:1-14:23
"Then the nation of Israel will not leave me anymore or make themselves unclean anymore with all their sins. They will be my people, and I will be their God, says the Lord God." (Ezekiel 14:11)
The Lord promises to destroy the false prophets who proclaim peace when there is none and take a weak wall and cover it with whitewash. God vows to save His people from this deception so that they may sin no more, so that they may return to God. Lord, help me to turn from "false prophets" and follow You and Your word, because You are my God, oh Lord.
For Peace
Psalm 122:6-9
"Pray for peace in Jerusalem: 'May those who love her be safe. May there be peace within her walls and safety within her strong towers.' To help my relatives and friends, I say, 'Let Jerusalem have peace.' For the sake of the Temple of the Lord our God, I wish good for her." (Psalm 122:6-9)
Lord, I must remember every day to pray for peace in this world... a broad sense of peace. May this world be without war and preventable deaths killing so many dreams every second. May children be safe to play outside without their parents fearing their safety. May my friends in the favelas be freed from the violence of a life without basic needs being met. May those in tough neighborhoods not face the horrors of drugs and all the violence it causes. Only You, oh Lord, can grant the peace that we are lacking in this world. Teach me in the ways of peace that I may reflect your goodness in the world, for the sake of your house, God.
To Come Near to God
Hebrews 7:1-28
"But now a better hope has been given to us, and with this hope we can come near to God." (Hebrews 7:19)
With the many places I have been, the hardships I have felt and experienced alongside friends, it is often a wonder that I can remain somewhat optimistic and idealistic. The distraught situation of a world with the aforementioned problems would naturally lead to a cynical disposition. Yet, "my hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness" ("My Hope is Built"). It reminds me of my students singing the Dixie Chix song, "I Hope," in a special service about peace one Sunday. I love Your hope, Lord, which brings me closer to You... may I live to share this sweet message of Your better hope to an often seemingly hopeless world.
Ezekiel 13:1-14:23
"Then the nation of Israel will not leave me anymore or make themselves unclean anymore with all their sins. They will be my people, and I will be their God, says the Lord God." (Ezekiel 14:11)
The Lord promises to destroy the false prophets who proclaim peace when there is none and take a weak wall and cover it with whitewash. God vows to save His people from this deception so that they may sin no more, so that they may return to God. Lord, help me to turn from "false prophets" and follow You and Your word, because You are my God, oh Lord.
For Peace
Psalm 122:6-9
"Pray for peace in Jerusalem: 'May those who love her be safe. May there be peace within her walls and safety within her strong towers.' To help my relatives and friends, I say, 'Let Jerusalem have peace.' For the sake of the Temple of the Lord our God, I wish good for her." (Psalm 122:6-9)
Lord, I must remember every day to pray for peace in this world... a broad sense of peace. May this world be without war and preventable deaths killing so many dreams every second. May children be safe to play outside without their parents fearing their safety. May my friends in the favelas be freed from the violence of a life without basic needs being met. May those in tough neighborhoods not face the horrors of drugs and all the violence it causes. Only You, oh Lord, can grant the peace that we are lacking in this world. Teach me in the ways of peace that I may reflect your goodness in the world, for the sake of your house, God.
To Come Near to God
Hebrews 7:1-28
"But now a better hope has been given to us, and with this hope we can come near to God." (Hebrews 7:19)
With the many places I have been, the hardships I have felt and experienced alongside friends, it is often a wonder that I can remain somewhat optimistic and idealistic. The distraught situation of a world with the aforementioned problems would naturally lead to a cynical disposition. Yet, "my hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness" ("My Hope is Built"). It reminds me of my students singing the Dixie Chix song, "I Hope," in a special service about peace one Sunday. I love Your hope, Lord, which brings me closer to You... may I live to share this sweet message of Your better hope to an often seemingly hopeless world.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Growing Up
A New Way of Thinking
Ezekiel 11:1-12:28
"I will give them a desire to respect me completely, and I will put inside them a new way of thinking. I will take out the stubborn heart of stone from their bodies, and I will give them an obedient heart of flesh. Then they will live by my rules and obey my laws and keep them. They will be my people, and I will be their God." (Ezekiel 11:19-20)
In so many ways I need a renewed way of thinking, a more obedient heart of flesh. And while I have a very great desire to respect You, Lord, I find myself always falling short. Please renew my thinking and teach my heart how to always be obedient to Your ways, my God. Thank you for helping me along the path to spiritual maturity as I seek always to do Your will which is always to Your glory and honor.
Psalm 122:1-5
"I was happy when they said to me, "Let's go to the Temple of the Lord." (Psalm 122:1)
Lord, I know that some people really don't understand that I am happy... that I adore every moment that I spend reflecting on You. At church, Bible Study, GCF, this time every morning in your presence... I cannot help but be so very thankful for this gift, a personal relationship with my Lord and Savior. And during this time I spend with Your Word, in prayer, in meditation, in fellowship helps me to grow spiritually. I am always happy to go to Your house and to be in Your presence, Lord God.
