Sunday, May 31, 2009

Tough Times

Times of Trouble
Psalm 69:1-4

"God, save me, because the water has risen to my neck. I'm sinking down into the mud, and there is nothing to stand on. I am in deep water, and the flood covers me. I am tired from calling for help; my throat is sore." (Psalm 69:1)

At the VEV conference in the Fall, a member of the Iona community in Scotland presented several songs to us, songs that were not just based on the 'glad texts' (as Pollyanna would put it) but also upon the difficult, sad, even angry texts. These passages in the Bible are important, because we get a sense that the Bible is real and the Word is living. These people so many years ago felt real pain and sadness and struggle. When I am in deep struggle and just need someone to listen to my feelings, someone to sympathize with me, I can turn to Psalm 69 and hear that someone else felt this way and could cry out to God in their time of trouble... knowing that God would help them through it somehow but in the meantime it is still ok to express those feelings.

Times of Sadness
John 11:28-57

"When Jesus saw Mary crying and the Jews who came with her also crying, he was upset and deeply troubled. He asked, 'Where did you bury him?' 'Come and see, Lord,' they said. Jesus cried. So the Jews said, 'See how much he loved him.'" (John 11:33-36)

Even more comforting is the familiar passage that 'Jesus wept.' And though I never took note of this before, Jesus wept with others. He mourned with those who mourned. It reminds me of the song "Let Me Be Your Servant" in which one verse goes "I will weep when you are weeping, when you laugh I'll laugh with you." Yesterday I learned the importance of presence, but also important is the propriety of presence. When you really love your friends, you feel what they are feeling. The mere fact that they are sad makes you sad. The fact that they are rejoicing in a new success causes you to rejoice. While the Jews identified that Jesus was showing his love for Lazarus, I also believe that here Jesus was demonstrating his love for Mary and Martha and all of those with whom he was mourning as well.

Times of Danger
John 11:28-57

"That day they started planning to kill Jesus. So Jesus no longer traveled openly among the people. He left there and went to a place near the desert, to a town called Ephraim and stayed there with his followers." (John 11:53-54)

We often think of Jesus' own tough times in his last hours, but even before then it was never easy for him. I can't imagine having to travel in secret, inhabit only certain spaces. My ability to move around the world is something that I take so for granted. Jesus didn't even go to the Passover Feast right away, because people were there ready to arrest him. In fact, they were instructed to arrest him. Lord, you were there watching over Your Son, and I know that You are watching over me in times of danger... just as You did in Brazil.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

A Friend Loves at All Times

A Friend Loves at All Times
Proverbs 17:16-17

"A friend loves you all the time, and a brother helps in times of trouble." (Proverbs 17:17)

These words are so true. "All the time"- when you're sad, when you're happy, when you're frustrated, when you're exhausted, even when you're just too busy and don't have time for them. They're not just there for you on the best of days but on all days. I'm quite lucky to have a brother who is also my friend and definitely helps me in times of trouble. He's been there for me when I've been caught in the confusion of discerning my next step. He's been there for me when I was caught in difficult situations and really hurting inside. He's been there for me when I've been so excited and happy and blessed. Being there- I think it really is more important than we even recognize. Perhaps you can't do much for your friend at a certain point in their journey, but just being there sometimes counts. To know that someone is there with you is powerful, and we are called to love one another- to be there for those who need us or even when they don't, but to show them that we are really present and caring about them in that moment... we give them the gift of ourselves. Lord, thank You for being our friend... always there for us when we need You, and teach us how to be friends to all, how to love all and be there for them... at all times.

Solomon: Friend of the Israelites
1 Kings 7:1-8:66

"Give your attention to my prayers and the prayers of your people Israel. Listen to them anytime they ask you for help. You chose them from all the nations on earth to be your very own people. This is what you promised through Moses your servant when you brought our ancestors out of Egypt, Lord God." (1 Kings 8:52-53)

Here Solomon prays to God on behalf of the Israelites, asking for forgiveness of sins that they haven't even yet committed. Solomon shows that he is not only concerned for himself but for the welbeing of all his people. He asks God to listen when the people ask for help and forgiveness. When someone prays for you, really really prays for you and your concerns and your joys, it is such a special gift. Only a friend knows you well enough and cares enough to pray those prayers, giving them as much importance as their own. I'm reminded to pray for the joys and concerns of all my friends... cherishing them in my heart and asking that God help and bless them, as they have certainly blessed me.

Jesus: Friend of Lazarus
John 11:1-27

"So Mary and Martha sent someone to tell Jesus, 'Lord, the one you love is sick'.... Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus." (John 11:3,5)

I really love this story, and while the miracle is great, I'm also attracted to the knowledge that Jesus had some very dear friends who he loved very much. In being human, he could feel the earthly bond we develop with certain special friends... even when he was far away, he went to visit these friends that he loved. And Jesus calls himself our friend (John 15:15). What a blessing! Thank You, Lord Jesus, for all Your gifts... for the gift of the life You gave to save me... and for the gift of Your friendship.

Friday, May 29, 2009

It's All in the Timing

A Long Time- to fulfill God's plans
1 Kings 5:1-6:38

"The Temple was finished during the eleventh year he was king, in the eighth month, the month of Bul. It was built exactly as it was planned. Solomon had spent over seven years building it." (1 Kings 6:38)

Wow... what a work project. That makes most of our construction projects seem speedy. (Of course nowadays we have the luxury of different mechanical helps.) But just think about anything you've dedicated 7 years to working on: whether it was middle/high school, a graduate degree, a job, a marraige, a child, paying for a home... didn't it feel good when it was 'built exactly as planned' or at least turned out as well as you could've imagined? For me there are few things that I've devoted 7 years to. I suppose I could count the Spring-Ford school system and trying to follow God's will in serving Him with all my being... by teaching, volunteering, now trying to do whatever I can and praying that He lead me in the paths where I should go. I can't help but admire Solomon's persistence and constant devotion in loving God so much thta he would spend over seven years to build His temple. Lord, my contribution will not be building a temple for you but building up Your kingdom... I pray that You continue to guide me in where I should go to serve You and Your people not for 7 but for 7x70 years.

