Thursday, September 22, 2011

Prayer & Life

This morning I was reflecting upon the following quote by Christopher Bryant from "The River Within" and wanted to share that:

There is always a two way relationship between prayer and life. Prayer can be seen as the focusing and redirecting of an attitude to God and to our fellow [human beings] that runs through all that we do. On the other hand, we can see our daily life as something which prayer purifies, directs and consecrates. This interrelationship of prayer and life was expressed by William Temple in his well known saying, 'It is not that conduct is the end of life and worship helps it but that worship is the end of life and conduct tests it.' Temple is here using worship in a broad sense to include all of life. For in worship, as the derivation of the word from worth implies, we declare what we value most. If in prayer I declare that I value God above all things and in my life I show that my own selfish interests come first I am making a nonsense of my praying. We declare how we value God as much by our actions, by the way we treat other people by the manner in why we do our work, as by anything we say.

Holy Spirit,

Help us to live today in a way that expresses that we value You above all things.

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