A Friend Loves at All Times
Proverbs 17:16-17
"A friend loves you all the time, and a brother helps in times of trouble." (Proverbs 17:17)
These words are so true. "All the time"- when you're sad, when you're happy, when you're frustrated, when you're exhausted, even when you're just too busy and don't have time for them. They're not just there for you on the best of days but on all days. I'm quite lucky to have a brother who is also my friend and definitely helps me in times of trouble. He's been there for me when I've been caught in the confusion of discerning my next step. He's been there for me when I was caught in difficult situations and really hurting inside. He's been there for me when I've been so excited and happy and blessed. Being there- I think it really is more important than we even recognize. Perhaps you can't do much for your friend at a certain point in their journey, but just being there sometimes counts. To know that someone is there with you is powerful, and we are called to love one another- to be there for those who need us or even when they don't, but to show them that we are really present and caring about them in that moment... we give them the gift of ourselves. Lord, thank You for being our friend... always there for us when we need You, and teach us how to be friends to all, how to love all and be there for them... at all times.
Solomon: Friend of the Israelites
1 Kings 7:1-8:66
"Give your attention to my prayers and the prayers of your people Israel. Listen to them anytime they ask you for help. You chose them from all the nations on earth to be your very own people. This is what you promised through Moses your servant when you brought our ancestors out of Egypt, Lord God." (1 Kings 8:52-53)
Here Solomon prays to God on behalf of the Israelites, asking for forgiveness of sins that they haven't even yet committed. Solomon shows that he is not only concerned for himself but for the welbeing of all his people. He asks God to listen when the people ask for help and forgiveness. When someone prays for you, really really prays for you and your concerns and your joys, it is such a special gift. Only a friend knows you well enough and cares enough to pray those prayers, giving them as much importance as their own. I'm reminded to pray for the joys and concerns of all my friends... cherishing them in my heart and asking that God help and bless them, as they have certainly blessed me.
Jesus: Friend of Lazarus
John 11:1-27
"So Mary and Martha sent someone to tell Jesus, 'Lord, the one you love is sick'.... Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus." (John 11:3,5)
I really love this story, and while the miracle is great, I'm also attracted to the knowledge that Jesus had some very dear friends who he loved very much. In being human, he could feel the earthly bond we develop with certain special friends... even when he was far away, he went to visit these friends that he loved. And Jesus calls himself our friend (John 15:15). What a blessing! Thank You, Lord Jesus, for all Your gifts... for the gift of the life You gave to save me... and for the gift of Your friendship.
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