Now's the Time- to stop a quarrel
Proverbs 17:13-15

"Starting a quarrel is like a leak in a dam, so stop it before a fight breaks out." (Proverbs 17:14)

In Spanish, there's a saying, "de una vez." Literally, it means "of one time." Figuratively, it would be translated as something like, "how about now?" or "let's do it right away"- sort of suggesting that idea of "why not now?" This is especially true for disagreements and misunderstandings. On this, I agree wholeheartedly. In fact, sometimes I do this to a fault... I think about a misunderstanding and cannot move forward until I've asked someone about it- hey, what happened there? Can you explain what you meant when...? I've noticed you're a bit ___, any reason? But, luckily my friends and family have learned to expect this from me, and I have to say that it usually proves to be beneficial... it stops me from bottling up those emotions for an explosion in a fight and helps me to understand people more. For, I'm sure that most quarrels are really that- just misunderstandings. That's why God tells us not to let the sun go down on our anger. Lord, please help me always help me to stop quarreling "de una vez" before it starts, because if not... that leak just keeps on leaking.

All the Time- to believe in Jesus
John 10:22-42

"Some people gathered around him and said, 'How long will you make us wonder about you? If you are the Christ, tell us plainly.' Jesus answered, 'I told you already, but you did not believe. The miracles I do in my Father's name show who I am. But you don't believe, because you are not my sheep. My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life and they will never die, and no one can steal them out of my hand." (John 10:24-28)

Funny how people just didn't get it. Jesus stopped answering questions that he'd already answered and questions asked just to trap him. Later on it says "'again' some people picked up stones to kill Jesus" (31), so this suggests that perhaps they had stones in their hands while asking him this question. And these 'askers' weren't genuinely interested in considering or discerning the truth. People with open hearts who had heard the Word were already sheep, already believed the miracles done in the Father's name. Lord, we want to be Your sheep all the time... to listen to Your voice, to follow You... I rest in the knowledge that You are my Father and protector and no one can steal me out of Your hand- You are with me all the time and I seek to live in You all the time.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

To Know is to Love

To Know what Must be Done
1 Kings 3:1-4:34

"'Lord my God, now you have made me your servant, king in my father's place. But I am like a little child; I don't know how to do what must be done. I, your servant, am here among your chosen people, and there are too many of them to count. I ask that you give me a heart that understands, so I can rule the people in the right way and will know the difference between right and wrong. Otherwise, it is impossible to rule this great people of yours.' The Lord was pleased that Solomon had asked for this." (1 Kings 3:7-10)

What a beautiful prayer! This is something I reflected on in my message at YAC last weekend. The Lord guided me to this prayer which proved most beneficial in preparing my message... as I asked Him for guidance. But additionally, we read it together that night to remind ourselves of God's promise to grant us wisdom 'to know what must be done' at the right time- discernment. In today's mobile society with changes in careers, the economy and various other areas, it's important to know that we can go to God for all of our decisions... asking him for wisdom is a prayer that pleased God. He was pleased that Solomon did not ask for riches and honor when he could've asked for anything. But Solomon asked to 'know what must be done.' He sought to love and honor God's will for his life in the hope of knowing His wisdom. I similarly pray to know 'what must be done' and what it is that I must do. Lord I love you, and I pray for the wisdom to know Your plan for my life... trusting that You will reveal all things in Your time.

To Know Nature's Beauty
1 Kings 3:1-4:34

"[Solomon] taught about many kinds of plants- everything from the great cedar trees of Lebanon to the weeds that grow out of the walls. He also taught about animals, birds, crawling things and fish. People from all nations came to listen to King Solomon's wisdom. The kings of all nations sent them to him, because they had heard of Solomon's wisdom." (1 Kings 4:33-34)

This beautiful passage from Kings may seem surprising at first since people seem to think of environmental concerns as a incongruous with our spiritual lives. But, when considering it more carefully- it is only natural (pun intended) that the same book that asks us to be 'good stewards of the earth' would deem Solomon's wisdom and knowledge about the trees, weeds, animals, birds, crawling things and fish very important, especially at a time when people lived much more closely to the land. This verse reminds me of Brad and my cousin Jonathan who study soil moisture in the Amazon and Alaska respectively. Their exploration of aspects of the amazing world that God has given to us gives us more wisdom and further reason to admire, love and care for the earth. It inspires me to learn more about the plants and animals native to Tucson so that I may appreciate them even more on my hikes next semester. Dana Gioia, in her poem "Words," describes the importance of knowing nature:

Yet the stones remain less real to those who cannot
name them, or read the mute syllables graven in silica.
To see a red stone is less than seeing it as jasper—
metamorphic quartz, cousin to the flint the Kiowa
carved as arrowheads. To name is to know and remember.

I'm so thankful God has given us such scientific inquiring minds so that I may learn from them and learn to "name" and "know" and "love" the earth and the God who has given it to my care.

To Know the Shepherd (as He Knows His Sheep)
John 10:1-21

"I am the good shepherd. I know my sheep, and my sheep know me." (John 10:14)

And the very heart of the matter... Our good shepherd knows His sheep. He knows me... everything about me- my name and my soul, my heart and my motivation, my struggles and my greatest happiness. I love this verse. As I titled today's writing- to know is to love. To know someone is very personal.

I wonder if you've ever heard someone remark, usually rather indignantly, "X doesn't even know me!" When used in this context it doesn't mean someone knows your name but rather those thoughts and concerns and joys that rest deep in your soul. They know your nature and how you'd react even before you've been put in a certain situation. It's that friend from 2nd grade who knows that fruit salad would be your favorite welcome home gift and a 5k would be right up your alley. (Thanks, Ash!) But knowing someone doesn't come easy... it takes time spent together, really listening and talking to one another, and being there when it counts.

