Sunday, December 28, 2008

Small is Beautiful

The Earth
Zechariah 4:1-6:15

"The people should not think that small beginnings are unimportant." (Zechariah 4:10)

Zerubbabel had just started on the foundation of the Temple. It's like the start of so many New Year's Resolutions, or at least any that will prosper. That means, the beginning was slow. "Slow and steady wins the race." The idea is familiar to all of us, but in practice it's not very popular. We're a society that's looking for instant gratification. Fast whitening toothpaste. Even faster whitening toothpaste. The fastest whitening toothpaste! It's a crazy race to get there first. The same goes for technology. And many are familiar with the failures of get-rich-quick schemes and crash diets. Start small. Master that, and then move on. Small beginning, like those of Jesus... born in a humble manger, are not unimportant. Similarly, every time you plant a little seed of faith in someone's heart, it's a noble and important... albiet small... start.

The Sky
Psalm 148:1-6

"Praise him, all you shining stars." (Psalm 148:4)

Stars are strange to think about. From our perspective, here on earth, they seem such tiny "diamonds in the sky." Little glimmers of light, it is hard to imagine what these celestial bodies really are- huge spheres of light and energy off in the far beyond. They are really not small at all.

I feel the same way about my favorite Christmas presents this year. Though some may think them quite "small," to me they are the grandest gifts I could ever receive! A Royersford girl lunch gathering, a run by the beach with Carol and Jason and Chird, a song played on the piano by Jason and guitar by Eric, visits with many family friends- time spent with the people I love most! I'm encouraged that my Lord appreciates these gifts as well, recognizing that those they seem small, they are grand. And they are just one more reason to praise my Lord... for the blessing of His children.

The Animals
Proverbs 30:24-28

"There are four things on earth that are small, but they are very wise: Ants are not very strong, but they store up food in the summer. Rock badgers are not very powerful, but they can live among the rocks. Locusts have no king, but they all go forward in formation. Lizards can be caught in the hand, but they are found even in kings' palaces." (Proverbs 30:24-28)

I am so blessed to have traveled to so many different parts of this world and seen so many amazing landscapes and the creatures that inhabit those areas. While in Brazil this past Spring, I developed a special affinity for hummingbirds, thanks very much to the Pat and Dick Shreckhise who came to visit me. We found a lovely little cafe where we were content to spend hours watching and photographing and marveling at the beauty of these amazingly fast and splendidly crafted birds. So many different colors and sizes and well-suited to their needs.

It's wonderful to remember the small beauty of the hummingbird, when I myself feel so small in this world. Like the hummingbrid, I cannot do all things- swim across the ocean or dive tunnel through the ground. Still, as this Sunday school song reminds me, I can do my part.

What can I give Him small as I am?
If I were a shepherd, I would give a lamb.
If I were a wiseman, I would do my part.
Yet what can I give Him, I'll give my heart.

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