To Know what Must be Done
1 Kings 3:1-4:34
"'Lord my God, now you have made me your servant, king in my father's place. But I am like a little child; I don't know how to do what must be done. I, your servant, am here among your chosen people, and there are too many of them to count. I ask that you give me a heart that understands, so I can rule the people in the right way and will know the difference between right and wrong. Otherwise, it is impossible to rule this great people of yours.' The Lord was pleased that Solomon had asked for this." (1 Kings 3:7-10)
What a beautiful prayer! This is something I reflected on in my message at YAC last weekend. The Lord guided me to this prayer which proved most beneficial in preparing my message... as I asked Him for guidance. But additionally, we read it together that night to remind ourselves of God's promise to grant us wisdom 'to know what must be done' at the right time- discernment. In today's mobile society with changes in careers, the economy and various other areas, it's important to know that we can go to God for all of our decisions... asking him for wisdom is a prayer that pleased God. He was pleased that Solomon did not ask for riches and honor when he could've asked for anything. But Solomon asked to 'know what must be done.' He sought to love and honor God's will for his life in the hope of knowing His wisdom. I similarly pray to know 'what must be done' and what it is that I must do. Lord I love you, and I pray for the wisdom to know Your plan for my life... trusting that You will reveal all things in Your time.
To Know Nature's Beauty
1 Kings 3:1-4:34
"[Solomon] taught about many kinds of plants- everything from the great cedar trees of Lebanon to the weeds that grow out of the walls. He also taught about animals, birds, crawling things and fish. People from all nations came to listen to King Solomon's wisdom. The kings of all nations sent them to him, because they had heard of Solomon's wisdom." (1 Kings 4:33-34)
This beautiful passage from Kings may seem surprising at first since people seem to think of environmental concerns as a incongruous with our spiritual lives. But, when considering it more carefully- it is only natural (pun intended) that the same book that asks us to be 'good stewards of the earth' would deem Solomon's wisdom and knowledge about the trees, weeds, animals, birds, crawling things and fish very important, especially at a time when people lived much more closely to the land. This verse reminds me of Brad and my cousin Jonathan who study soil moisture in the Amazon and Alaska respectively. Their exploration of aspects of the amazing world that God has given to us gives us more wisdom and further reason to admire, love and care for the earth. It inspires me to learn more about the plants and animals native to Tucson so that I may appreciate them even more on my hikes next semester. Dana Gioia, in her poem "Words," describes the importance of knowing nature:
Yet the stones remain less real to those who cannot
name them, or read the mute syllables graven in silica.
To see a red stone is less than seeing it as jasper—
metamorphic quartz, cousin to the flint the Kiowa
carved as arrowheads. To name is to know and remember.
I'm so thankful God has given us such scientific inquiring minds so that I may learn from them and learn to "name" and "know" and "love" the earth and the God who has given it to my care.
To Know the Shepherd (as He Knows His Sheep)
John 10:1-21
"I am the good shepherd. I know my sheep, and my sheep know me." (John 10:14)
And the very heart of the matter... Our good shepherd knows His sheep. He knows me... everything about me- my name and my soul, my heart and my motivation, my struggles and my greatest happiness. I love this verse. As I titled today's writing- to know is to love. To know someone is very personal.
I wonder if you've ever heard someone remark, usually rather indignantly, "X doesn't even know me!" When used in this context it doesn't mean someone knows your name but rather those thoughts and concerns and joys that rest deep in your soul. They know your nature and how you'd react even before you've been put in a certain situation. It's that friend from 2nd grade who knows that fruit salad would be your favorite welcome home gift and a 5k would be right up your alley. (Thanks, Ash!) But knowing someone doesn't come easy... it takes time spent together, really listening and talking to one another, and being there when it counts.
Well, if we are to be God's sheep, we must also know God. But knowing God doesn't come easy... it takes time spent together in Bible Study, talking to and listening to God in prayer, talking to and listening to other believers, and being there, being faithful... even when it's hard, especially when it's hard. Lord, I love that You know me, and I love being Your sheep and knowing You. Help me to know more of You every day.
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