Well, if we are to be God's sheep, we must also know God. But knowing God doesn't come easy... it takes time spent together in Bible Study, talking to and listening to God in prayer, talking to and listening to other believers, and being there, being faithful... even when it's hard, especially when it's hard. Lord, I love that You know me, and I love being Your sheep and knowing You. Help me to know more of You every day.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Why We Do the Things We Do

Sometimes it seems curious just why we do certain things. What is the motivating factor? Why are we moved to obey commands? Why are me motivated to do things for people? What makes us believe?

Obey -->Success
1 Kings 1:1-2:46

"Obey the Lord your God. Follow him by obeying his demands, his commands, his laws and his rules that are written in the teachings of Moses. If you do these things, you will be successful in all you do and wherever you go." (1 Kings 2:3)

After Adonijah tried to make himself king without poor David knowing (I really wonder how he figured that would work out), David honored his promise to Bathsheba and made her son Solomon king. Before he takes the throne, David offers some wise words of advice to the young
ruler. He should obey God, all the commands, all the teachings, etc, because he will have success. While I in no way believe in the gospel of wealth (that all those who are rich are loved by the Lord and following the Lord and those who suffer have brought it upon themselves), I think this "success" might refer to something different entirely. When we are walking with Him, "in his light" (1 John 1), then we are filled with abundant joy in the long run... joy, life, light, success. The beauty of being in the Lord motivates us to follow His commands and teachings ever more closely by reading the scripture, praying, and being built up in a community of believers.

Love --> Do
Proverbs 17:7-9

"Some people think they can pay others to do anything they ask. They think it will work every time." (Proverbs 17:8)

While money can get you some things in life, it can't buy everything. Mastercard would say, some things are "priceless," and the Beatles would suggest that "Money can't buy me love." Love, yeah, that's it. People would do a lot of crazy things for the right price (evidenced by silly daring tv shows), but they won't do acts of service that require love as a basis. I'm reminded of the last "Sex and the City" episode where Miranda finds Steve's mother rooting through trash, takes her home and bathes her. Miranda might be tempted to do many things for the right price, but this well-to-do New York City lawyer could've easily had some one else take care of this less than glamorous job. To me, it's clear. This is where her love for Steve took over. Honestly the scene brought me to tears, when she looked at her housekeeper and said, "Don't tell Steve." Love leads us to make dinner when we're tired, carry on when we're sad, visit others when we have way too much to do, send a special note when we have our own agendas. Acts of love cannot be paid for... true love is given with no strings attached.

Speak --> Believe
John 9:24-41

"When Jesus heard that they had thrown him out, Jesus found him and said, 'Do you believe in the Son of Man?' He asked, 'Who is the Son of Man, so that I can believe in him?' Jesus said to him, 'You have seen him. The Son of Man is the one talking with you.' He said, 'Lord, I believe!' Then the man worshipped Jesus." (John 9:35-39)

This is such an amazing part of the story... to know that the man who was born blind didn't understand what had happened at first. At first, he didn't know who restored his sight or why. It not the miracle that brought him to worship Jesus, because without the words the man didn't understand. In order for him to worship Jesus, Jesus needed to explain who he was and what had happened to him. That's like all of us... people may see our lives and admire who we are and what we do, but people will never come to believe and follow Jesus if we don't speak about the hope that we have found in Him. They will be confused as to why we do what we do... so we need to speak, because we are blessed to be a witness.

Check out this lovely video by Kay Guyer, presented at COB YAC (Young Adult conference):

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Cost of Discipleship

Hi there everyone!

I know I've been a bit absent as of late... I've still been reading but without the writing... so I certainly hope you're keeping up with the scriptures. You wouldn't want to miss out on such amazing stories and loves songs, such as David's song of Praise (2 Samuel 22). Well, stay tuned, because I'll soon be in Guatemala and be able to recount some fun Guatemalan stories along with my reflections on my daily Bible reading, which is such a blessing to me... and I pray that it may be to others as well.

The Cost of Discipleship

This past weekend I was at YAC, where we talked about the discipleship, and in preparation read parts of Bonheoffer's book The Cost of Discipleship. Yes, there is a cost, and yes there is a journey that is sometimes long and not the easiest path... but it is all worth it... every minute of it. And we have a God that is an "ever-present help in trouble" (Psalm 46:1) and "will not test us beyond what we can bear" (1 Cor. 10:13)

The Cost of Sin: Confession
2 Samuel 23:1-24:25

"David felt ashamed after he had counted the people. He said to the Lord, 'I have sinned greatly by what I have done. Lord, I beg you to forgive me, your servant, because I have been very foolish.'" (2 Samuel 24:10)

At first upon reading, it seems curious. To what 'great sin' had King David succumbed? But, then it becomes clear... especially upon reading Joab's question: "Why do you want to do this?" Joab questions not only David's actions but his motives, his "why?" Sometimes when we look at different church traditions, we become fixed on the 'whats' instead of the 'whys.' (And the 'whys' are really the 'wise.' Ok, ok... too many times a linguist.) But, really, the heart of the matter is what matters, especially in 2 Samuel, where we are assured that "God looks at the heart" (16:7).

For instance, many are unaware that in the COB there was a controversy about whether to have Sunday School or not. At first it seems crazy that the church that started as with 8 young adults leading a Bible study in their home wouldn't embrace the concept. But the "why" is precisely that people thought it would take that important element of daily Bible study with the family out of the home. Sadly, I have to admit that I have seen that happen, but I am very excited about starting a family Bible study with my family... at least for a bit now while I'm around.

Well, the 'why', the motive, for David was the problem. His motive was pride- that word so carefully avoided in many Brethren circles. He looked at how Israel had grown and prospered during his reign, and he was tempted to take some of the glory on himself. The cost of sin is great to David, where we see God send disease and an angel sent to destroy Jerusalem. But, even without disease and destruction, the sin required David to come before God, confessing humbly that the welfare of the kingdom was all in God's hands.