More Lessons
Hebrews 5:11-6:20
"So let us go on to grown-up teaching. Let us not go back over the beginning lessons we learned about Christ." (Hebrews 6:1)
As I learn to know You more and more each day, Lord, help me to continue to follow Your steps more closely. My spiritual life should not look the same year after year, if I am sincere in growing in You. May I learn to pray more, without ceasing... remember petition, thanksgiving, and repentance. And give a greater amount with greater joy- both in money, time, energy and talents. Teach me how to serve and be loyal to Your church. And lead me always in studying the Bible... help me to understand, for I know that my understanding is so little. Like a child standing up to a wall chart, help me to grow each day as I follow You, Lord.
Ezekiel 11:1-12:28
"I will give them a desire to respect me completely, and I will put inside them a new way of thinking. I will take out the stubborn heart of stone from their bodies, and I will give them an obedient heart of flesh. Then they will live by my rules and obey my laws and keep them. They will be my people, and I will be their God." (Ezekiel 11:19-20)
In so many ways I need a renewed way of thinking, a more obedient heart of flesh. And while I have a very great desire to respect You, Lord, I find myself always falling short. Please renew my thinking and teach my heart how to always be obedient to Your ways, my God. Thank you for helping me along the path to spiritual maturity as I seek always to do Your will which is always to Your glory and honor.
Psalm 122:1-5
"I was happy when they said to me, "Let's go to the Temple of the Lord." (Psalm 122:1)
Lord, I know that some people really don't understand that I am happy... that I adore every moment that I spend reflecting on You. At church, Bible Study, GCF, this time every morning in your presence... I cannot help but be so very thankful for this gift, a personal relationship with my Lord and Savior. And during this time I spend with Your Word, in prayer, in meditation, in fellowship helps me to grow spiritually. I am always happy to go to Your house and to be in Your presence, Lord God.
More Lessons
Hebrews 5:11-6:20
"So let us go on to grown-up teaching. Let us not go back over the beginning lessons we learned about Christ." (Hebrews 6:1)
As I learn to know You more and more each day, Lord, help me to continue to follow Your steps more closely. My spiritual life should not look the same year after year, if I am sincere in growing in You. May I learn to pray more, without ceasing... remember petition, thanksgiving, and repentance. And give a greater amount with greater joy- both in money, time, energy and talents. Teach me how to serve and be loyal to Your church. And lead me always in studying the Bible... help me to understand, for I know that my understanding is so little. Like a child standing up to a wall chart, help me to grow each day as I follow You, Lord.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Where Does My Help Come From?
God Hears Me
Ezekiel 9:1-10:22
"He said to the man, 'Go through Jerusalem and put a mark on the foreheads of the people who groan and cry about all the hateful things being done among them.'" (Ezekiel 9:4)
In Ezekiel's vision, right before the city of Jerusalem is destroyed, God commands the angels to mark all those who groan and cry about what is going on. Despite the way the city had turned away from God, the Lord heard the cries of His people who were yet trying to follow Him. This gives me hope in a world where so many have gone off the track. Although I may feel that my still small voice is quelled beneath the shouts of the worldiness, I know that my God hears my cries, my voice praying for help to guide me in His ways.
God Protects Me
Psalm 121:1-8
I look up to the hills, but where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.
He will not let you be defeated. He who guards you never sleeps.
He who guards Israel never rests or sleeps.
The Lord guards you. The Lord is the shade that protects you from the sun.
The sun cannot hurt you during the day, and the moon cannot hurt you at night.
The Lord will protect you from all dangers; he will guard your life.
The Lord will guard you as you come and go, both now and forever. (Psalm 121:1-8)
This is one of my very favorite verses... the comforting assurance of God's help. As we learned today in Sunday School, we cannot turn to the world to solve our problems. We will only be disappointed. Our help "comes from the Lord." God saves me, makes me victorious, guards me, protects me... and all of this shows how very much that God loves me.
Lord, this evening I do not cry out for help for myself but for my various brothers and sisters- Kara (that you may lay your comforting healing hand upon her), the Nunez family (that you may bless them and help them see your plan for the next step in their lives- here or back in Mexico), Brad (that he may have a safe trip down to Brazil and that you protect him while he is there), Jerry (that he may continue to have a wonderful experience in the DR, filled with your presence), and for all my wonderful family and friends, near and far that are all here in my heart this evening. Please watch over all of these, your children.
God Helps Me
Hebrews 4:14-5:10
"While Jesus lived on earth, he prayed to God and asked God for help. He prayed with loud cries and tears to the One who could save him from death, and his prayer was heard because he trusted God." (Hebrews 5:7)
Jesus set the example for how I must strive to live my life, and if Jesus prayed to God asking for help, how much more should I ask for help. Praying for help demonstrates that I trust God completely and also that I acknowledge God's all-consuming power to help in every instance.
I remember a story I heard once about how we should pray to God and completely trust God's faithfulness:
There was a terrible drought in the midwest, and all the farmers had gathered outside for a prayer meeting to pray that God would bring rain.
The preacher exclaimed, "You have to have faith for your prayers to be answered. Do you believe that God's going to send us rain?"
The crowd answered an enthusiastic, "Yes!"
"Do you really believe it?"
"With your whole heart?"
"Then I have a question for you. Where are your umberellas?"
A cute story that can't be applied to every instance. There are certainly many people who have prayed for healing with the greatest faith I have ever seen. And only God knows why certain things happen or don't. Yet, to me this story is very real. Too often I am praying for rain without an umberella, or peace while running around like crazy, etc. Lord, may I pray to you for help, trusting that You hear me and can help me.
