Speak, Lord (Prayer for guidance and sending)
1 Samuel 1:1-4:1
"Then Eli realized the Lord was calling the boy. So he told Samuel, 'Go to bed. If he calls you again, say, 'Speak, Lord. I am your servant and I am listening.' So Samuel went and lay down in bed. The Lord came and stood there and called as he had before, 'Samuel, Samuel!' Samuel said, 'Speak, Lord. I am your servant and I am listening.'" (1 Samuel 3:9-10)
I've always loved this account. Hannah gave her long-awaited son Samuel to be a Nazarite, quite a different type than Samson it would appear. So, Samuel spent his days 'doing was was good and right' and serving under the priest Eli. Eli's sons were 'wicked,' but Samuel followed the Lord's teachings and heard God's voice when He called out to him in the night. Lord, I want so much to hear Your voice, to listen to Your guidance, to listen even amidst the craziness of finals and business of packing up and moving around to different places. Lord, help me to take the time to listen and speak to me in Your ways, I beg You Lord... I want so much to know and follow Your will for my life.
Thank You, Lord (Prayer of thanksgiving)
Psalm 52:8-9
"But I am like an olive tree growing in God's Temple. I trust God's love forever and ever. God, I will thank you forever for what you have done. With those who worship you, I will trust you because you are good." (Psalm 52:8-9)
Such beautiful, beautiful images! And this lovely Psalm reminds me of all that I am so thankful for... I am so thankful for Your amazing love, Father, that covers all my sins, all my shortcomings. I am thankful for Your holiness and glory, that we may worship and praise You for who You are... always right and good and true and forever. I am thankful this morning for blessings both great and small- for a summer of serving You, for a wonderful summer with my brother and best friend, for a vacation with my friend Kammy, for words of encouragement from Brad to follow you, for a lovely prayer time with You, for the beautiful Tucson sunshine, for so many things, Lord!
Help, Lord (Prayer for forgiveness and correction)
Psalm 53:1-6
"God looked down from heaven on all people to see if anyone was wise, if anyone was looking to God for help. But all have turned away. Together everyone has become evil; none of them does anything good. Not a single person." (Psalm 53:2-3)
I find in this verse both frustration and comfort. It is comforting to recognize that we all are sinners- we all became evil. We have all turned away, and we do not look to God. Yet, imminent in this verse is God's frustration as well- that there is no one, not one, not a single person, none. Lord, I am sinful by nature, but I want so much to follow You. I do look to You. I call out to You for help, because alone I cannot... only with You can I overcome my own demons, which we all have. I ask for Your help to keep me in Your ways, for Your forgiveness when I falter, and for Your correction when I am going the wrong way.
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