The Cost of Offering: Everything
2 Samuel 23:1-24:25

"'My king, I give everything to you.' Araunah also said to the king, 'May the Lord your God be pleased with you.' But the king answered Araunah, 'No, I will pay you for the land. I won't offer to the Lord my God burnt offerings that cost me nothing.'" (2 Samuel 23-24)

This is a beautiful part of this chapter as well. David cries out to the Lord and says that it is his fault, so he should be the one to pay, not the people who "followed like sheep." And David goes to build an altar at Araunah the Jebusite's threshing floor, precisely where the angel of the Lord had stopped his killing. It's striking that Araunah's response to David was precisely what our response should be to the Lord: "I give you everything!" How long has it been since you offered everything to the Lord? From the tiny conveniences to the greatest blessings that it hurts you to let go of.

I remember so vividly last month when my heart was in such turmoil. The Lord has led me to a wonderful man who is such a blessing in my life, and I thank God every day for how he not only helps me and loves me, but also guides me closer to Him. I believe we're really walking forward on our journey of discipleship together. But, I came to a point where I needed to ask if he supported women in pastoral ministry. And although I love Brad so much and never ever want to give up the blessing he is in my life, I knew that I could go no further if he didn't... because before anything else, I must be faithful to Him. I give Him all of my life and "anyone who does not give up everything cannot be [His] disciple" (Luke 14:33). There is a cost to being God's disciple... and that cost is everything. David recognizes that our offering must cost us something, and that something must be everything, because God gave everything for us... and what He offers us in return is everything.

The Cost of Blessing:Cleansing
John 9:1-23

"After Jesus said this, he spit on the ground and made some mud with it and put the mud on the man's eyes. Then he told the man, 'Go and wash in the pool of Siloam.' (Siloam means Sent.) So the man went, washed, and came back seeing." (John 9:6-7)

This beautiful story of the man who 'was blind but now can see' is amazing and interesting in so many ways. God is teaching me new aspects of these familiar Bible stories every day. But, I especially appreciated 2 things about this story today. First is the use of mud- dirt from the earth (from which man was created according to Genesis) and God's saliva. Also, Jesus covered his eyes, covered what was ailing him. But the second and more interesting to me today is the fact that Jesus asked the man to go and wash the mud away. This involved obedience, this involved action, this involved cleansing. God wants to give us great blessings and "reveal God's power in us" (3); but in order to do this, we must "go." Lord, teach me to "go" to the pool of 'Sent' where you are sending me... so that I may come back seeing more of you.

Please take 5 minutes to check out this amazing clip of how God uses this young man's amazing musical abilities to "show God's power in [him]." (He is blind, but learned to play requests on the piano by his 2nd birthday!) (Thanks for sharing, Pat!!!)

Friday, May 22, 2009

Purification Station

Pure... it sounds so nice at the outset, until we recognize that the process of reaching this goal isn't quite so pretty. It involves enduring curses and insults, struggles and difficulties as well as the unfortunate truth about ourselves that we so like to ignore. But, in the end it is worth it... bringing us closer and closer to our Lord. So, we pray... Lord, work in our lives and purify us today.

2 Samuel 15:1-16:19

"Leave him alone and let him curse me because the Lord told him to do this. Maybe the Lord will see my misery and repay me with something good for Shimei's curses today!" (2 Samuel 16:11-12)

We know the saying, 'It ain't easy being green.' Turns out, it's not easy being king either... especially when you've just accepted the son who murdered your other son back into the kingdom and he repays you by turning your people against you and trying to take over. Oh, Absalom... talk about a problem child. It must've been humiliating running from your own son, evidenced by David's exclamation, "My own son is trying to kill me! This man is a Benjaminite and has more right to kill me!" But, that wasn't enough humiliation apparently. Shimei son of Gera, from Saul's family group, decided to follow David and his officers, curse him and throw stones and dirt at him.

The surprising thing here is David's reaction, "If he is cursing me because the Lord told him to, who can question him?" I don't know about you, but the last time someone criticized me, my reaction wasn't, "Oh, ok... that critique might be a message from God. Let me think that one over a while." But, I think we should. For instance, I've been thinking more about the relationships in my life. While we each know that we love each other deeply, perhaps it's not so apparent to those on the outside... and it's important to really show in all my interactions the great love that we feel for one another: in what I say and don't say, in how I act, in the time that I spend caring for them.

Psalm 66:8-15

"God, you have tested us; you have purified us like silver. You let us be trapped and put a heavy load on us. You let our enemies walk on our heads. We went through fire and flood, but you brought us to a place with good things." (Psalm 66:10-12)

Verse 10... how beautiful... God has purified us like silver. Ah, lovely. Thank You, God. But then, wait a minute... how did God purify us? Read on to find out. Trapped? A heavy load? Enemies walking on our heads? Fire and flood? Hmmm... doesn't sound so beautiful any more. All this? To be purified? Is it worth it? Of course it is, and here we have a lovely realistic picture of the process of purification.

And it's necessary... I remember Brad mentioning something that really hit home. "Whatever struggles we go through affects others on some level." We fool ourselves into thinking that we can go through it on our own, that we're not hurting anyone. But in reality, our lives are connected, and in seeking to purify ourselves we can positively impact the lives of those we love. Working towards the purification of our own lives is not only pleasing to God and to ourselves but to those who love us. Though it's often very painful and difficult, it's worth it.