Ezekiel 9:1-10:22
"He said to the man, 'Go through Jerusalem and put a mark on the foreheads of the people who groan and cry about all the hateful things being done among them.'" (Ezekiel 9:4)
In Ezekiel's vision, right before the city of Jerusalem is destroyed, God commands the angels to mark all those who groan and cry about what is going on. Despite the way the city had turned away from God, the Lord heard the cries of His people who were yet trying to follow Him. This gives me hope in a world where so many have gone off the track. Although I may feel that my still small voice is quelled beneath the shouts of the worldiness, I know that my God hears my cries, my voice praying for help to guide me in His ways.
God Protects Me
Psalm 121:1-8
I look up to the hills, but where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.
He will not let you be defeated. He who guards you never sleeps.
He who guards Israel never rests or sleeps.
The Lord guards you. The Lord is the shade that protects you from the sun.
The sun cannot hurt you during the day, and the moon cannot hurt you at night.
The Lord will protect you from all dangers; he will guard your life.
The Lord will guard you as you come and go, both now and forever. (Psalm 121:1-8)
This is one of my very favorite verses... the comforting assurance of God's help. As we learned today in Sunday School, we cannot turn to the world to solve our problems. We will only be disappointed. Our help "comes from the Lord." God saves me, makes me victorious, guards me, protects me... and all of this shows how very much that God loves me.
Lord, this evening I do not cry out for help for myself but for my various brothers and sisters- Kara (that you may lay your comforting healing hand upon her), the Nunez family (that you may bless them and help them see your plan for the next step in their lives- here or back in Mexico), Brad (that he may have a safe trip down to Brazil and that you protect him while he is there), Jerry (that he may continue to have a wonderful experience in the DR, filled with your presence), and for all my wonderful family and friends, near and far that are all here in my heart this evening. Please watch over all of these, your children.
God Helps Me
Hebrews 4:14-5:10
"While Jesus lived on earth, he prayed to God and asked God for help. He prayed with loud cries and tears to the One who could save him from death, and his prayer was heard because he trusted God." (Hebrews 5:7)
Jesus set the example for how I must strive to live my life, and if Jesus prayed to God asking for help, how much more should I ask for help. Praying for help demonstrates that I trust God completely and also that I acknowledge God's all-consuming power to help in every instance.
I remember a story I heard once about how we should pray to God and completely trust God's faithfulness:
There was a terrible drought in the midwest, and all the farmers had gathered outside for a prayer meeting to pray that God would bring rain.
The preacher exclaimed, "You have to have faith for your prayers to be answered. Do you believe that God's going to send us rain?"
The crowd answered an enthusiastic, "Yes!"
"Do you really believe it?"
"With your whole heart?"
"Then I have a question for you. Where are your umberellas?"
A cute story that can't be applied to every instance. There are certainly many people who have prayed for healing with the greatest faith I have ever seen. And only God knows why certain things happen or don't. Yet, to me this story is very real. Too often I am praying for rain without an umberella, or peace while running around like crazy, etc. Lord, may I pray to you for help, trusting that You hear me and can help me.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Peace Pilgrim's Prayer
Looking for Peace
Ezekiel 7:1-8:18
"When the people are suffering greatly, they will look for peace, but there will be none." (Ezekiel 7:25)
Ezekiel warns the people of the great suffering, destruction and violence of every type- sword, hunger and disease- that will be brought upon the people due to their "hateful ways." The people have turned towards idols, and in the midst of their suffering they will look for peace, but their fake gods cannot help them. Only God can grant us peace and comfort in the midst of suffering.
When I get anxious about something, I get what some call "stagnant breathing." It's constant sighing or irregular breathing. Actually I think it's quite common when you're stressed. Only by spending some quiet time in meditation with the Lord can I come back to a state of calm and peace again. Thank you, Lord for your describable peace that's enough to counter that busy craziness of graduate school.
Talking of Peace
Psalm 120:1-7
"I have lived too long with people who hate peace. When I talk peace, they want war." (Psalm 120:6-7)
Amen. It has been too long, but I have "hope" (to use the buzzword) that things will change. Peace always reminds me of Amanda. If she were here, she'd be throwing a party due to the election results. But, she'd also still be at her rallies, writing letters, an activist for peace. This world needs peacemakers like her, and I miss her so much. While there was no way for me to prevent her death, I can try to work for peace in some small way... stopping the preventable deaths of soldiers and civilians. Show me how to work for peace, God.
Fighting for Peace
Hebrews 4:1-13
"God's word is alive and working and is sharper than a double-edged sword. It cuts all the way into us, where the soul and the spirit are joined, to the center of our joints and bones. And it judges the thoughts and feelings in our hearts." (Hebrews 4:12)
What a beautiful, beautiful verse! Ok, so some people might think I'm crazy- talking about splitting and cutting joints and bones... but first of all, God's word is sharper than a sword. If we ever need to counter weapons of war, what better than this sharp living, working word? And to me it's also significant that it cuts right into the center of us. I feel the power of God's word every morning as I work my way through the Bible every morning.
Also, as an aside... last night at GCF we heard someone talk about a Day Age Theory for Genesis 1. My point is not to bring up the controversy, but to simply sit in awe of the fact that 18 sequences of events occurred in order according to the Bible and scientific findings. The odds of that happening by chance are so miniscule. God, Your word is certainly alive. May I always return to Your word to guide my life... guide me in the ways of Your peace.
