The Value of Every Blessing
Judges 5:1-6:32
"On that day Deborah and Barak son of Abinoam sang this song: 'The leaders led Israel. The people volunteered to go to battle. Praise the Lord! Listen, kings. Pay attention, rulers! I myself will sing to the Lord. I will make music to the Lord, the God of Israel." (Judges 5:1-3)
On this day when the Israelites defeated Sisera, Deborah and Barak sang a song of praise to the Lord. This song which admires the strength of the leaders, Barak, Deborah and Jael (including quite a gory depiction of Jael's contribution) praises God for His part in the battle... for the blessing of protection and safety and victory. It is a challenge to me in that I often find that when something good happens I'm often apt to attribute it to "luck" or my own efforts, when I should really be praising God for every blessing. After all "every good and perfect gift comes from the Father."
This morning I am thankful for the blessing of a weekend with amazing friends: Brad, Derek, Jessica, Kammy, Zohra, Kara, Kristi. I am thankful for the blessing of beautiful Tucson weather. I am thankful for the blessing of another Monday of classes. I am thankful for the blessing of a prayer last night and a beautiful church service yesterday. I am thankful for the blessing of being able to bake for my friends and hoping that they enjoy it. I am thankful for the blessing of friends who will visit me soon at the shore.
The Value of Every Life
Psalm 49:1-9
"...Why should I fear when evil people surround me? They trust in their money and brag about their riches. No one can buy back the life of another. No one can pay God for his own life, because the price of a life is high. No payment is ever enough. Do people live forever? Don't they all face death?" (Psalm 49:5-9)
When it comes to the really important and truly valuable things, no one can buy them. Love, friendship, family, trust, loyalty, peace, happiness, kindness, etc. I'm reminded of the Mastercard commercial that would say certain things were "priceless," while the rest could be bought by mastercard... with money that doesn't even exist in a physical sense yet... somehow heightening the absurdity of the idea.
Well, a life is extremely valuable... and I only have to look at the excitement and anticipation in the eyes of my friends Jessica and Derek and imagine the feelings of Chrissy and Jonathan to feel it myself. A new life... a journey that hasn't begun yet... that holds so many mysteries and so many treasures. There is so much to see... will he be a writer, will she play basketball? And I can't yet imagine, I am sure, how much a parent loves their child... and in doing so really recognizes in a deep way the beauty of this blessing of a new life, which the Lord has granted. I praise You, Lord for all of these new lives, and I ask Your protection and safety and comfort for these new mothers to be.
The Value of Every Heart
Luke 15:1-10
"Then Jesus told them this story: 'Suppose on of you has a hundred sheep but loses one of them. Then he will leave the ninety-nine sheep in the open field and go out and look for the lost sheep until he finds it. And when he finds it, he happily puts it on his shoulders and goes home. He calls to his friends and neighbors and says, 'Be happy with me because I found my lost sheep.' In the same way I tell you there is more joy in heaven oer one sinner who changes his heart and life, than over ninety-nine good people who don't need to change.'" (Luke 15:3-7)
The lost sheep, the lost wallet, the lost anything. Mmmm. I can relate. On many hurried morning in my family, we were rushing around about ready to go out the door and someone would ask, "Has anyone seen my keys? Has anyone seen my wallet? Has anyone seen my ....?" Undoubtedly followed by a "geez oh man," an abundance of quiet prayers, and a frantic search through the house from top to bottom until the important necessary item was recovered. But in those moments, here was no thought of the many things we still possessed, the roof over our heads was taken for granted (it was still there), the purses and shoes and socks (all still there), the car in the driveway (still there)... In those moments, we were concerned about what was lost and where it could be found. Similarly, Jesus is concerned about the hearts of these lost sheep and rejoices when they are "found." I rejoice in the blessing of each heart that comes to know my Lord and Savior, and pray for those who do not yet know Him.
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