John 7:1-24

"The world cannot hate you, but it hates me, because I tell it the evil things it does." (John 7:7)

Jesus, as "the way, the truth and the life," would necessarily come to the world to expose the truth about the world and what is going on. And the world's reaction? Hate. While we might not put it so strongly, we do often get defensive when someone offers us correction. "No. I'm not overbearing. Now, take this to the sink." Sometimes it's so hard to see needs to be changed in our lives that we need others to show us. And Jesus gives us another example here. He knows that the world hates this correction, but it doesn't bother him. He's more concerned with the world than with being 'likeable.' When a close friend needs correction or advice, we need to find the way to speak the truth in love to that person... and set them on their way toward purification.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Continue loving...
2 Samuel 13:1-14:33

"When King David got over Amnon's death, he missed Absalom greatly." (2 Samuel 13:39)

Amnon was certainly a bad guy in the Bible. He forced his half-sister to have sexual relations with him and then hated her and sent him away from her. Absalom was so angry at his brother Amnon's behavior that he eventually took revenge on him, killing him in his drunkeness. And David was sad at the death of his son, crying out loud. But eventually, after he had gotten over Amnon's death, David missed his son Absalom greatly and wanted him to come back. His pain hadn't died but neither had his great love for his son, for either of his sons. That is the strange and powerful characteristic of true love... that it continues.

Continue praising...
Psalm 66:1-7

"Everything on earth, shout with joy to God! Sing about his glory! Make his praise glorious! Say to God, 'Your works are amazing!'" (Psalm 66:1-3)

This morning I am certainly praising God for the "amazing things He has done for people." So many blessings have been continually poured out into my life- wonderful family and friends and a comfortable home to come home to. And when I was worried I prayed to the Lord to know how my love was feeling, and God even answered that prayer for me. A love who also loves me and supports me in my many endeavors, as I speak at YAC on Saturday and as I seek You and seek to do Your will. Lord, Your works are amazing! I praise You, God, and I thank You for the multitude of good things that You have given me in my life.

Continue following...
John 6:60-71

"Jesus said, 'That is the reason I said, 'If the Father does not bring a person to me, that one cannot come.' After Jesus said this, many of his followers left him and stopped following him. Jesus asked the twelve followers, 'Do you want to leave too?' Simon Peter answered him, 'Lord, who would we go to? You have the words that give eternal life. We believe and know tht you are the Holy One from God.'" (John 6:65-69)

When confronted with the hard teaching about coming to the Lord only through Jesus' sacrifice and coming to know Jesus only after being brought by the Father, it'd certainly be easier to do an 'about face.' Turn around and hit the road, just stop following. But as the saying goes, 'when the going gets tough, the tough get going.' Simon Peter puts it best- even though it's hard, they wouldn't want to leave. Jesus has the answers, the answers with ultimate authority that they have been looking for. Although the teachings are not easy, they don't have another place to find those answers... and so even in our unbelief or our lack of understanding, we continue to follow Jesus and continue to try to understand these teachings.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

You've Got Some 'Xplaining to Do

We are all looking for answers, and we can tell from the mere breadth of questions that we ask starting with the familiar, "What is the meaning of life?" and extending to the trivialities of day to day existence. Who else should we turn to as a source of answers than our Lord, the Truth Himself.

Answers from Silence
Samuel 28:1-25

"Saul said, 'I am greatly troubled. The Philistines are fighting against me, and God has left me. He won't answer me anymore, either by prophets or in dreams. That's why I called for you. Tell me what to do.'" (1 Samuel 28:15)

Here Saul has gone to a 'medium,' a fortuneteller woman in Endor. That in and of itself is quite surprising and interesting. When she gets in touch with the deceased Samuel, Samuel's response is that of, "Well, of course God seems silent. You turned your back on Him. You disobeyed Him. You distanced yourself from Him." I often remember that my own loneliness and despair or God's silence are God's way of calling me back to His side. Lord, may I live obediently to You and stay close to You always... even when it gets busy.

Answers from God
Psalm 61:1-3

"God, hear my cry; listen to my prayer. I call to you from the ends of the earth when I am afraid. Carry me away to a high mountain. You have been my protection, like a strong tower against my enemies." (Psalm 61:1-3)

Last night I got anxious and worried about a paper that I wanted to perfect. Not content to only respond to the comments from my professor, this process involved lots of extra research which I started this weekend in preparation for my presentation. While the process was interesting and fun, it was also stressful learning that this was due before leaving tomorrow. I became anxious and stressed, and sat before the computer closing my eyes and asking God to 'hear my cry,' 'to carry me away to a high mountain,' to give me peace. And He is faithful... somehow everything gets done... that enormous pile of "to do's" eventually gets done. Thank You, Lord for answering me when I call out to You in times of fear and anxiety. You not only protect me but also calm me.

Answers from the Spirit
John 3:1-21

"Human life comes from human parents, but spiritual life comes from the Spirit." (John 3:6)

In Jesus' response to Nicodemus, we are told that we must 'be born again.' (The children's song suggests just like bullfrogs and butterflies.) We become new when we are filled with the Spirit. While teaching from human parents has its place in this human world, the Spirit's teaching is vital for our spiritual life. I constantly ask the Spirit to continue to guide me in my life, in my discernment of God's will for my life. And what a blessing it is! To have a Lord who loves me so much that He gave not only the gift of His son but also the gift of the great Counselor and Spirit who will guide me in finding answers about my spiritual questions. Spirit, come abide in me today.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

He Cares Enough...

To Protect Us
1 Samuel 26:1-27:12

"The Lord rewards us for the things we do right and for our loyalty to him. The Lord handed you over to me today, but I wouldn't harm the Lord's appointed king. As I respected your life today, may the Lord also respect my life and save me from all trouble." (1 Samuel 26:23-24)

Hmmm... seems like the Bible is on repeat. Haven't we heard this before? Saul chasing David? Saul being handed over to David by the Lord? David choosing to respect Saul's life and not kill him. Yep... not once but twice David compares himself to a flea or a bird that Saul is hunting and he not only escapes the peril, but he has the opportunity to avenge himself of Saul... an option he declines. Just imagine, the king and his army are after you... you have virtually no protection. What are you to do? God is our protection... and he will protect us from all trouble.