Ezekiel 7:1-8:18
"When the people are suffering greatly, they will look for peace, but there will be none." (Ezekiel 7:25)
Ezekiel warns the people of the great suffering, destruction and violence of every type- sword, hunger and disease- that will be brought upon the people due to their "hateful ways." The people have turned towards idols, and in the midst of their suffering they will look for peace, but their fake gods cannot help them. Only God can grant us peace and comfort in the midst of suffering.
When I get anxious about something, I get what some call "stagnant breathing." It's constant sighing or irregular breathing. Actually I think it's quite common when you're stressed. Only by spending some quiet time in meditation with the Lord can I come back to a state of calm and peace again. Thank you, Lord for your describable peace that's enough to counter that busy craziness of graduate school.
Talking of Peace
Psalm 120:1-7
"I have lived too long with people who hate peace. When I talk peace, they want war." (Psalm 120:6-7)
Amen. It has been too long, but I have "hope" (to use the buzzword) that things will change. Peace always reminds me of Amanda. If she were here, she'd be throwing a party due to the election results. But, she'd also still be at her rallies, writing letters, an activist for peace. This world needs peacemakers like her, and I miss her so much. While there was no way for me to prevent her death, I can try to work for peace in some small way... stopping the preventable deaths of soldiers and civilians. Show me how to work for peace, God.
Fighting for Peace
Hebrews 4:1-13
"God's word is alive and working and is sharper than a double-edged sword. It cuts all the way into us, where the soul and the spirit are joined, to the center of our joints and bones. And it judges the thoughts and feelings in our hearts." (Hebrews 4:12)
What a beautiful, beautiful verse! Ok, so some people might think I'm crazy- talking about splitting and cutting joints and bones... but first of all, God's word is sharper than a sword. If we ever need to counter weapons of war, what better than this sharp living, working word? And to me it's also significant that it cuts right into the center of us. I feel the power of God's word every morning as I work my way through the Bible every morning.
Also, as an aside... last night at GCF we heard someone talk about a Day Age Theory for Genesis 1. My point is not to bring up the controversy, but to simply sit in awe of the fact that 18 sequences of events occurred in order according to the Bible and scientific findings. The odds of that happening by chance are so miniscule. God, Your word is certainly alive. May I always return to Your word to guide my life... guide me in the ways of Your peace.
Friday, November 7, 2008
A Purpose and a Plan
The Reason for the Plan
Ezekiel 5:1-6:14
"Then they will know that I am the Lord. I did not bring this terrible thing on them for no reason." (Ezekiel 6:10)
Sometimes it's difficult for me to accept the severe punishments God doled out in the Old Testament. But, it helps to recognize that there was a very clear reason. It wasn't punishment for punishment's sake- like a criminal being thrown in jail. This punishment was like that of a parent, meant to teach, correct and edify a child. Jerusalem had lost sight of the Lord and needed to once again know that the Lord is God. Lord, thank you for your masterful plan and your good and true reasons for everything. May I always know that you are Lord.
Understanding the Plan
Psalm 119:169-176
"Hear my cry to you, Lord. Let your word help me understand." (Psalm 119:169)
The more I study, the more I pray, the more I seek you, Lord... it seems the less I know. Yet I'm not sure this is such a bad thing. The less I know, the more I am awestruck by Your mystery and power and glory which I'm not sure I'm even capable of fully understanding. Lord God, guide me each morning as I read Your word... help me to understand what little parts I may... as I continue to be amazed by your glorious plan.
Fulfilling the Plan
Hebrews 3:1-19
"And we are God's house if we confidently maintain our hope." (Hebrews 3:6)
This passage mentions God as builder and creator of everything. The architect is worthy of the glory, not ourselves. Yet, we do have a part in this plan. By maintaining our hope and faith (built on Jesus), we may point clearly towards God. Just as the Guggenheim points to Frank Lloyd Wright and Brasilia points to Oscar Niemeyer. No one stands around admiring the buildings without giving the credit to the builder. May my life be the same, Lord... may no one admire my life without understanding that it is all to Your glory... in some small way fulfilling Your masterful plan.
Ezekiel 5:1-6:14
"Then they will know that I am the Lord. I did not bring this terrible thing on them for no reason." (Ezekiel 6:10)
Sometimes it's difficult for me to accept the severe punishments God doled out in the Old Testament. But, it helps to recognize that there was a very clear reason. It wasn't punishment for punishment's sake- like a criminal being thrown in jail. This punishment was like that of a parent, meant to teach, correct and edify a child. Jerusalem had lost sight of the Lord and needed to once again know that the Lord is God. Lord, thank you for your masterful plan and your good and true reasons for everything. May I always know that you are Lord.
Understanding the Plan
Psalm 119:169-176
"Hear my cry to you, Lord. Let your word help me understand." (Psalm 119:169)
The more I study, the more I pray, the more I seek you, Lord... it seems the less I know. Yet I'm not sure this is such a bad thing. The less I know, the more I am awestruck by Your mystery and power and glory which I'm not sure I'm even capable of fully understanding. Lord God, guide me each morning as I read Your word... help me to understand what little parts I may... as I continue to be amazed by your glorious plan.
