We are all looking for answers, and we can tell from the mere breadth of questions that we ask starting with the familiar, "What is the meaning of life?" and extending to the trivialities of day to day existence. Who else should we turn to as a source of answers than our Lord, the Truth Himself.
Answers from Silence
Samuel 28:1-25
"Saul said, 'I am greatly troubled. The Philistines are fighting against me, and God has left me. He won't answer me anymore, either by prophets or in dreams. That's why I called for you. Tell me what to do.'" (1 Samuel 28:15)
Here Saul has gone to a 'medium,' a fortuneteller woman in Endor. That in and of itself is quite surprising and interesting. When she gets in touch with the deceased Samuel, Samuel's response is that of, "Well, of course God seems silent. You turned your back on Him. You disobeyed Him. You distanced yourself from Him." I often remember that my own loneliness and despair or God's silence are God's way of calling me back to His side. Lord, may I live obediently to You and stay close to You always... even when it gets busy.
Answers from God
Psalm 61:1-3
"God, hear my cry; listen to my prayer. I call to you from the ends of the earth when I am afraid. Carry me away to a high mountain. You have been my protection, like a strong tower against my enemies." (Psalm 61:1-3)
Last night I got anxious and worried about a paper that I wanted to perfect. Not content to only respond to the comments from my professor, this process involved lots of extra research which I started this weekend in preparation for my presentation. While the process was interesting and fun, it was also stressful learning that this was due before leaving tomorrow. I became anxious and stressed, and sat before the computer closing my eyes and asking God to 'hear my cry,' 'to carry me away to a high mountain,' to give me peace. And He is faithful... somehow everything gets done... that enormous pile of "to do's" eventually gets done. Thank You, Lord for answering me when I call out to You in times of fear and anxiety. You not only protect me but also calm me.
Answers from the Spirit
John 3:1-21
"Human life comes from human parents, but spiritual life comes from the Spirit." (John 3:6)
In Jesus' response to Nicodemus, we are told that we must 'be born again.' (The children's song suggests just like bullfrogs and butterflies.) We become new when we are filled with the Spirit. While teaching from human parents has its place in this human world, the Spirit's teaching is vital for our spiritual life. I constantly ask the Spirit to continue to guide me in my life, in my discernment of God's will for my life. And what a blessing it is! To have a Lord who loves me so much that He gave not only the gift of His son but also the gift of the great Counselor and Spirit who will guide me in finding answers about my spiritual questions. Spirit, come abide in me today.
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