Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Imitating Evil
1 King 15:1-16:34

"Jeroboam had led the people of Israel to sin, and Nadab sinned in the same way as his father Jeroboam." (1 Kings 15:26)

"[Baasha] did the same evil deeds that Jeroboam's family had done before him." (1 Kings 16:7)

"Jeroboam had led the people of Israel to sin, and Zimri sinned in the same way as Jeroboam." (1 Kings 16:19)

"...and Omri sinned in the same way as Jeroboam." (1 King 16:26)

"[Ahab] sinned in the same way as Jeroboam son of Nebat, but he did even worse things. (1 Kings 16:31)

"Sinned in the same way as Jeroboam"- repeated over and over. Yikes! That's not how I'd like to be remembered through the generations, as the one who started the succession of sinning kings. And yet, we have to be so careful what and who we surround ourselves with for this very reason. The people, words, examples in our environment have a profound effect on who we are. Luckily, I was able to witness to 2 beautiful examples from the Church of the Brethren today as we heard about the 'seagoing cowboys'- men 16-60 who volunteered to take heifers and other livestock over to Europe on boats starting in 1944, as a war response effort. The second was a lovely couple Becky and Aaron Johnston who spent 2 years in accompaniment of a community in Guatemala, living and learning with the people on the coffee plantation as well as building stoves and starting a rabbit project. BVSers and volunteers like these who helped in Disaster Relief and Response efforts as well as servant evangelism and feeding the homeless on the weekends were my examples growing up. No Jeroboams in my life. Lord, thank You for giving me wonderful examples of Your way... so that I may follow them and not the sinful ways of the world.

Imitating Good
Proverbs 17:25-26

"Foolish children make their fathers sad and cause their mother great sorrow." (Proverbs 17:26)

Today I am touched to think of the very not foolish children who make their fathers and mothers so very pleased. One example that I recently saw was Florence List who kindly takes care of her mother with such love, being by her side. Whenever I see the two of them I am touched. And I think of my own parents who lovingly cared for their parents as they progressed in their years. Though it wasn't easy on either of them (with a young family at the time), they lovingly opened their home to their parents and cared for them as their parents had cared for them so many years ago. This example of selfless love, this caring when someone can't quite return it sometimes even with a smile, this should be the way that I should love everyone.

Imitating Jesus
John 13:1-20

"I did this as an example so that you should do as I have done for you." (John 13:15)

When Jesus washes his disciples feet, this act of service is extremely important to the Brethren. In fact, this was a part of our worship at NYAC just the other weekend. Jesus is our example. We need to live our lives as he did, do what he did. And while pouring water on the feet of others isn't literally what is meant, the practice is symbolic. You kneel before your brother or sister in Christ, taking their feet in their hands (dirty, smelling, runner's feet) it doesn't matter. You want to serve them, making yourself literally below them. But then you both rise and share a holy kiss and say "God bless you, my sister/brother." Sometimes washing someone's feet is cleaning up after a cow and facing seasickness on a long journey; sometimes it is listening to tortillas around a new stove; sometimes it is exchanging smiles and food at a homeless shelter. But, Jesus, I want to do as You have done for me. I want to 'wash the feet' of all those who walk down my path. I pray that You provide opportunities to follow Your example and 'wash the feet' of my brothers and sisters, always rising to tell them, "God bless you, my sister/brother."

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