Fulfilling the Plan
Hebrews 3:1-19
"And we are God's house if we confidently maintain our hope." (Hebrews 3:6)
This passage mentions God as builder and creator of everything. The architect is worthy of the glory, not ourselves. Yet, we do have a part in this plan. By maintaining our hope and faith (built on Jesus), we may point clearly towards God. Just as the Guggenheim points to Frank Lloyd Wright and Brasilia points to Oscar Niemeyer. No one stands around admiring the buildings without giving the credit to the builder. May my life be the same, Lord... may no one admire my life without understanding that it is all to Your glory... in some small way fulfilling Your masterful plan.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Ezekiel 3:1-4:17
"When I say to the wicked, 'You will surely die,' you must warn them so that they may live." (Ezekiel 3:18)
To me, God's compassionate nature is revealed here. Although doling out harsh remarks and comments, it is all really for the purpose that the people might change their ways and "so that they may live." He's sending Ezekiel to warn the people, not just to condemn them. God wants the world to change its ways. Lord, thank you for your grace... understanding that we are sinners, and sometimes not even aware of our sin. Please show me Your perfect ways always.
Psalm 119:161-168
"I obey your orders and rules, because you know everything I do." (Psalm 119:168)
Upon first reading, this Psalm may appear like the words of a 2nd grader. I'll do what I'm supposed to do, because the teacher is looking over my shoulder. Yet, I read it more like this: The almighty all-powerful Lord God has chosen to look upon me and my life. God knows me and everything I do. A personal relationship with my Lord and Savior! What an incredible unbelievable blessing! I am certainly not worthy of this attention... but that's what makes it grace. And in what little way can I please this Lord who does so much for me? Obey his orders and rules. Lord, thank you for watching over me (little insignificant me), understanding me by watching everything I do.
Hebrews 2:1-18
"And now he can help those who are tempted, because he himself suffered and was tempted." (Hebrews 2:18)
Jesus came to earth and experienced it all- the toughest pain, so that we know that He "knows how we feel" to use Max Lucado's words. Jesus lived with the people to whom he was reaching out. I feel that this is one of the greatest testimonies.
In Spanish and Portuguese there is a separate word that means "to live with [someone]." Convivir. To live (vivir) with someone is extremely different that "living with" (conviviendo/convivendo) with someone. The difference is community, closeness, shared experiences, compassion. Just as it's possible to live (vivir) with your roommates... completely separate experiences, it's also possible to live with (convivir) with your brothers and sisters in Christ from church, for example. If you're living in community, sharing and understanding each other, you are creating a "convivencia" despite different addresses.
Lord, You sent your Son not only to live among us but "to live with" us... to experience life as a human in solidarity with human suffering, so that You may help us through these experiences that Jesus has known. May I follow Your way, living with my brothers and sisters, understanding how it is that they feel, and hopefully learning how to help.
Ezekiel 3:1-4:17
"When I say to the wicked, 'You will surely die,' you must warn them so that they may live." (Ezekiel 3:18)
To me, God's compassionate nature is revealed here. Although doling out harsh remarks and comments, it is all really for the purpose that the people might change their ways and "so that they may live." He's sending Ezekiel to warn the people, not just to condemn them. God wants the world to change its ways. Lord, thank you for your grace... understanding that we are sinners, and sometimes not even aware of our sin. Please show me Your perfect ways always.
Psalm 119:161-168
"I obey your orders and rules, because you know everything I do." (Psalm 119:168)
Upon first reading, this Psalm may appear like the words of a 2nd grader. I'll do what I'm supposed to do, because the teacher is looking over my shoulder. Yet, I read it more like this: The almighty all-powerful Lord God has chosen to look upon me and my life. God knows me and everything I do. A personal relationship with my Lord and Savior! What an incredible unbelievable blessing! I am certainly not worthy of this attention... but that's what makes it grace. And in what little way can I please this Lord who does so much for me? Obey his orders and rules. Lord, thank you for watching over me (little insignificant me), understanding me by watching everything I do.
Hebrews 2:1-18
"And now he can help those who are tempted, because he himself suffered and was tempted." (Hebrews 2:18)
Jesus came to earth and experienced it all- the toughest pain, so that we know that He "knows how we feel" to use Max Lucado's words. Jesus lived with the people to whom he was reaching out. I feel that this is one of the greatest testimonies.
In Spanish and Portuguese there is a separate word that means "to live with [someone]." Convivir. To live (vivir) with someone is extremely different that "living with" (conviviendo/convivendo) with someone. The difference is community, closeness, shared experiences, compassion. Just as it's possible to live (vivir) with your roommates... completely separate experiences, it's also possible to live with (convivir) with your brothers and sisters in Christ from church, for example. If you're living in community, sharing and understanding each other, you are creating a "convivencia" despite different addresses.
Lord, You sent your Son not only to live among us but "to live with" us... to experience life as a human in solidarity with human suffering, so that You may help us through these experiences that Jesus has known. May I follow Your way, living with my brothers and sisters, understanding how it is that they feel, and hopefully learning how to help.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
"This is What the Lord God Says..."
Through the prophets
Ezekiel 1:1-20
"But speak my words to them. They may listen, or they may not, because they turn against me." (Ezekiel 1:7)
Ezekiel not only received the word of the Lord to pass on to the people but also "saw visions of God" (1) and "felt the power of the Lord" (3). Why is it so much harder to see You, to feel Your power, to hear Your word today, oh Lord? Perhaps it is this choice that we are given. Am I really listening? Am I turning against You?
