Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Love Doesn't Brag

A loving heart is a humble heart... think of Jesus' example: born in a manger, known as a carpenter, lived among humble people. His loving humble heart expressed obedience to the Lord, appreciation for all things, and humility that allowed him to consider others' needs and the Lord's purpose above his own. Lord, today I pray that You might teach me to love this perfect love with obedience, appreciation and humility... to love You and all others in this way.

1 Samuel 13:23-15:35

"What pleases the Lord more: burnt offerings and sacrifices or obedience to his voice? It is better to obey than to sacrifice. It is better to listen to God than to offer the fat of sheep. Disobedience is as bad as the sin of sorcery. Pride is as bad as the sin of worshiping idols. You have rejected the Lord's command. Now he rejects you as king." (1 Samuel 15:22-23)

The message is clear. Whatever our actions are, if they are not obedient to the Lord's plans, they are not right. Our love is expressed through obedience. If as children we told our parents we loved them and then went out and broke every rule in the book, how could they feel loved? If we tell our friends we love them but then disobey the 'rules' of friendship such as trust and time and love, they will question that love. If a wife tells her husband that she loves him but disobeys her vows, how could she really love?

"Pride is as bad as worshiping idols." This is no small statement. Worshiping idols, we recall, is against the second of the great commandments. Samuel likens pride to such a sin. So, we must guard our hearts... attempting to obey the Lord's purpose for our lives and not our own... humbling ourselves so that our purposes do not reign primary.

Psalm 57:1-3

"I cry out to God Most High, to the God who does everything for me." (Psalm 57:2)

Loving someone also entails appreciating that person in a deep way. While certainly not expert on the topic, I'm deeply saddens to see couples who seem to forget to appreciate one another. They've become so 'used to', so 'accustomed to' the familiar face, the preparation of a meal, the ride to the store, the 'how was your day,' the helping hand, the care in times of sickness... they just forget how once special it was... how very thankful they were in that first moment of love expressed.

Sometimes I feel the same way with God. Every day I awake and go running... forgetting sometimes to thank the Lord for a body that has such capabilities, for a time in the day to clear my head and be with Him in prayer, for another beautiful morning and breath of air. Every day I pass by beautiful flowers and scenery and people, and I forget to thank God for my place here in Tucson, for the beauty and gift of creation. Every day I meet up with friends and students, people near and far through personal interactions and distance conversations and emails, and I forget to praise the Lord for these wonderful people who are so precious, such blessings in my life. And so many more things... Lord, I appreciate all that You have given to me: Your amazing love for me... which values me when I am so small, Your gift of salvation and forgiveness and grace that allows me to live free and fully, Your many blessings when I truly do not deserve so much.

Proverbs 15:25

"The Lord will tear down the proud person's house, but he will protect the widow's property." (Proverbs 15:25)

As stated in 1 Corinthians 13:4, "Love does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud." This reminds me somewhat of something we talked about last night... the competition involved in the world of 'academia' here at grad school level. While I don't feel it so much in my program, it seems that many students struggle with this intense 'cut-throat-ish' competitive environment. I wonder whether such an environment might be very detrimental to the love that we should feel for one another... instead of boasting about ourselves and envying others... we should rejoice with others' triumphs and accept our own limitations.

When we boast of ourselves, we aren't really being honest. After all, God is the one who gives us all things, who helps us in all things. That's why as Paul says, we should boast in the Lord. Lord, I give You the glory for a year of grad school (almost) completed. So many times I thought I might not make it, but I am sure that it was Your strength that got me through it... and even made me finish this year thirsting for more!

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