To Help Us
Psalm 60:6-12

"Human help is useless, but we can win with God's help." (Psalm 60:11-12)

We can't do it on our own... and I'm certain I couldn't have made it through grad school on my own either. The Fall seems so far away, not just in terms of time but also in terms of the way I felt. Everything was so different from the life I'd been leading for 2 years and I just didn't know how to feel comfortable in this country, in this new setting. But I'm convinced that lots of prayer and continuing my quiet time and especially the Bible Study group really helped me through the difficult transition. That is the kind of help that I go to... not guides or tips or suggestions but God-fearing counsel.

To Keep the Party Going
John 2:1-25

"When he tasted it, the water had become wine." (John 2:9)

A familiar story... the water turned to wine. The wine ran out at the wedding. In accord with the book "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff," this would appear to certainly fall under the category of 'small stuff.' But God cares enough to want to know even our 'small stuff.' He wants to know about our little struggles, our need for patience or persistence in fighting off a certain kind of temptation, about our disappointments and concerns. "Anyone who is having trouble should pray" (James 5:13). We should pray about everything from an empty wine bottle to a final presentation. Thank You, Lord, for caring enough about me to care even for my 'small stuff.'

Monday, May 11, 2009

Anything Good

Good- From Enemies
1 Samuel 24:1-25:44

"He said, 'You are a better man than I am. You have been good to me, but I have done wrong to you. You told me what good things you did. The Lord handed me over to you, but you did not kill me. People don't normally let an enemy get away like this, do they? May the Lord reward you because you were good to me today." (1 Samuel 24:17-19)

Saul was busy searching the countryside, following leads that people had given him he learned that David was in the desert of En Gedi. It just so happened that David and the gang were hiding out in a cave where Saul chose to relieve himself (eww... sometimes it seems there's a bit too much detail). David's men all wanted him to kills Saul, since he'd been 'given into his hands by the Lord.' David cut a piece of Saul's robe... he must've been pretty quiet, but then he convinced everyone not to harm Saul, since he was the 'Lord's appointed king.' Imagine Saul's surprise! He had walked right into the arms of his enemy, and David had shown mercy to him. It seems that David heaped burning coals on Saul's head and the good that came of it- a conflict resolved. It's interesting to take note of this passage, since many fail to see the message of peace in the Old Testament teachings. (I hope to read my pastor Dave Lighter's book this summer and learn some more.) The message of peace is harder to see, but it's still there... and God still tells us that it is very very good.

Good- Out of your Plans
Proverbs 16:3

"Depend on the Lord in whatever you do, and your plans will succeed." (Proverbs 16:3)

While this verse reminds me of the Jeremiah text that God has a plan for me, it is subtly different. God does have a plan for our lives, but we also have plans (that are hopefully God-honoring and in keeping with the Lord's will). And how amazing to have a loving God who wants our own plans to succeed! I do depend and trust in you, Lord, especially this summer which will be a wonderful, exciting, fruitful, but also trying time. I pray that I learn to rely on You and Your ability to make these plans succeed.

Good- Out of Nazareth
John 1:35-51

"But Nathanel said to Philip, 'Can anything good come from Nazareth?' Philip answered, 'Come and see.'" (John 1:46)

Good comes from unexpected places as these previous verses show: animosity and our own earthly plans. It also comes from unexpected people and places like Nazareth, which isn't very highly thought of. Living a split childhood between Philly and Jersey, I've heard plenty of bad things about my dear NJ... mostly from people who've never lived there. (South Jersey is actually very beautiful... that's the part that is actually the garden state.) Perhaps Nazareth could've been thought of as a Jersey... there's nothing there, it's the armpit of America, etc. But good things can come from undeserving places like Nazareth and Jersey (take Springsteen for example). And good things can come from underserving people as well. Next year, I'll try to take on a leadership position with GCF, my goals being to help give new grad students a place to feel Christian community, grow in knowledge and spiritual life with Jesus or come to know Jesus in a new way, find encouragement and support and focus on God... the center of all our lives. Lord, I ask that You use even me... Your small humble servant.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

With My Little Eyes

There is a common children's game called "I Spy," and the wording goes, "I spy, with my little eye, something ______." But God is not concerned with what we see, rather God looks as the the heart, the soul, and the belief.

1 Samuel 16:1-17:58

"When they arrived, Samuel saw Eliab, and he thought, 'Surely the Lord has appointed this person standing here before him.' But the Lord said to Samuel, 'Don't look at how handsome Eliab is or how tall he is, because I have not chosen him. God does not see the same way people see. People look at the outside of a person, but the Lord looks at the heart.'" (1 Samuel 16:6-7)

I love this scripture so much... it is one that I try to read every morning and pray that God guide my heart and mold my heart into what may be pleasing to Him. Eliab must've been the "It" guy at school, so to speak. Strong, tall, handsome- he was the clear choice for any popularity contest. But God's decisions don't exactly work like a popularity contest.

As we remembered this morning in the Graduate Christian Fellowship Planning meeting, God's strength is made perfect through our weaknesses. And I am weak. I can do nothing without you, Lord. I am so thankful for GCF this year, at a moment when I felt so deeply lonely that I didn't know if I'd make it through grad school. And Lord I just pray that you would use me to do Your work this next semester, even though I certainly wouldn't win the popularity contest. Just like David, I'm the young one in the group, but I pray that You guide me and teach me and work through me Lord... I want to be Your vessel.

Psalm 59:1-5

"...Wake up to help me, and look. You are the Lord God All-Powerful, the God of Israel." (Psalm 59;5)

God doesn't look at our appearance, but He does look to us. He looks deep into our souls into what we feel, what we love, what we need. It reminds me of the song we just sang at church:

oh ven, ven y deleitate en el Senor (come, come and delight yourself in the Lord.)
y el te concedara las peticiones de tu corazon. (and he will give you all the petitions of your heart)

A familiar verse, but somehow it just hit me this evening, and I'm remembering once again the beauty of praying to my Lord with delight as I ask for what I need. And the Lord hears our prayers. He looks upon our situations and loves us. Thank You, God, for looking deeper into me than anyone.