When volunteering up in Boston, I worshiped with the Quakers (in a Silent Meeting) for many Sundays. I appreciated learning to sit in silence and stillness and listen for the voice of the Lord. And I heard You, Lord. May I always take the time to be in Your presence and listen to Your word.
Through the Laws
Psalm 119:153-160
"Your words are true from the start, and all your laws will be fair forever." (Psalm 119:160)
We live in a culture of ever-changing fads. TV shows, clothes, games, toys... everything seems to be in or out, and changing with each season. But not God. The "Great I Am" is the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end. His words are true in the beginning and will be just as true and fair forever. A good, true, fair consistent law to guide our lives. May I ever be mindful of Your word, oh Lord. Help grant me the understanding I lack in order to truly follow You. The more I learn, the less I know.
Through His Son
Hebrews 1:1-14
"In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets many times and in many different ways. But now in these last days God has spoken to us through his Son." (Hebrews 1:1-2)
How can I even begin to appreciate Your unspeakable gift, Lord? You sent Your son to speak to us to give us the ever-important message of salvation. Jesus' life, message and mission speak so much of Your amazing love and compassion and mercy on poor sinners such as myself. The ultimate blessing- I praise You and thank you for this unfathomable love every day... as I studied yesterday, every morning it seems new.
Ezekiel 1:1-20
"But speak my words to them. They may listen, or they may not, because they turn against me." (Ezekiel 1:7)
Ezekiel not only received the word of the Lord to pass on to the people but also "saw visions of God" (1) and "felt the power of the Lord" (3). Why is it so much harder to see You, to feel Your power, to hear Your word today, oh Lord? Perhaps it is this choice that we are given. Am I really listening? Am I turning against You?
When volunteering up in Boston, I worshiped with the Quakers (in a Silent Meeting) for many Sundays. I appreciated learning to sit in silence and stillness and listen for the voice of the Lord. And I heard You, Lord. May I always take the time to be in Your presence and listen to Your word.
Through the Laws
Psalm 119:153-160
"Your words are true from the start, and all your laws will be fair forever." (Psalm 119:160)
We live in a culture of ever-changing fads. TV shows, clothes, games, toys... everything seems to be in or out, and changing with each season. But not God. The "Great I Am" is the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end. His words are true in the beginning and will be just as true and fair forever. A good, true, fair consistent law to guide our lives. May I ever be mindful of Your word, oh Lord. Help grant me the understanding I lack in order to truly follow You. The more I learn, the less I know.
Through His Son
Hebrews 1:1-14
"In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets many times and in many different ways. But now in these last days God has spoken to us through his Son." (Hebrews 1:1-2)
How can I even begin to appreciate Your unspeakable gift, Lord? You sent Your son to speak to us to give us the ever-important message of salvation. Jesus' life, message and mission speak so much of Your amazing love and compassion and mercy on poor sinners such as myself. The ultimate blessing- I praise You and thank you for this unfathomable love every day... as I studied yesterday, every morning it seems new.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Refreshed by God's Spirit
Lamentations 3:1-5:22
"But I have hope when I think of this: The Lord's love never ends; his mercies never stop. They are new every morning..." (Lamentations 3:21-23)
After some prize 'lamenting' in a segment of text with the heading "The Meaning of Suffering," the author stops and explains the words that give him hope. New mercies every morning... for some reason this is just one of the most comforting and refreshing thoughts. God not only "makes all things new" (Revelations 21:5) like our hearts, souls and spirits, but our Lord's own perfect love and mercy for us is new every day. Lord, may I similarly learn to love everyone with a new love every morning.
Psalm 119:145-152
"But, Lord, you are also near, and all your commands are true." (Psalm 119:151)
I serve a god in the here and now. This song reminds me of the old Brethren hymn I love so much. First verse:
Move in our midst, thou Spirit of God.
Go with us down from thy holy hill.
Walk with us through the storm and the calm.
Spirit of God, go thou with us still.
Lord, may I live my life ever-mindful of the renewing presence of your spirit in my life.
Philemon 1-25
"I have great joy and comfort, my brother, because the love you have shown to God's people has refreshed them." (Philemon 7)
Sometimes I feel so small, like the little ways I try to show God's love barely make a difference... but at least I have some great role model to help teaching me the way.
Last night, we (a group of us from GCF) gathered for a lovely potluck meal in honor of our Iraqi friends (Raad, Enas and Rota). Everyone brought delicious dishes made with that ever-important special ingredient: love. And while the dishes were absolutely delicious, the conversation, fellowship, friendship and yes- love- offered at that meal was even more nourishing. I can't be sure about everyone there, but I know I came away refreshed and renewed... so thankful for the God's love shared among so many wonderful friends.
Lamentations 3:1-5:22
"But I have hope when I think of this: The Lord's love never ends; his mercies never stop. They are new every morning..." (Lamentations 3:21-23)
After some prize 'lamenting' in a segment of text with the heading "The Meaning of Suffering," the author stops and explains the words that give him hope. New mercies every morning... for some reason this is just one of the most comforting and refreshing thoughts. God not only "makes all things new" (Revelations 21:5) like our hearts, souls and spirits, but our Lord's own perfect love and mercy for us is new every day. Lord, may I similarly learn to love everyone with a new love every morning.
