Strength to Protect
Judges 3:7-4:24
"'Of course I will go with you,' Deborah answered, 'but you will not get credit for the victory. The Lord will let a woman defeat Sisera.'" (Judges 4:9)
"But Jael, the wise of Heber, took a tent peg and a hammer and quietly went to Sisera. Since he was very tired, he was in a deep sleep. She hammered the tent peg through the side of Sisera's head and into the ground. And so Sisera died." (Judges 4:21)
Ode to strong women this morning... both Jael and Deborah were acting in counter-cultural roles. A woman judge to whom people went to settle their disagreements. And Barak wanted her there at the battle. The Bible itself doesn't say much about Jael in this passage, except that she was the wife of Heber and a member of Kenite family groups at peace with the King of Jabin.
It seems that not only did Jael demonstrate non-traditional roles of women in her strength of action but also non-traditional roles in that she took the initiative to act without her husband's consent... in a way that he would not have approved, since they were 'at peace.' Either way, the Bible is clear in future verses in praising the strength of both of these women and their non-traditional ways of serving the Lord.
Strength of the Lord All-Powerful
Psalm 48:8-14
"Walk around Jerusalem and count its towers. Notice how strong they are. Look at the palaces. Then you can tell your children about them. This God is our God forever and ever. He will guide us from now on." (Psalm 48:13-14)
Oh Lord, this morning I see the strong mountains, I see the strong palo verde trees and the strength of all nature that somehow springs from dry desert land. Thank You for reminders of Your strength and power in all things. I will tell all Your children that You are our God forever and ever... may I listen carefully in this day and every day, to what You are calling me.
Strength to Carry the Cross
Luke 14:25-35
"Whoever is not willing to carry his cross and follow me cannot be my follower. If you want to build a tower, you first sit down and decide how much it will cost, to see if you have enough money to finish the job. If you don't, you might lay the foundation, but you would not be able to finish. Then all who would see it would make fun of you, saying, 'This person began to build but was not able to finish.'" (Luke 14:27-30)
"Count well the Cost!" This is a saying that we as Brethren learn from a very young age... "coined" by Alexander Mack way back when (pun intended, of course). Most COB churches have classes and talks and times of reflection before stepping into baptism. This is an important step of faith, and most people do this in late high school to adulthood, a time when you might truly be able to "count well the cost," to understand the seriousness of this decision. You need to understand what it means to carry your cross and follow... to know what that really means in all circumstances, so that we might not start the foundation of our faith and then leave the worksite abandoned in tough economic times. Lord, as I discern Your will for my life, teach me to count well the cost and once again give my life to YOu and take up my cross and follow obediently, joyfully, and yes... with great strength that You give to me.
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