Luke 24:36-53

"They were fearful and terrified and thought they were seeing a ghost. But Jesus said, 'Why are you troubled? Why do you doubt what you see? Look at my hands and my feet. It is I myself! Touch me and see, because a ghost does not have a living body as you see I have." (Luke 24:37-39)

Seeing is not believing. I think about those magic shows and card tricks which we can't quite figure out. Somehow it all looks just right, but we don't actually believe the rabbit appeared out of thin air or that the woman was actually sawed in half and put back together. And seeing Jesus didn't convince the disciples. It's sometimes hard to believe in anything... and people do struggle with their faith. That's why I am always comforted that we need 'faith the size of a mustard seed' and that we may pray, 'Lord, help us in our unbelief.' If the disciples doubted what they saw, many people are bound to doubt what they can't see. I guess I feel challenged to make the unseen seen for people- to share with people through my words and my thoughts and my life and my actions that He lives! He's right here... although You can't see him, You can believe. It's not what you see with your little eyes but what you belief with your little heart. Help me to share my belief with others, Lord.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Love Doesn't Brag

A loving heart is a humble heart... think of Jesus' example: born in a manger, known as a carpenter, lived among humble people. His loving humble heart expressed obedience to the Lord, appreciation for all things, and humility that allowed him to consider others' needs and the Lord's purpose above his own. Lord, today I pray that You might teach me to love this perfect love with obedience, appreciation and humility... to love You and all others in this way.

1 Samuel 13:23-15:35

"What pleases the Lord more: burnt offerings and sacrifices or obedience to his voice? It is better to obey than to sacrifice. It is better to listen to God than to offer the fat of sheep. Disobedience is as bad as the sin of sorcery. Pride is as bad as the sin of worshiping idols. You have rejected the Lord's command. Now he rejects you as king." (1 Samuel 15:22-23)

The message is clear. Whatever our actions are, if they are not obedient to the Lord's plans, they are not right. Our love is expressed through obedience. If as children we told our parents we loved them and then went out and broke every rule in the book, how could they feel loved? If we tell our friends we love them but then disobey the 'rules' of friendship such as trust and time and love, they will question that love. If a wife tells her husband that she loves him but disobeys her vows, how could she really love?

"Pride is as bad as worshiping idols." This is no small statement. Worshiping idols, we recall, is against the second of the great commandments. Samuel likens pride to such a sin. So, we must guard our hearts... attempting to obey the Lord's purpose for our lives and not our own... humbling ourselves so that our purposes do not reign primary.

Psalm 57:1-3

"I cry out to God Most High, to the God who does everything for me." (Psalm 57:2)

Loving someone also entails appreciating that person in a deep way. While certainly not expert on the topic, I'm deeply saddens to see couples who seem to forget to appreciate one another. They've become so 'used to', so 'accustomed to' the familiar face, the preparation of a meal, the ride to the store, the 'how was your day,' the helping hand, the care in times of sickness... they just forget how once special it was... how very thankful they were in that first moment of love expressed.

Sometimes I feel the same way with God. Every day I awake and go running... forgetting sometimes to thank the Lord for a body that has such capabilities, for a time in the day to clear my head and be with Him in prayer, for another beautiful morning and breath of air. Every day I pass by beautiful flowers and scenery and people, and I forget to thank God for my place here in Tucson, for the beauty and gift of creation. Every day I meet up with friends and students, people near and far through personal interactions and distance conversations and emails, and I forget to praise the Lord for these wonderful people who are so precious, such blessings in my life. And so many more things... Lord, I appreciate all that You have given to me: Your amazing love for me... which values me when I am so small, Your gift of salvation and forgiveness and grace that allows me to live free and fully, Your many blessings when I truly do not deserve so much.

Proverbs 15:25

"The Lord will tear down the proud person's house, but he will protect the widow's property." (Proverbs 15:25)

As stated in 1 Corinthians 13:4, "Love does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud." This reminds me somewhat of something we talked about last night... the competition involved in the world of 'academia' here at grad school level. While I don't feel it so much in my program, it seems that many students struggle with this intense 'cut-throat-ish' competitive environment. I wonder whether such an environment might be very detrimental to the love that we should feel for one another... instead of boasting about ourselves and envying others... we should rejoice with others' triumphs and accept our own limitations.

When we boast of ourselves, we aren't really being honest. After all, God is the one who gives us all things, who helps us in all things. That's why as Paul says, we should boast in the Lord. Lord, I give You the glory for a year of grad school (almost) completed. So many times I thought I might not make it, but I am sure that it was Your strength that got me through it... and even made me finish this year thirsting for more!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Sometimes... there is crying in baseball... and in life

In a family favorite, "A League of Their Own," the coach starts yelling repeatedly, "There's no crying in baseball! There's no crying in baseball!" But, as the player stands there with tears in her eyes, apparently there is sometimes. Just like in life... no matter how much we wish it weren't so, sometimes there is crying in life. But, God is there in those moments to offer forgiveness, presence and healing.

1 Samuel 12:1-13:22

"Samuel answered, 'Don't be afraid. It's true that you did wrong, but don't turn away from the Lord. Serve the Lord with all your heart.... I will surely not stop praying for you, because that would be sinning against the Lord. I will teach you what is good and right. You must honor the Lord and truly serve him with all your heart. Remember the wonderful things he did for you!" (1 Samuel 12:20, 23-24)

The wrong thing that the people had done was ask for a king even though God was their king. But even though they had done wrong, God still loved them. They needed to accept and appreciate God's forgiveness and allow that to encourage them to love and serve the Lord with all their heart. Sometimes it's hard to receive that kind of beautiful forgiveness... a love so amazing and complete. When we aren't even ready to forgive ourselves, God forgives us. And it is unjust to our Lord not to embrace, acknowledge and appreciate that our Lord is a truly forgiving God. No sin is to big enough, no mistake to difficult. And truly acknowledging that grace is what allows us to love a Lord who dries our tears when we fail and loves us.