Psalm 119:145-152
"But, Lord, you are also near, and all your commands are true." (Psalm 119:151)
I serve a god in the here and now. This song reminds me of the old Brethren hymn I love so much. First verse:
Move in our midst, thou Spirit of God.
Go with us down from thy holy hill.
Walk with us through the storm and the calm.
Spirit of God, go thou with us still.
Lord, may I live my life ever-mindful of the renewing presence of your spirit in my life.
Philemon 1-25
"I have great joy and comfort, my brother, because the love you have shown to God's people has refreshed them." (Philemon 7)
Sometimes I feel so small, like the little ways I try to show God's love barely make a difference... but at least I have some great role model to help teaching me the way.
Last night, we (a group of us from GCF) gathered for a lovely potluck meal in honor of our Iraqi friends (Raad, Enas and Rota). Everyone brought delicious dishes made with that ever-important special ingredient: love. And while the dishes were absolutely delicious, the conversation, fellowship, friendship and yes- love- offered at that meal was even more nourishing. I can't be sure about everyone there, but I know I came away refreshed and renewed... so thankful for the God's love shared among so many wonderful friends.
Monday, November 3, 2008
The Right Stuff
The Right Lord
Lamentations 1:1-2:22
"Jerusalem says, 'The Lord is right, but I refused to obey him. Listen, all you people, and look at my pain.'" (Lamentations 1:18)
Have you ever made the wrong decision (the one opposite from what God what telling you to do), and felt the pain (remorse, guilt, disappointment, sadness) afterward? Well, I know I have more than once. The one that comes most quickly to mind is a job that I took right after college.
A 'Grade A' job by any standards- Spanish High School teacher in an affluent suburban Philadelphia area- but my heart wasn't in it. Somehow I knew... my soul was crying out for me to listen to where God was calling me. Were there aspects of the job I liked? Certainly. And it wasn't a bad situation at all. It was just not the place for me, and I could hear God's still small voice calling to follow His lead.
So, what did I do? I went from a more than generous teacher salary to a $60/day zero-benefits job in a 4th/5th bilingual classroom in Jersey. (An experience I loved and what I aspire to do!) I know what you're thinking. This does not sound like the American Dream. Just wait... after that, I decided to enter BVS (Brethren Volunteer Service) earning a stipend of $60/month. According to the world's standards, my path has been more than a little off-track. But not to God. God knows the plan for my life, and I've made the decision to follow obey His will for my life.
The Right Rules
Psalm 119:137-144
"Lord, you do what is right, and your laws are fair." (Psalm 119:137)
God's laws are fair. Have you ever noticed a family in which the father or mother clearly favors one child over the other? Sad situation, isn't it? Well, isn't it wonderful that we have a Father who doesn't show such favoritism? Surely some of my 'brothers' have much sweeter voices than I do, and some of my 'sisters' are more astute theologians. But God's laws are the same for all of us. More importantly, God's love is the same for all of us.
I remember in middle school when I was allowed to hold one of my first birthday parties, full of pumpkin painting, Bingo fun. I had invited nearly 20 girls, and my parents were astounded. First of all, how did I know so many? I calmly explained that I couldn't leave anyone out. "God doesn't show favoritism, and neither should I. Besides, I would feel pretty sad if I were the one that wasn't invited." How wonderful to have a fair God- all of us are invited to the party!
The Right Way to Live
Titus 3:1-15
"Remind the believers to yield to the authority of rulers and government leaders, to obey them, to be ready to do good, to speak no evil about anyone, to live in peace, and to be gentle and polite to all people." (Titus 3:1-2)
Wow! If we all lived this way, what a world we would live in! But, let's start with me... if I lived this way, what a world I would live in! I'm a firm believer that change starts at home with changes in our own personal lives. Lord, please help me to be ready to do good in every instance and to notice every opportunity to spread your glory throughout the day. Lord, help me not to let a cross word cross my lips about other people or about this amazingly blessed life you have given me. Show me how to live in peace... with whatever happens on Tuesday, with the people in my vicinity, with myself. And show me how to follow your gentle and polite example with everyone I meet- of a different background, a different political persuasion, a different educational vision, etc.
Lamentations 1:1-2:22
"Jerusalem says, 'The Lord is right, but I refused to obey him. Listen, all you people, and look at my pain.'" (Lamentations 1:18)
Have you ever made the wrong decision (the one opposite from what God what telling you to do), and felt the pain (remorse, guilt, disappointment, sadness) afterward? Well, I know I have more than once. The one that comes most quickly to mind is a job that I took right after college.
A 'Grade A' job by any standards- Spanish High School teacher in an affluent suburban Philadelphia area- but my heart wasn't in it. Somehow I knew... my soul was crying out for me to listen to where God was calling me. Were there aspects of the job I liked? Certainly. And it wasn't a bad situation at all. It was just not the place for me, and I could hear God's still small voice calling to follow His lead.
So, what did I do? I went from a more than generous teacher salary to a $60/day zero-benefits job in a 4th/5th bilingual classroom in Jersey. (An experience I loved and what I aspire to do!) I know what you're thinking. This does not sound like the American Dream. Just wait... after that, I decided to enter BVS (Brethren Volunteer Service) earning a stipend of $60/month. According to the world's standards, my path has been more than a little off-track. But not to God. God knows the plan for my life, and I've made the decision to follow obey His will for my life.
