Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Second Chances for the Forgetful, the Self-Reliant, & the Lost

Judges 6:33-8:35

"As soon as Gideon died, the people of Israel were again unfaithful to God and followed the Baals. They made Baal-Berith their god. The Israelites did not remember the Lord their God, who had saved them from all their enemies living all around them. And they were not kind to the family of Jerub Baal, also called Gideon, for all the good he had done for Israel." (Judges 8:33-35)

Ah, the Israelites. They keep forgetting all that God has done for them- all of the wonderful blessings, the protection. They turned away from God. But God is forgiving and keeps giving second-chances to this people He had promised to be His. Lord, I also forget sometimes Your wonderful mercies and blessings that You have poured out in my life. Help me not to forget, to always be faithful to You every day. Thank You for being a God of second-chances, who loves me even when I forget to praise Your name.

Psalm 49:10-20

"This is what will happen to those who trust in themselves and to their followers who believe in them. LIke sheep, they must die, and death will be their shepherd. Honest people will rule over them in the morning and their bodies will rot in a grave far from home. But God will save my life and will take me from the grave." (Psalm 49:13-15)

Especially in the US, it is tempted to be like these people who "trust in themselves." It's taught that it's a good thing, to be self-reliant and independent. Individualism and independence are highly valued, but that leaves us in a precarious position with relationship to God. People think they're enough on their own- that they can overcome their sins, that they can make themselves good enough, or even the people who believe they can somehow 'earn' their way into heaven. We have to admit that we're not enough on our own. God is the one with the power to save us, to lift us from the binding of the grave and grant us eternal life. Lord, help me to keep present in my mind that I am saved only through You.

Luke 15:11-32

"Then the younger son gathered up all that was his and traveled far away to another country. There he wasted his money in foolish living.... 'My son was dead, but now he is alive again! He was lost, but now he is found!'" (Luke 15:13,24)

God, I have been lost like this infamous 'prodical son.' I 'traveled' away from you and went to a place where I wasted precious gifts that You have given me. I lost myself in foolish vanity and forgot to live for you. I really feel like I lost my life. I lost myself in those moments, but friends and family led me back to Your side. And You accepted me and claimed me as Your own, helped me to recognize my value when I had completely forgotten that. As a child of God, I am so valuable, so precious in Your sight, Lord... though I am a sinner who was lost, You love me still... you give me another second chance and rejoice when I come to Your side. Praise to You, Father for loving me so much... no matter what!

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