The second part of this verse also touched me this morning. The importance of having Christian brothers and sisters to pray for you. In this instance, it was Samuel, but it could well have been someone else. That is what is so important about having special spiritual leaders in our lives: a source of teaching, of prayer, of guidance... there to remind us of God's wonderful character and love for us. I'm so thankful this morning for a visit from my dearest friend and spiritual leader Kammy, who always teaches me so much and dries tears that may not even be upon my face.

Psalm 56:1-13

"You have recorded my troubles. You have kept a list of my tears." (Psalm 56:8)

This is the verse that most stood out to me this morning. A God who has a list of my tears is a God who has been there for me in my most difficult times. He knows me in a way that no one else does. He knows when I have been hurting and how I have come out of it. I think it's even more amazing to us in the somewhat guarded culture of the USA. We really hesitate to let people in, to let them know when we're struggling or when something's wrong. We like to pretend that everything's ok, that we can handle it. (Perhaps it's has something to do with the famous "Rugged Individualism.") However, we can't handle it all... and only those close enough to us, those we really trust can gain entrance into the realm of our troubles- to learn that everything's not really that ok, to see us cry... and to be there, to be present during the troubles. Sometimes you can't even really do anything physical for someone, but being there is a powerful testimony. And the Lord who loves me so much is there to see me through my troubles and my tears.

Luke 22:47-71

"And one of them struck the servant of the high priest and cut off his right ear. Jesus said, 'Stop! No more of this.' Then he touched the servant's ear and healed him." (Luke 22:50-51)

Perhaps only after closely studying this story in John did I recognize the power of this passage. Jesus (the offended) heals the offender. It is especially powerful considering the context. These men have come to arrest Jesus. They are about to humiliate and torture and brutally kill him in the way that is saved for those who have committed the worst crimes. These men are about to hurt him in so many ways, but Jesus' purpose in going through all this is clear. He is doing this so that those who cause pain and hurt through their sin may be healed... just like this man. The Lord is the one who must be the most offended, hurt and disappointed when we turn from him and sin... but the offended heals the offender. Only through this amazing gift of grace may we be healed... may the tears of pain caused by our own sin and foolish ways be dried. I wonder about this servant. What was his reaction? How powerful it must've been to be healed by the one you have been sent to capture! Lord, allow me to feel the healing power of Your spirit this day, as I praise You for this grace that dries my tears.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Jesus: My Anti-Temptation

Renuevame, Senor Jesus, (Renew me, Lord Jesus.)
Ya no quiero ser igual. (I don't want to be the same anymore.)
Renuevame, Senor Jesus, (Renew me, Lord Jesus.)
Pon en mi tu corazon. (Put your heart in me.)

Porque todo lo que hay dentro de mi, (Because everything that is inside of me,)
Necesita ser cambiado, Senor. (Needs to be changed, Lord.)
Porque todo lo que hay dentro de mi corazon, (Because everything that is within my heart,)
Necesita mas de ti. (Needs more of you.)

This song that we sang yesterday I had never sang before, and it touched me so deeply... saying exactly what I wanted to say and needed to say, even though I couldn't quite figure out how. And even more powerful when we followed it by:

Tu fidelidad es grande. (Your faithfulness is great.)
Tu fidelidad incomparable es. (Your faithfulness is incomparable.)
Nadie es como Tu, Bendito Dios. (No one is like You, Dear God.)
Grande es Tu fidelidad. (Great is Your faithfulness.)

The sentiments are far too familiar. I make a mistake and I turn to God. I cry for forgiveness, for help, for a changed heart... and God is ever-faithful in in listening to me, in helping me, in changing me. But sometimes I am strangely greatful for "the moments I feel faint" (as mentioned in the Reliant K lyrics), because in these moments I know in such a real way once again... on my own I cannot... I myself am not enough. I need God's forgiveness and love and guidance and help to change in a real way and keep me from temptation. We all have our own 'achilles heel' of temptation, but I have a powerful anti-temptation in Jesus... and I know that He will help me... He is incomparable, great, like no one, and ever-faithful.

Luke 22:24-46

"When he finished praying, he went to his followers and found them asleep because of their sadness. Jesus said to them, 'Why are you sleeping? Get up and pray for strength against temptation.'" (Luke 22:45-46)

Lord, too often I forget to pray for protection from the temptations that too easily creep into our lives when we are at our weakest. Give me this strength to follow You faithfully and keep to the road of righteousness always. Alone I cannot, but I need Your strength.

Psalm 55:15-23

"But I will call to God for help, and the Lord will save me. Morning, noon, and night I am troubled and upset, but he will listen to me.... Give your worries to the Lord, and he will take care of you. He will never let good people down." (Psalm 55: 16-17, 22)

And thank You, God, for being so faithful and always listening to me when I cal out to You for help. You save me when I am upset and saddened and oh so disappointed in myself, and I know that You love me even still... and You take care of me and fill me with joy and confidence. I have confidence not in myself, but I am boast in You, oh Lord, in great Your love that covers all my sins.

1 Samuel 10:1-11:15

"Then the Spirit of the Lord will rush upon you with power. You will prophesy with these prophets, and you will be changed into a different man. After all these signs happen, do whatever you find to do, because God will help you." (1 Samuel 10:6-7)

Ah, Saul... How wonderful to be annointed and have the Spirit of the Lord fill you with power. I believe that the Lord has the power to change our hearts and make us radically different. Lord, I pray that Your spirit come upon me and fill me, strengthen my body and soul and spirit so that I may be changed. As the song says, "I need more of you, Lord."