The Right Rules
Psalm 119:137-144
"Lord, you do what is right, and your laws are fair." (Psalm 119:137)
God's laws are fair. Have you ever noticed a family in which the father or mother clearly favors one child over the other? Sad situation, isn't it? Well, isn't it wonderful that we have a Father who doesn't show such favoritism? Surely some of my 'brothers' have much sweeter voices than I do, and some of my 'sisters' are more astute theologians. But God's laws are the same for all of us. More importantly, God's love is the same for all of us.
I remember in middle school when I was allowed to hold one of my first birthday parties, full of pumpkin painting, Bingo fun. I had invited nearly 20 girls, and my parents were astounded. First of all, how did I know so many? I calmly explained that I couldn't leave anyone out. "God doesn't show favoritism, and neither should I. Besides, I would feel pretty sad if I were the one that wasn't invited." How wonderful to have a fair God- all of us are invited to the party!
The Right Way to Live
Titus 3:1-15
"Remind the believers to yield to the authority of rulers and government leaders, to obey them, to be ready to do good, to speak no evil about anyone, to live in peace, and to be gentle and polite to all people." (Titus 3:1-2)
Wow! If we all lived this way, what a world we would live in! But, let's start with me... if I lived this way, what a world I would live in! I'm a firm believer that change starts at home with changes in our own personal lives. Lord, please help me to be ready to do good in every instance and to notice every opportunity to spread your glory throughout the day. Lord, help me not to let a cross word cross my lips about other people or about this amazingly blessed life you have given me. Show me how to live in peace... with whatever happens on Tuesday, with the people in my vicinity, with myself. And show me how to follow your gentle and polite example with everyone I meet- of a different background, a different political persuasion, a different educational vision, etc.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
For the Future
Jeremiah 49:1-50:46
"'But the time will come when I will make good things happen to the Ammonites again,' says the Lord." (Jeremiah 49:6)
After listing all of the horrible, atrocities associated with war, we are given the reassurance that peace will come some day for the Ammonites. (This is then repeated in verse 39 for Elam.) These verses remind me of Tony Campbell's sermon, "It's Friday, but Sunday's coming!" The idea is: Things are dark. There are problems aplenty. Difficult situations at every turn. But... Sunday's coming! Amen. Thank you, God, for your promise of peace (be it in the land, throughout the world, or simply in our hearts)... I know that time will come.
For the Weary
Psalm 119:121-128)
"My eyes are tired from looking for your salvation and for your promise." (Psalm 119:123)
John Bell, who was at the VEV conference, pointed out the importance of using the not-so-happy Psalms, because they touch the reality of some people's lives in a very powerful way. While the promise of God's peace isn't inherent in this verse, we know that it comes from other scriptures. (...he promises peace to his people...Psalm 85:8) At the same conference, we had an evening of Contemplative Prayer at a beautiful cathedral. After much confusion and deliberation over the discernment process, the meditation left with a peace that certainly passeth understanding (Phillipians 4:7). How great you are, oh Lord, Prince of Peace... you bring peace to the heart of even this weary Psalmist.
For All
Titus 1:1-16
"Grace and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Savior." (Titus 1:4)
When I arrived in Brazil, one of the difficult things for me to understand was the need for the COB peace position in a country that wasn't at war. How foolish I was! My friend and pastor Alexandre soon explained the context of violence in Brazil included violence, drugs, abuse, even basic human need (oftentimes a root cause of these types of violence). God's peace is needed in every aspect of our lives, and I pray that I may show your peace to the souls of those who may seek it.
Jeremiah 49:1-50:46
"'But the time will come when I will make good things happen to the Ammonites again,' says the Lord." (Jeremiah 49:6)
After listing all of the horrible, atrocities associated with war, we are given the reassurance that peace will come some day for the Ammonites. (This is then repeated in verse 39 for Elam.) These verses remind me of Tony Campbell's sermon, "It's Friday, but Sunday's coming!" The idea is: Things are dark. There are problems aplenty. Difficult situations at every turn. But... Sunday's coming! Amen. Thank you, God, for your promise of peace (be it in the land, throughout the world, or simply in our hearts)... I know that time will come.
For the Weary
Psalm 119:121-128)
"My eyes are tired from looking for your salvation and for your promise." (Psalm 119:123)
John Bell, who was at the VEV conference, pointed out the importance of using the not-so-happy Psalms, because they touch the reality of some people's lives in a very powerful way. While the promise of God's peace isn't inherent in this verse, we know that it comes from other scriptures. (...he promises peace to his people...Psalm 85:8) At the same conference, we had an evening of Contemplative Prayer at a beautiful cathedral. After much confusion and deliberation over the discernment process, the meditation left with a peace that certainly passeth understanding (Phillipians 4:7). How great you are, oh Lord, Prince of Peace... you bring peace to the heart of even this weary Psalmist.
For All
Titus 1:1-16
"Grace and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Savior." (Titus 1:4)
When I arrived in Brazil, one of the difficult things for me to understand was the need for the COB peace position in a country that wasn't at war. How foolish I was! My friend and pastor Alexandre soon explained the context of violence in Brazil included violence, drugs, abuse, even basic human need (oftentimes a root cause of these types of violence). God's peace is needed in every aspect of our lives, and I pray that I may show your peace to the souls of those who may seek it.
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